Gu Mingyue felt very desperate at this moment.

Because he found that all his paths were blocked.

At this moment, even if you want to hide, you can't hide.

Because his speed is not as fast as his thoughts, and it is not as fast as a feather arrow in the air.

As for when the powder falls...

This he did not calculate, because these feather arrows are not high.

Just above his head.

"No, I have to fight!"

Gu Mingyue made up her mind, directly covered her head with her hands, and rolled towards the open space in front of her.

It's slow to say, but these things all happened in an instant.

Just as Gu Mingyue rolled out, the bamboo tubes with feathered arrows in the air exploded in an instant.

Countless white powders floated down, directly covering the place where Gu Mingyue was and the places he could reach!

So, when Gu Mingyue finished rolling, he was very embarrassed to find that his body was covered with this white powder.

Moreover, these white powders dissolved quickly and disappeared on his skin in a blink of an eye.

"This... what is this!?"

Gu Mingyue panicked, and quickly took out his water bottle, while walking around, he began to wash himself.

However, just when he was about to finish washing, he suddenly found that the kind of feather arrow tied to a bamboo tube appeared again in the air!

Moreover, that arrow is still coming in his direction!

"Why are you still here!"

Because he was distracted by cleaning his body, this time it was just a feathered arrow, but he didn't dodge it.

Once again overwhelmed by the white powder that fell from the sky.


Gu Mingyue slammed the bamboo tube in his hand and let out a long sigh.

He knew that he might be doomed.

Judging from the opponent's superb bow and arrow skills, the white powder sprinkled on him must not be ordinary.


Even if I'm going to be eliminated, I won't let you down!"

Gu Mingyue was secretly ruthless in her heart.

He knew that since the other party had found their meeting point, it meant that some teammates might have betrayed him.

even been eliminated.

Since his companions are gone, and the enemy is such a vicious person, he also doesn't want to cheapen the enemy.

So, he quickly picked up his bamboo basket.

"I don't know what the effect of this white powder is.

It may be something that can make people allergic, or it may be used to attract animals.

These are all possible.

So, I need to get rid of the effects of this powder on myself as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, he began to rummage among the bamboo baskets.

"Let me find some herbal smears first, if it really must be eliminated, I will destroy all my things!"

At this moment, although he has made up his mind, he intends to destroy everything in himself and not give the enemy a chance to take advantage.

But there was always a little bit of luck.

Thinking that he might be able to escape this catastrophe, so he is not willing to destroy everything he owns.

And while Gu Mingyue was looking for the corresponding medicinal materials, Liu Kun also jumped down from the tree.

Then, without saying a word, he just walked towards Gu Mingyue.

"What do you want to do?"

After Gu Mingyue saw Liu Kun, she panicked.

He always felt that something bad was about to happen.

"I tell you!

The program group has regulations that do not allow contestants to attack each other."

"I know."

Liu Kun nodded, then didn't stop.

"Then what do you want to do?!"

Gu Mingyue was still very nervous.

At the same time, the speed of rummaging for medicinal materials has also become a little faster.

"Send you to meet your friends."

Liu Kun smiled and took out a bamboo tube and poured out the bullet ants inside.

Then slowly put away the bamboo tube.

"A team is all about being neat, isn't it?"

"You...what did you do to them!?"

Gu Mingyue panicked when she saw the bullet ants on the ground, and then heard Liu Kun's words.

"I warn you, you put these bullet ants away quickly, otherwise, I will destroy all these things!"

As Gu Mingyue spoke, she held up her bamboo basket, as if she wanted to use it to threaten Liu Kun.

However, Liu Kun didn't care at all.

Just shrugged casually, "You're free, I don't care."

Then, he continued to look at Gu Mingyue.


Gu Mingyue was very angry.

But there is no time to control Liu Kun.

He now needs to fully defend against the bullet ants' attack.

Although bullet ants are very aggressive, they are still ants after all.

As long as the action is fast enough to trample the bullet ants to death, they will not be attacked by these ants.

And at this moment, Gu Mingyue was holding on to the idea of ​​trampling these ants to death.


Presumably, your white powder is bullet ant bait, right?

First bait me and then let the ants attack me?

Although the method is good, you have misestimated my strength.

Just these little ants, I can solve them all with a few feet.

Who cares about their attacks!

Let me trample all your ants to death, and I'll show you what a heartache feels like!"

Gu Mingyue snorted coldly, then raised her legs, ready to step on the ants.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that his body started to itch.

The itch was so unbearable that his "Golden Rooster" body shook uncontrollably.

"There is still the ability to cause allergies!?"

Gu Mingyue was startled, but instead of scratching the itch, she focused on the ants on the ground.

For him, if he can't get rid of these ants, he will be doomed.

However, at this time.

Suddenly, he heard two "whoosh" sound of breaking through the air, and then looked up subconsciously.

The next moment, he saw a bamboo tube explode above his head, and then some small ants fell from the sky and fell towards him.

"It's over!"

Gu Mingyue's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Feel the pain in the neck, face, and head.

Without any hesitation, he immediately abstained for help.


I can't give you anything!"

After giving up the game, Gu Mingyue suddenly had no regrets, and was ready to start destroying everything in his bamboo basket.

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