Xiao Wang's actions this time were quick.

After all, there are no restrictions.

Moreover, this task is not very difficult.

So, it didn't take long for him to convey the director's will.


Don't continue to support?"

Liu Kun was not surprised when he heard the words.

After all, the audience is not stupid.

At the beginning, you may not see it.

But over time, everyone saw it.

This support is just an activity to increase viewership and income.

The performance of the show was much worse.

Although there are still many people who are interested in those surrounding areas.

But, at most, it's just to throw some support money.

The show is probably not going to be watched much.


Liu Kun shrugged indifferently.

Agreed to the program group's plan.

In any case, he was already bored on this deserted island.

It's time to go back to the city.

"In that case, let's fight!"

After Xiao Wang left.

Liu Kun gathered all his companions together.

Tell the situation on Xiao Wang's side just now.

"Are we finally going to fight?!"

Mad Cao was a little excited when she heard the words.

The last few days have been really boring.

He was already a little bored.

Others feel the same way.


"I just don't know what the situation is with the two contestants on the opposite side."

"who cares!

Anyway, our strength is strong, and the enemy can't stop us.

Just roll over it!

"that's right!"

Listening to everyone's words, Liu Kun smiled slightly.

"Okay~. Let's fix it now.

In the afternoon, we will be ready to attack the enemy."

"Boss, do you mean that the enemy's trace has been found?"

Mad grass said in surprise.


Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

Although he has been living a simple and leisurely life these days.

However, there is no shortage of preparations to be made!

Therefore, he had already figured out the enemy's location.

"it is good!"

The crowd responded in unison.

Then started getting ready.


Just when Liu Kun and others started to prepare.

Sun Lingyue and Sun Lingxing also began to prepare.


elder sister!

It's finally time for the final battle!"

Sun Lingxing looked excited.

"We're finally ending our life on this desert island!"


Sun Lingyue was still indifferent.

"elder sister!

How do you think we should win the game?

Will they attack soon?"

"do not know.

However, if we are steady, there is absolutely no big problem."

Sun Lingyue shook her head.

"Don't forget, stability is the key to victory!"


I knew you would say that!"

Sun Lingxing sighed.

For her sister, she really sees through.

Except for stability.

She didn't know what words to use to describe her sister.

"That sister!

What should we do now?"

"Follow me.

We're starting the layout now!"

Sun Lingyue's face was slightly solemn.


Sun Lingxing was a little surprised, "Aren't we making arrangements all the time?"


But it's not enough!"

Sun Lingyue shook her head, looked at the sky, and then said slowly: "I only have 99.9% confidence to deceive the enemy, people.

It's a lot worse!"

Sun Lingxing: "..."

"Is 99.9% still less?"_

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