Now, the game has officially entered a stable stage.

The rest of the players are also players with strong survivability.

So in general, very few people are eliminated.

At the same time, everyone also moved from the initial passive defense to prevent being eliminated by nature, and entered the active attack, eliminating the weak from the competition.

Therefore, Liu Kun is very concerned about the number of people on this bracelet.

After all, by analyzing this number, he can get some information about the contestants on the island.

Just like now.

He got a bad piece of information.

Yesterday afternoon, the numbers on the bracelet finally moved!

From 202, which has not changed for several days, suddenly changed to 201, indicating that a hapless person has been eliminated.

This is also a normal thing.

After all, the numbers haven't changed for so long.

But after one night, the number suddenly changed to 191, 10 less people all at once!

This has some problems.

"Could it be that two big teams are fighting each other?

There shouldn't be so many people..."

Liu Kun thought about it carefully, and felt that it was unlikely that a team of 10 would be killed.

Because this is a personal battle.

The more people there are, the more difficult it is to distribute the final bonus.

So basically there won't be a large number of teams appearing.

"So, these are several teams that started together in the early hours of the morning?"

Liu Kun finally came to such a conclusion.

"Of course, it is also possible that someone used a very cruel method to directly destroy a 10 team.

Kill them all directly!"

Liu Kun frowned.

There may not be no cold-blooded murderers.

"However, these have nothing to do with me for the time being.

Be careful, then go fast, and that's it.

If anyone dares to attack me, they will suffer."

Liu Kun sneered.

He was around his shelter, but made a lot of traps.

These are gifts for friends from afar.

After all, within his "sphere of influence", there are many fruit trees.

And there are also new vegetable fields.

If these things were burned, he would really go crazy.

After stretching, Liu Kun got up to work.

"I must make a batch of chitin today."

Chitin is a natural preservative with antibacterial properties.

It can slow down the rate of decay of food.

With such a thing, combined with the ice cellar, the food can be kept longer.

At that time, when some cans are made, you can ensure that your companions at home and outside will not worry about food problems.

In this way, other contestants can be quickly found and attacked.

"It's not too far from the time to launch the general attack!

However, at that time, it is still necessary to make a convenient contact with a signal bomb or something.

Otherwise, other people find the enemy, but it will take me a long time to know."


While Liu Kun was planning the next step while working.

Not far from them, a man, a woman, a cat and a dog also started a wonderful journey of a new day.

"This guy's trap is really well done."

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and looked at the big pit not far away with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Dogs don't have any reaction when they step on them, only people of our weight will collapse when they step on them.

This is too disgusting!"

"Hoo bro~

Shall we forget it?"

"Why forget it?

They must have a lot of food, otherwise they wouldn't make so many traps.

At that time, we will let the cats and dogs go together, and I won't believe that they can live so unrestrainedly without food!"

Wang Hao sneered and continued to move forward slowly.

"And, I don't believe it, they have so much time to cover this place with traps!

So, these traps must not be too many."

"All right......"

The girl nodded weakly and continued to follow Wang Hao forward.

However, what surprised her was that Wang Hao really seemed to have said it, and there was really no trap for them to walk on the road next!

After walking like this for hours, they came across a banana forest!

"Banana Grove!"

Wang Hao was overjoyed when he saw it, but he didn't let his guard down, so he didn't just rush up.

"There is indeed something!


I just said why they made so many traps, and sure enough, there is something inside!

Unexpectedly, we found a banana forest!"

"Brother Hao, be careful, there must be traps around here!"

Alan's eyes were also full of joy, but he reminded him aloud.

"I know, with that person's character, that he will definitely lay traps nearby."

Wang Hao smiled and started to explore the way with the stick in his hand.

"There are no ripe bananas on the tree, which means they may have just picked it once.

Maybe it was blown away by a typhoon.

But it doesn't matter, I see a lot of bananas that are fast ripening, we can pick them and let them ripen.

Alan, we will finish picking bananas in a while, what should we do with these trees?

Did you cut it to drink water?"

"Okay, bro~

I'm dying of thirst."

"it is good!"

Wang Hao sneered a few times, and then continued to explore the way.

But it is also strange that they did not encounter a single trap along the way.


Why are there no traps?"

Wang Hao was a little confused.

At this moment, he has come not far from the banana tree, but he has not found the trap.

"Is it because they pick so often that they don't dig for convenience?"

"It is possible, but we cannot take it lightly."

"Makes sense."

Wang Hao nodded and continued forward.

However, when they had picked some fast-ripening bananas and hadn't encountered the trap, they were a little dumbfounded.

"Is there really no trap!?"

Wang Hao was both surprised and excited.

"There should really be no traps."

Alan was also very excited.


We earned it!


Ah Lan, why are the bananas over there covered up?

Do bananas also use hoods?"


So fast?"


Let's go and see!"

"Well! Brother Hao, be careful."

"Huh? Is it okay?

There are no pitfalls here.


These bananas do look more ripe.

Sure enough, there are…”



What a pit!"

"Brother Ho!"


Meanwhile, far away somewhere in the grasslands.

A young man kneeled on the ground with a sad face and kowtowed deeply.

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