
you mean...

I just prayed, and it was successful!?"

Madecao looked at Liu Kun with a shocked expression.

He felt very incredible.

How can I succeed in praying so unbelievably?

"How did they fight infighting?"

"Of course it's a direct fight~"

Liu Kun smiled and shrugged, then took a piece of toasted bread and ate it.

"Is it so powerful?"

There was a hint of excitement on Madcao's face, "Boss, are we going to continue to do any experiments?"

"Of course I will!

What if you don't do it?"

Liu Kun said with a smile: "This time, let's switch to a more fun one.

come on, old horse~

Curse them to knock out a man."

"That's not cursing the boss..."

Mad grass weakly spit out a sentence.

"That's prayer!"


Pray! Pray!

Let's get started~"

"it is good!"

Mad Cao nodded, then folded his hands together with a pious look on his face, and said very sincerely: "O great goddess of destiny!

Your darling, Ma Decao, some are not the opponents of the enemy!

Sincerely hope that the enemy can be reduced by one person, so that your darling Ma Decao can fight better!"

Afterwards, Ma Decao opened his eyes and looked at Liu Kun in a dazed way.

"Boss, it's alright."

Mad grass said something very cute.


Nice job!"

Liu Kun smiled and patted the other person's shoulder, then walked out while eating breadfruit.

"I'll go check the situation~"


Inside the temporary camp of the Wu Fan team.

The atmosphere at this moment suddenly became tense again.

Originally, after they fought, the atmosphere began to become awkward.

No one said anything, just sat there and did what to do.

However, after Wu Fan started the fire again, the delicate balance of everyone was completely broken.

"Wu Fan!

Are you crazy!?"

Liu Ziwen immediately threw the wooden stick in his hand and stood up with a "huh".

"Wu Fan!

I tell you, be honest with me, or I will really make you look good!"


Wu Fan sneered, "Laozi is afraid of you?"


When Liu Ziwen heard the words, he became angry and strode towards Wu Fan.

Judging from his posture, it was obvious that he wanted to fight.

"Alright alright~

Stop arguing!"

Wen Zi got up again and stopped Liu Ziwen, "Let's get ready and attack the enemy!

After the enemy is eliminated, how about we solve the internal problems?"


Liu Ziwen snorted coldly, but he still had some perspective on the overall situation. He did not continue to tease Wu Fan, but sat back and continued to prepare things.

Seeing this, Wen Zi was overjoyed and sat down.

As for the fire that Wu Fan just started, no one cares about it for the time being.

Seeing that he seemed to be ignored, Wu Fan felt even more resentful in his heart.

I saw that he casually put a handful of wet leaves into the fire, and the next moment, wisps of thick smoke rose.

"Wu Fan!!"

This time, the other three were completely blown up.

They never thought why their captain would become so brainless!

Could it be that you didn't eat brain chips when you went out today?

So, the three of them started to put out the fire while talking about Wu Fan.

"Wu Fan, if you make a fire, make a fire~

Don't make so much smoke!

The forest is already very humid, and the wood and leaves are damp.

When you light it, it is smoke, and if there is not so much smoke, it doesn't matter if you light a fire.

But we are near the enemy's camp now!

Once there is thick smoke on our side, the enemy may find us!"

"rtyseyt yhsr!

You have nothing to do, why do you have to make a fire?"

"Let's stay focused!"

After listening to the three of them, Wu Fan looked up at the three of them with a blank expression, and then he didn't say anything more.

He also knew that his actions were really not good.

The reason why he had to do this was mainly because he was angry.

Although he was still angry, he didn't say much more.


He was in real pain.

Just fell into the trap, was stabbed by a pile of wood thorns, and then was beaten by a big man.

That feeling was really sour.

He's not shaking M, so naturally he won't look for trouble again.

As a result, the atmosphere of the entire camp was once again harmonious.



Didn't fight?"

Liu Kun in the distance frowned and looked at the scene in front of him strangely.

"It feels like it's time to fight!

Could it be that the ability of Mad Grass cannot reach that level?

It can only make these people infighting, but it can't make these people completely turn their faces and eliminate one person?"

Liu Kun couldn't help but start thinking about it.

"Forget it, I'll watch it for a while!"


Time passed slowly.

Wu Fan and the four didn't speak, they just sat and prepared things.

After Liu Kun observed it for a while, he turned his head and left.

He felt that Mad Cao's curse this time should be impossible to succeed.

"It seems that the ability of Ma Decao should only have some small effects, but it does not really have a big effect.

Almost, that is to increase a person's luck just a little bit out of thin air."

With such a conclusion, Liu Kun is not too surprised.

After all, if Ma Decao's ability is really against the sky, then I am afraid that even he will be a little afraid of the other party.

"Old horse~

It didn't work this time~"

Liu Kun returned to the room and said to Ma Decao, "I guess your ability should only be able to make the other party fight."

"That's it!"

Mad Cao nodded, not too disappointed, "But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, I am still the darling of the goddess of fate!


Boss, what are we doing now?

Do you want to continue testing?"

"Of course I do!"

Liu Kun nodded, "Although the upper limit of your ability has been tested, some other things have not been tested yet!

come on, old horse~

This time, let's play something even more fun!"


Mad Cao shuddered when she saw the smile on Liu Kun's face, and silently mourned for those unlucky ghosts for 3 seconds.

"Becoming a guinea pig for me and the boss is your luck..."

Ma Decao sighed, and then asked with a curious expression: "Boss, what are we going to do?"

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