
What are you planning to attract over here..."

Su Xi looked around in a panic.

She always felt that the things around her seemed very dangerous.

It made her have to be nervous and cautious.

"Attract something good."

Liu Kun smiled and replied without going into details.

However, he picked up the longbow in his hand, and at the same time closed his eyes and listened, ready to shoot arrows at all times.

"Then what you just sprinkled is a potion that can spread the smell out?"

Seeing that Liu Kun didn't say anything, Su Xi didn't ask any more questions, but turned her head and looked curiously at the strange powder that Liu Kun sprinkled on the ground.

"That's part of the bait potion?"

"Not at all.

It's something I brought here specifically."

Liu Kun nodded, but did not open his eyes, he had been listening to the surrounding movement.

"This thing is rather special.

It's the latest product I've researched.

Only for one creature.

As for what it is, you will know in a while~"


Su Xi sighed, and stopped talking, but held a hatchet and waited quietly on the side.

Liu Kun still closed his eyes and listened to the sounds around him.

He found this feeling very strange.

There is a whole new experience.

Time passed slowly.

After a while, a few snakes suddenly rushed out of the forest and rushed towards the shrew on the ground.

However, after these snakes emerged, they slammed.

Because of these snakes, I sensed the existence of Liu Kun Su Xi!

But when they stopped like this, Liu Kun directly seized the opportunity.


Liu Kun's eyes snapped open, and he quickly shot with an arrow.

Shoot 3 arrows in a row, and kill all 3 snakes that come out!


Liu Kun smiled and put away the bow and arrow, then took the hatchet and walked towards the snakes.


What you are waiting for are these snakes?"


How about it?

Was it a surprise?"

"Surprise what...

But what do you want these snakes for?"

"I'll make you a bag~"


Su Xi's eyes suddenly widened.

"Make me a bag!?"


Surprised or not? Surprised or not?"

"It's really a surprise..."

Su Xi nodded silently.

There was a touch of emotion in her eyes as she looked at Liu Kun.

On such a deserted island, to actually make something for her, I have to say, this feeling is really warm.

Liu Kun didn't see Su Xi's move.

At this moment, he is reminiscing about the miraculous experience just now.

The experience of perceiving everything around you purely by hearing, smelling, and feeling.

"Is this how snakes perceive?"

Liu Kun couldn't help but have a whim.

Of course, snakes have basically no hearing and vision.

Just rely on the perception and smell of the tongue to perceive everything around.

At the same time, they can also sense the vibrations of the earth far away.

This is also the principle of beating the grass to scare the snake.

Although this feeling is not exactly the same feeling that Liu Kun just experienced, it is somewhat similar.

"It seems that my third bottle of enhanced potion has digested a lot again~"

Liu Kun was inexplicably emotional.

He really didn't know what he would become when the medicine was completely digested.

A real humanoid beast?

"Is that medicine special in that it can cover up some flavors?"

Su Xi suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization.


It is a snake after all, its sense of smell is very sensitive, and its perception ability is really strong.

It is really not easy to make bait for snakes.

The bottle just now is my test product.

They are also very sensitive to ground vibrations, but this thing need not be deliberately disguised.

Because as long as the smell is dealt with, they might think the vibration is caused by the food~"


You are amazing~

I feel like you can be a pharmacist."

"I can do anything~"

Liu Kun smiled and patted Su Xi's head, then pulled her to push the cart and continued to walk towards the camp.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly~

My shark fins are probably dry too.

And those noodle fruits, I haven't eaten much yet~

How about we have a bowl of mutton stewed noodles when we go back?"


"After a while, after those soy sauces are ready, we can still have braised beef noodles!

All kinds of noodles!


I can't wait, let's go back soon~"


Liu Kun and Su Xi pushed the cart and started walking towards the camp with piles of things.

This way, the speed is much slower than when it came.

So much so that it was already two days later when they arrived in the territory.

"how do you feel?"

Liu Kun frowned and looked at Su Xi.


no problem."

Su Xi shook her head with a wry smile.

Her aunt Jun came to see her again.

However, it was much gentler than the last time I came.

"It's okay~

We're going slowly, and we're not in a hurry anyway."

Liu Kun helped Su Xi rub her belly, and then sighed involuntarily.

"Sigh for what?"

Su Xi glanced at Liu Kun, "Am I getting fat?"


It feels like being pregnant."

"I bit you!"


just kidding

My little white's stomach is always so flat.

During this period of time, your exercise volume is also quite large, and the vest line appears.

Really nice~”

"Of course~"

Su Xi smiled very proudly.

In order to prevent herself from getting fat, she has always exercised a lot.

"However, will I get those unsightly muscle masses because I exercise too much?"

"I miss you too much~

If muscle mass is so easy to appear, then those bodybuilders would have been crying with excitement.

And, in general, women have a hard time building muscle.

After all, most women have normal secretion of estrogen and not much male hormone.

That kind of big muscle wants to appear, but it has something to do with male hormones.

Therefore, most girls will not develop muscle mass.

Don't worry~"

"That's good!"

Su Xi nodded excitedly.

However, when he wanted to continue to say something, he suddenly saw something, and the expression on his face suddenly changed._

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