Every time you go out, you need to make a more complete outing plan, so as to ensure that everything goes smoothly when you go out.

And this time out, he will naturally make a relatively good plan.

"Brother, have you got an idea?"

Su Xi heard the words and turned to look at Liu Kun.

"How about this trip?"

"I looked at our current supplies today, and then made some adjustments to the planning of this trip.

First of all, the original intention will not change.

We are still going to the old nest of the four of them yesterday, and we will wipe out the rest of their family.

At the same time, get those sugar canes back.

After doing this, we still need to go into the mountains.

The copper mine dug last time is not enough.

This time, we need to go into the mountains to mine again.

As for other things, for the time being there is nothing."


elder brother!"

Su Xi frowned suddenly, "Since you want to mine, doesn't it mean that you need a lot of manpower this time?

How many people are you going to visit this time?"

"It doesn't take too much manpower, this time it's still two people who set off, and the others stay home.

As for mining, I have my own plan."

Liu Kun smiled mysteriously.

This time, he intends to use a very good method to transport the ore from the mountain.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then looked at Liu Kun curiously.

But seeing that Liu Kun showed no sign of wanting to say anything, these talents finally stopped asking.

"This time, Mo Xi and I will go.

I leave the house to Su Xi, and I can find her if I have anything.

As for other arrangements, it is still the same.

Everyone can keep working.

Those sheep don't need to be saved at all.

Eat how you want.

The reason why I came back alive is to give everyone some fresh meat to eat.

There are no other ideas.

Otherwise, there is nothing for now.

I will fix all the traps today and leave tomorrow.

If an enemy comes over while we're not there, try to deal with it.

I have gunpowder left, you can use it.

In addition, if you are free, just prepare some more water and sand in the house.

In this way, if there is a fire, there is a way to deal with it.”



After dinner, Liu Kun started to set up various traps in the neighborhood.

Because Dong Hong and others did not completely pierce the trap last time, it is relatively simple to repair.

However, because of the large number and the length of the journey, Liu Kun repaired it for half a day at once.

The rest of the time, he started making water guns.

In order to prevent the enemy from attacking with fire, you need to have a water gun at home just in case.

This water gun is not difficult to make.

It is to take a can barrel and make something that can be pressurized.

Then it's just a simple water gun.

After completing this thing, Liu Kun did some protection outside the house, and then he was relieved.


Early the next morning, Liu Kun set out with Mo Xi.

They didn't bring too many things, they just brought a tent and some relatively simple tools.

The car didn't come with it.

Because it is more troublesome to push and start, and they still have to look for traces of the enemy.

It's better to wait until the ore is dug, and then make some according to the situation.

The two walked lightly and embarked on a new journey.


"As expected of a veteran~

Even during normal walking, he will habitually hide his traces."

Liu Kun came to the outside of his territory, and began to trace the traces of the enemy to the enemy's lair.

"However, as long as you walk, there will be some traces left."

Liu Kun had already anticipated the fact that the traces were not clear.

So it's no surprise.

Although the forward speed will be a little slower, but it has no effect.

Going all the way, finally came to the destination area in the afternoon of the next day.

"Is the enemy in this area?"

Mo Xi asked blankly.

"It doesn't look very suitable for human existence..."

"Yes, it is indeed not very suitable for human existence.

But it is precisely because of this that it has better concealment."

Liu Kun nodded and answered in a low voice.

Although he has roughly determined the area where the enemy is located, he cannot yet find the specific location of the enemy's shelter.

"If they had built the shelter in a place that was very suitable for human habitation, we would have found it by now.

But now, it's very difficult."

Everyone has everyone's ideas.

Some people like to build shelters in some very hard-to-find places, and then arrange traps around them, and remove the traces when entering and leaving, so as to ensure their own safety.

Some people also like to build shelters in some suitable places, and they don't hide their whereabouts very much, just do some basic protection, because they are not afraid of any danger.

And Liu Kun is the latter.

But I have to say, the former is really disgusting.

It took Liu Kun a lot of energy to find their shelter alone.

"If only I could make a hot air balloon."

Liu Kun sighed silently.

With the hot air balloon, he can look for enemy traces in the air.

This will be very efficient.

But the current materials are simply not enough for him to make a hot air balloon.

So he can only use the most primitive method to search - that is, little by little, searching like a carpet.

"How did you determine that this was the enemy's sanctuary?"

Mo Xi suddenly asked blankly, "Did you find something?"

"No, it's just the traces of the enemy, all of which have disappeared so far.

It disappeared very deliberately, so obviously this is the enemy's territory."

"Then what if we go to find the enemy's resource point, and then wait for the rabbit at the resource point?

This not only saves us a lot of energy, but also reduces our marks."

Mo Xi continued to add.

Generally speaking, all survival sites have resource points.

Otherwise, it will be very difficult for human beings to survive in such a place.

Staying on the sidelines is also a very good plan.

Mo Xi thinks her plan is very good.

However, Liu Kun shook his head.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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