It seems that Su Xi has subconsciously thought that I intend to use such a condition or something.

Then what will be logical at that time, and then use this condition to do something else?

for example......

Looking for more girlfriends?"

The world is different from the earth.

Animals and plants reproduce faster.

But in humans it's the exact opposite.

Not only is it difficult to give birth, but it is also inherently adventurous.

Especially men.

Some people like to make some bizarre inventions, and then be "killed" as a matter of course.

Some people like more dangerous sports such as parkour, gliding and extreme sports, and then die unexpectedly.

Some people like to travel through the virgin forest, feel the breath of nature, and then be eaten by wild animals.

Therefore, there will be programs like "Desert Island Survival".

That's why this "Desert Island Survival" show is so popular.

Therefore, the mortality rate for men is extremely high.

Therefore, there are many boys and girls in this world.

Therefore, this show will have so many girls participating.

So some policies are completely different from Earth.

For example, there is no monogamy.

Polygamy is perfectly possible, and many people already do.

Although he thought of a very good plan, Liu Kun did not rush to implement it.

Because he felt it was too obscene/trivial.

Let's wait until later.


One night without a word, in a blink of an eye it was the next day.

Since leaving the rubber tapping work to his subordinates, Liu Kun also has more time.

As for sleeping in...

It is because his body is too good and his energy is too abundant, so after 6 hours of sleep, he can't sleep.

After waking up, he began to make generators.

This hand crank generator is very simple.

So after a night of work, plus some rush work in the morning, it's completely complete.

But it's not enough to have a hand-cranked generator alone, you also need a wire.

Making the wire is easier.

A simple wire is made by wrapping a layer of rubber on the copper wire.

Rubber is obtained by simple processing with latex.

After the wires are done, the hand generator is officially done.

However, it is not yet possible to directly use a generator to generate electricity to electrolyze saturated brine.

You also need to make some rubber tubes and purer glass bottles first.

"Although the contraceptive/condom/condom can't be made, the rubber tube is still very simple."

Liu Kun sighed silently.

Contraceptives/condoms/condoms have higher requirements, they need to be more elastic, thin and even, and they cannot be done with their current conditions.

But the rubber tube is much better.

There is absolutely no thickness requirement.

Even, the thickness of a whole rubber tube is not uniform.

And a glass bottle with better light transmission is also a must.

One is that it is easy to see the reaction of substances in the glass bottle, and the other is that it can be used to store various solutions.

At present, because relatively pure quartz has not been found, the kind of very pure glass without bubbles cannot be made temporarily.

It can only make some glass with color, which is not very pure, and there are many bubbles.

However, the rubber tube is easy to say, but if you want to make a glass bottle, you need to make a blower first.

"Fortunately, before I left, I explained that Liu and Hu would make the blow stick for me.

Otherwise, I will waste a few days to strike iron."

With this thought in mind, Liu Kun came to the foundry and started firing glass.

Firing of glass is simple.

It is to collect some quartz sand, add some lime into it to reduce the melting temperature, and burn it in the fire.

He plans to make all the glass windows while making some glass bottles!

Liu Kun sent all the men out to collect quartz sand, and then he started firing glass.

After the quartz sand is softened, wrap it all around the head of the blow stick, and then put it in your hand to blow air.

After blowing it, rub it on an iron rod specially erected on the ground.

In this way, the shape of the glass bottle is changed.

Then continue to soften, blow again, and change shape again.

After repeating this several times, I finally made a glass bottle with many bubbles.

"It's really good!"

Liu Kun looked at the glass bottle he made and nodded with satisfaction.

Then continue making.

After making dozens of glass bottles in one go, he finally stopped.

These glass bottles can not only be used to hold various solutions, but also can be used to hold food or drinks.

So he did a little more.

"So many glass bottles!?"

The three of Liu Deli came back with a large amount of quartz sand on their backs, and when they saw the glass bottles that were not particularly transparent on the table, they were immediately stunned.

"Boss, your efficiency is really too high!?

How long have we been out, and you've made so many glass bottles!?"


Liu Kun smiled and nodded, then instructed everyone to put down the quartz sand.

"Just as you guys are back, I want to change our home, you come and help me."


How to change it?"

"It is to replace the current wooden window panels and replace them with glass windows."

At present, the windows in the "palace" are all wood window panels.

On sunny days, everyone removes the window panels to let in light, making the room brighter, and saving some oil at the same time.

In rainy days, everyone put the window panels up to keep out the wind and rain.

Although on the surface there seems to be no problem.

But there are still many problems.

The first is that there is a lot of rain in the tropical rainforest, so there is more time to close the windows, and it is necessary to close the windows from time to time.

The second is that there are many kinds of insects in the tropical rainforest. Although Liu Kun's dewormer can prevent most insects from entering, it cannot keep all insects out.

After all, nothing in the world is perfect.

Therefore, there will be some bugs flying in from time to time in the house, which is more annoying.

Especially at night, the lights can always attract some flying insects, which is very annoying.

But if there are glass windows and screens, it will all be fine.

Although the idea is very good, there are still many places where preparations are not enough according to Liu Deli and the three.



The three were stunned at the same time.

"Boss, can't you do it?

Boil the glass until soft and press it again to make flat glass.

But we need a glass knife to process flat glass better!

But we don't have glass knives!"

"It doesn't matter~

I have a better way to make flat glass without the way you said~"

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