
I saw that the big tiger not far from Liu Kun suddenly flicked its tail and knocked out both the feather arrows in front of him!

Then the tiger's speed continued to charge towards Liu Kun.



Liu Kun was taken aback.

This tiger is really much stronger than he expected!

Such movements, as well as strength and reaction speed, can no longer be called ordinary animals.

"Isn't this stuff a jerk?!"



what's going on?!"

"Is this really a tiger?!

So fierce?!"


It's the first time I've seen the island owner deflated!"

"Oh my god!

This is the first time the island owner has suffered a loss, right?"

"I really didn't expect that such a tiger would appear one day, and it would be able to escape the three shots of the island owner!

Incredible, right?

Isn't it good that you can't become sperm?

How can there still be a tiger spirit?!"

"Is this a tiger spirit?!

This must be a tiger spirit!"


Come see the tiger spirit!

Super scary tiger spirit!"

"I don't know if the island owner can beat this tiger spirit...

I'm so worried all of a sudden!"


Also very worried.

This is an unprecedented challenge, and I don’t know if the island owner can beat it?”

"I hope the island owner can abuse this tiger!

You must not be defeated by this tiger, otherwise it will be too miserable..."


When Liu Kun sighed, there were also countless audiences sighing in the live broadcast room.

Countless people have never seen such a powerful tiger.

It's just downright fine!

"Come again!"

However, Liu Kun was not afraid at all.

Instead, he focused his gaze, a slight smile appeared on his face at the same time, and then he started to launch a frantic attack.

I saw that his whole person seemed to be transformed into a mobile shooting platform.

Feather arrows, like they didn't want money, shot towards the tiger like crazy.

Whoosh whoosh!


The tiger was dumbfounded when he saw this.

But it doesn't have much effort to be stunned.

I saw it suddenly roared, and then began to wave its claws and tail continuously, knocking down the arrows in front of it.

That action, the end is a dashing!

However, how could Liu Kun's arrows be so easy to block?

Although the tiger blocked all the arrows in front of him, because the arrows were too powerful, too fast, and too numerous, there were many scars on his body.


The tiger was very angry and roared again.

Seeing this, Liu Kun put away the bow and arrow, and rushed over with a hatchet in one hand.


He seemed to be transformed into a beast, and he roared directly at the tiger.

This scene directly made everyone who was watching the battle dumbfounded.



Is the island owner crazy?

He actually wants to fight the tiger in person!?

Still with this mutated tiger spirit!?"

"It's too scary!?"

"Crazy, really crazy!"

"But it looks really exciting!"

"Is there anything wrong with the island owner?!

Why so crazy?"

"Ha ha ha ha!

This is a bloody battle!"

"I didn't take Liu Kun very much before.

But it's different now.

If Liu Kun can kill this tiger spirit, I will call him the island owner from now on!"


Where the hell did you come out of this cutesy?

Still need your admiration?

Go back and watch your cartoons!"


When there is a lot of excitement in the live broadcast room.

Liu Kun and the tiger also officially fought together.

Although the tiger is very ferocious, Liu Kun is not bad.

After completing the physical strengthening, his physical quality is many times stronger than before.

Although purely in terms of strength, he is still inferior to a tiger.

But his skill and talent are higher than Tiger's.

Moreover, he has a hatchet in his hand that can touch the tiger's claws without injury.

So, one person and one tiger fought back and forth like this.

From time to time, the tigers come to swipe their tails and shake the ground and shake the mountains next to the big trees.

Every now and then, Liu Kun would come to slash Huashan with a force, slashing the tiger to the point of blood on the forehead.

For a while, the two sides really couldn't win or lose.

Countless people watching this scene were stunned.



Is the island owner so strong!?"

"It's incredible, isn't it?!"

"It's really incredible!

Everyone has seen how this tiger defended the island owner's bow and arrows just now.

With that kind of reaction speed and ability, this is definitely not an ordinary tiger!

However, the island owner can compete with such a powerful tiger.


It's just horrible!"

"It reminds me of a certain tiger fighting hero.

But I feel that the islander beat the tiger stronger than that man."

"Didn't you find the key point?

The key point is...

The island owner is still not tired after playing for so long!

Also, haven't you noticed that the island owner has been pressing tigers to fight?

At the beginning, I still rely on skill and agility to play.

But now it has changed!

Every move is head-to-head, the island owner is simply using his own weaknesses to attack the other’s strengths!

Terrible, really terrifying!"

"Island owner cattle batch!

From today, the island owner is my idol!"


The discussion in the live broadcast room became more lively.

However, Liu Kun didn't have the time to care about that.

He was having a good fight with Tiger and didn't want to stop.

Even, several times he was able to kill the tiger in front of him, but in the end he held back and did not shoot.

Otherwise, how could this tiger fight him for so long?


Liu Kun called out with a smile.

He was really bored looking for medicinal herbs recently.

Unexpectedly, I can relax in such a way today.

Really are......


However, he was happy, but Tiger was not happy at all.

It felt very embarrassed.

It naturally knows that the strange creature in front of it is very powerful, and it can kill it several times just now, but it doesn't know why, and it doesn't shoot.

This in turn aroused its ferocity.

After all, it is the king, how can it be so insulted by this strange creature?

So, it attacked more fiercely.

But, it didn't work!

The creature in front of him completely neutralized all its attacks.

It was so frustrating to have it hit.

"It seems that I can only use this trick..."

The tiger silently moved towards, and then...

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