If the place with the most species of plants is the tropical rain forest, then the ocean must be the place with the most species of animals.

In such a marine world with countless animals, there are not only countless delicious animals.

There are countless dangerous creatures.

Therefore, it is very dangerous when diving.

Because before diving, no one knew what was in this sea.

Like what Liu Kun is encountering now, it is a very dangerous thing.

"Grumble rumble..."

Liu Kun spit out a bunch of bubbles.

At the same time, he quickly threw the stone used to assist the sinking in his hand and smashed it at the dangerous creature.

Then he kicked his legs and quickly swam towards the sea.


Soon Liu Kun surfaced to the surface, and as soon as he pressed the raft, he landed on the raft very lightly.


what happened?

Why did you come back so soon?"

Seeing this, Madecao asked with some doubts.

Liu Kun has only been in the sea for less than a minute, and it stands to reason that he will not be back so soon.

"Did something happen?"

"Met a box jellyfish."

Liu Kun's face was very dark.

The box jellyfish is the most poisonous jellyfish in the world.

After being stabbed by its nematocysts, humans will feel the pain as if struck by lightning.

After that, he will die of organ failure within 2 minutes.

For this kind of creature, Liu Kun is very powerless.

After all, this is the ocean, and his actions are very inconvenient, but he can't compare to this marine creature.

Moreover, the box jellyfish has more than 60 tentacles that can extend to 3 meters away. Once it fights, the probability of his death is really high.

He dared to hit a dozen sharks, but if he encountered such a box of jellyfish, he could only hide as far as he could.

"Box jellyfish?!"

Mad Cao's face changed when she heard the words.

He also got to the horror of box jellyfish.

However, he wasn't too worried.

Because he is the darling of the goddess of fate, Mad grass!

"It's ok!"

So Ma Decao patted his chest and said confidently: "Boss, leave this kind of trivial matter to me!

Look for me, I'm going down!"

After Ma Decao finished speaking, he put his hands together and said very sincerely: "O great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Ma Decao, is about to go to sea!

Please bless your darling and keep me from any danger!"

After saying that, he picked up the big stone and the shovel on the side and jumped into the sea.

Only Liu Kun, who was dazed on the raft, was left.

"Goddess of Fate!?"

Liu Kun scratched his head, feeling a little weird.

"Emotion is still a believer of the goddess of fate?"

Liu Kun doesn't know much about the luck of Mad Grass.

So in his opinion, this kind of prayer should be regarded as something that devout believers often do, right?


The light on the bottom of the sea is very insufficient, and the human eyes will be affected by the sea water, so everything in Mad grass's eyes at this moment is very blurred.

"The boss's eyesight is so good!"

Mad grass could not help but feel a little emotional.

Jellyfish are not easy to find in the sea.

Especially in this situation.

But Liu Kun was able to spot the box jellyfish around at a glance, which shocked Mad grass.

But now is not the time to think about these things, he has to hurry up, find the magnetite before the oxygen runs out, and then make a mark.

So, he was like a sapper looking for landmines, holding a shovel in both hands, and searching for traces of magnets on the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, he kept looking left and right, carefully watching the surrounding situation, to prevent a box jellyfish from suddenly appearing and giving him a sudden.

It didn't take long for Mad Grass to feel that it was going to die, so it hurriedly floated up.

"How about it?"

Seeing the outcropping of Mad Grass, Liu Kun hurriedly asked, "Are there any more jellyfish?"

"I didn't see it, should I run away?"

"Then be careful."

"Good boss."

Mad grass responded with a sound, then took a deep breath and swam toward the bottom of the sea again.

Continue to explore carefully.

However, looking for things on the bottom of the sea is not so easy to find.

Although he made a mark on the tree by the sea, this mark can only determine the approximate location, and the specific location needs a little exploration.

After making sure that there were no jellyfish around, Liu Kun jumped down with the Mad Grass.

The two searched in the sea together.

After the two of them searched so hard, it took more than half an hour to finally find the place with the magnetic force.

It was an unremarkable undersea beach.

However, after digging up the sand, you can see the underground magnet.

After seeing the target, Liu Kun and the two began to dig with all their strength.

However, the progress of the excavation is very slow.

After all, this is the bottom of the sea. Working in the sea with strong pressure, unstable standing, no oxygen, blurred vision and great resistance is not ordinary.

Mad grass worked like this for less than half an hour, and then collapsed.

A man rests on a raft like a dead dog.

At the bottom of the sea, only Liu Kun is digging like crazy.

Working in such an environment has to be said to be a brand new experience.

Liu Kun felt that his muscle strength, which had not changed for a long time, began to continue to grow.

At the same time, the third bottle of enhanced potion, which he had already drank, began to digest quickly.

"No wonder some people like to practice under waterfalls.

Unexpectedly, working under high pressure has such benefits."

Liu Kun sighed, and then digging harder.

After working so hard for 4 hours, Liu Kun couldn't take it anymore.


Lying on the raft and basking in the sun, Liu Kun felt a little sore, but it was very fulfilling. It must be said that it was a wonderful experience.

"Boss, you are so strong!"

Mad grass looked at Liu Kun with reverence.

"This kind of work environment, working continuously for so long before starting to rest.

you really are......

Humanoid beast!"

With this intensity of work, he can only last for less than half an hour, and then he needs to rest for a while to continue working.

But Liu Kun actually worked for four hours in a row before taking a break.

This is simply beyond his imagination!

"It seems that our championship this time should be stable."



There is a situation!"

Mad Cao, who was sighing, suddenly shivered, pointing to the sea not far away and shouting in horror.

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