Goat meat is a very good food.

Although not as tasty as venison, it is still a very good ingredient.

Most importantly, goats are easier to domesticate than sambar.

At the same time, the reproduction rate is also faster than that of sambar.

It's a pretty good meat.

The goat's activity location is relatively fixed, unlike the sambar, which has been in a "migration" state, running from south to north, and then from north to east, without a fixed nest.

Therefore, if you meet a sambar, you are lucky, but if you don't see it, it is normal.

However, in how well a domesticated animal, it is now in a wild state.

It is not easy to drive it down the mountain.


how to do it~"

Su Xi took Liu Kun's arm and asked coquettishly.

"I have a plan~"

Liu Kun did not state directly.

Instead, he started wandering around in the mountains.

At the same time, he looked left and right, as if he was looking for something.

"Here's one~"

Liu Kun pulled out a "grass" with a smile, held it in his hand, and continued to search.

"Found another one!"

Liu Kun was very happy to pull out a "grass" again.

In this way, after a short while, he held a handful of grass in his hand.

"Xiao Bai, take it first."

Liu Kun handed the grass in his hand to Su Xi, and then continued to search by himself.

After being so busy for a long time, he picked up a big bundle of "grass".

"It's almost there~"


Are you planning to be a bait?"

Su Xi also guessed something at this moment.

So with a little curiosity, I asked.

"Yes, it's just bait.

Only with bait can these things be easily attracted."

Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

"But...is the grass okay?"

"Why not?

The so-called animal bait is made from some food that animals like as the main material, plus some volatile things from Titian.

Most animals are not very intelligent, so you can use this to attract animals."

"So that's the principle~"

Su Xi nodded.

Suddenly I have some enlightenment, but I can't grasp the point.

And so did the countless water friends or experts who heard this stuff.

Liu Kun smiled when he saw Su Xi's expression, then raised his hand and patted her head.

"Don't think about it, you can't figure it out.

I've kept a few of them on hand.

Just relying on such a sentence will lead to a dead end.

Is the bait so easy to make?

Okay, let's go and catch the goat~

I'll make you roast whole lamb when I go back!"


Su Xi cheered and followed quickly.

At the same time, the two turned off the camera.

Liu Kun took the opportunity to formulate goat bait.

After preparation, turn on the camera again and place the bait in a downwind place.

Then, start going down the mountain.

At the same time, put the bait on the ground while going down the mountain to attract the black goats.


It turns out that this is the method you said to lure goats~"

Seeing Liu Kun's arrangement, Su Xi immediately understood his plan.


Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

After a while, they set up bait all the way to the foot of the mountain.

"Okay, let's wait now~"

Liu Kun held the longbow in his hand, hid in a very hidden corner, and waited quietly.

Time passed slowly, and after a while, a group of black goats suddenly appeared in the distance.

These goats are scrambling to run down the mountain.

While running, scrambling for the bait on the ground.

"Hee hee~


Look, they're about to fight!"


Liu Kun also smiled and nodded, but instead of rushing to shoot the arrow, he continued to wait.


Yes, there are 9 in total~”

Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

Then when the goats started fighting for the last bait, he finally pulled the bowstring.

swish swish...  

I saw him shoot the arrow quickly, and then shoot the arrow again.

In this way, he turned into a machine gun and fired 18 arrows in just an instant!

Each arrow hit both front legs of the black goat.

In an instant, the 9 goats were shot to the ground.


Brother, your bow and arrow skills are really strong!"

Su Xi was amazed.

It is not too difficult to shoot all 9 goats to death in an instant.

But in an instant, 18 arrows were shot, and the arrows all hit the front legs, which is very powerful!

Because after the first goat fell, the goats were all messed up.

One only started to flee frantically, many with their backs to Liu Kun.

But even so, Liu Kun can still hit all the arrows without a single miss, which is a bit scary!

"This is the real one hundred steps through Yang, one hundred strikes and one hundred hits!"

"Okay, let's clean up now~"

Liu Kun patted Su Xi on the head, then walked towards the goat.

At this moment, some of these goats fell to the ground and struggled weakly, some were full of blood and weak, and some kept kicking on their hind legs to try to escape.

Everyone has their own panic.

Liu Kun hurried over to check it out, and found that he was lucky, not a single one fell to his death.

Of course, it also has something to do with how fast he shoots, and the fact that he doesn't start shooting arrows until all the goats are down.

Some seriously injured goats were treated briefly, and then Liu Kun Su Xi started to make small carts.

"I'll kill the one with the most serious injuries and eat meat, and take the rest back.

as food reserves."


Su Xi looked at the head that had fallen to the ground, and the dying ibex swallowed.

This sheep is not too big, it can be made into roast whole sheep!

"Can you make roasted whole lamb?"

"Of course you can~"


Su Xi cheered and started working hard.

Silly happiness is as simple as that.


After a lot of work, it was night.

The two not only finished the car, but also dealt with the dying lamb.

At this moment, the lamb has become a roasted whole lamb, and it is smelling on the grill.


I actually want to ask a question~"

Su Xi looked at Liu Kun curiously while eating roast lamb.


"Why didn't you deal with those bloodstains and smells today?"

Su Xi pointed to the bloodstains in the distance.

"Do you want to attract something?"

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