There are not many things that make Liu Kun so excited, and this one is one of them.

This thing is not very useful, but it is very rare.

Most people can only encounter such a thing when they are very lucky.

"It seems that they just stopped talking, probably because of this thing?"

Liu Kun suddenly had some insight into the behavior of those people just now.

At the beginning, he just guessed what information or resources these people wanted to leave to his teammates.

That's why it's so unusual.

But what they didn't expect was that these people actually thought about this.

"Let me see what other good things are left."

Liu Kun put away the things, and then continued to check the things in each tree house.

But this time, there is nothing more special.

Nothing but some refined sugar and some tools.

But he was not disappointed.

After all, this is normal.

If you find a bunch of good stuff, it's really not normal.

"How about it?"

Coming to meet Mo Xi under the tree, looking at the piles of things that Mo Xi put on the ground, Liu Kun asked with a chuckle, "Have you found something better?"

"there is nothing......"

Mo Xi shook his head, then raised his hand and pointed to the objects on the ground, "It's just some food, fruits, medicinal herbs, strange medicines and tools.

The others are gone.

I didn't ask for food, but I took out everything else.

Did you find anything there?"


Liu Kun smiled and took out the contents in his pocket, then stretched it out towards Mo Xi.


Seeing this, Mo Xi was slightly taken aback, and there was a rare expression on his face.

"Is this an eagle?

It looks like he was just born?"


Liu Kun nodded, "It's a cub of ape-eating eagle, it's true that it just broke its shell not long ago.

I just happened to meet it.

It's a kind of fate~"

"You! You!"

When the three people not far away saw the eagle in Liu Kun's hand, they were immediately a little excited.

This is something they finally found and hatched hard!

As a result, not long after hatching, it was directly discovered by Liu Kun!

It's like giving your own efforts to others.

Moreover, you can guess from the closeness of this little eagle to Liu Kun, this little eagle must have seen Liu Kun just after it came out of the shell.

Then it thought that Liu Kun was its mother, and then got entangled with Liu Kun.

What a nonsense this is!

However, they couldn't say anything.

After all, he and others have already been eliminated, and talking so much is all nonsense.

So, they could only grit their teeth and stare, watching Liu Kun and Mo Xi pack up and leave.

"So angry!"


Who is not angry?

But what can you do?"

"Originally, I was planning to find a chance to leave that egg to Dong Hong and the others, but now it's fine.

First I heard that they were eliminated, and then the eagles we worked so hard to create were occupied by the enemy.

This is really maddening!"

"I curse him to be eliminated sooner!"


For someone like him, it will be over sooner or later!"

"If we hadn't been poisoned by him, we would never have lost to him in a real competition!"

"That's right~ If it's really a heads-up, I can definitely get rid of him in minutes!"


"That's right~"

Just when the three were complaining indignantly and venting their dissatisfaction.

Suddenly, a very familiar voice rang in their ears.

"Excuse me, excuse me, can you answer my question first, and then continue to brag?"


The three were suddenly embarrassed.

At the same time, there was a slight fever on his face.

This is a slap in the face!

Red Guoguo's face!

Even if we lose to you, it's okay if you take away all our spoils, and it's okay if you take away the eagles that we have worked so hard to cultivate.

But, you even let us complain and blow things off!

This is a bit inhumane!


We have been eliminated, you hurry up and take your things.

We won't say anything."


Go away, we won't tell you anything."

"Stealing our things, taking away the eagles we have worked so hard to raise, and wanting us to give you a good look and help you solve your doubts?

Dream about you!"


When the three heard Liu Kun's request, they immediately became noisy.

One by one is really iron-clad.

But Liu Kun didn't care when he saw it.


You are eliminated.

No longer a contestant here.

That is, you guys stop talking about the rules protections of this show.

I can hit you all you want.

What's even more coincidental is that you have no strength at all right now.

Now, I'll give you one more chance to think about it.

Can you answer some of my questions?"

"Good to say brother~"

The most ferocious person I just said, immediately persuaded.

He nodded straight to Liu Kun with a smile.

"Brother has questions, as long as we know, we will answer."

"So good."

Liu Kun nodded, "Where are your sugar cane fields?"

"In the northwest, a field about 10 miles away.

There is a swamp not far around there, which is easy to find."

"very good."

Liu Kun nodded with satisfaction, then gave a kick, turned his head and left.

The three fell to the ground, unable to get up at all because their bodies were sore, they could only lie on the ground and watch Liu Kun leave.

He didn't dare to speak, he could only keep killing people with his eyes.


For these three people, Liu Kun did not take it to heart.

It was getting late, he didn't do anything, but tidied up his things and went straight to sleep.

The next day was another very ordinary day.

Liu Kun Moxi got up early and started to cook, eat, pack up, and prepare to go to the sugarcane field to collect the sugarcane, and then talk about other things.

"With so many things, shall we go home first?"

Taking a bunch of stuff on the road, Mo Xi glanced at Liu Kun with a worried look.

"decide as things go.

If the sugar cane there is good, you can go back there."

A distance of about 10 miles is not too far.

Liu Kun and Mo Xi arrived at their destination within an hour.

However, when Liu Kun saw the sugarcane field in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

"I have to go back this time!

I didn't expect such a thing to happen."_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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