Ha ha ha ha!"

When Liu Hong heard the words, he was instantly happy.


You are really good!"

Seeing Wang Ping let go, Liu Hong immediately stood up straight, patted Wang Ping's shoulder lightly, and said happily: "In the future, you will follow your brother!

At that time, you will be indispensable for eating and drinking!"

"it is good!

Thanks bro!"

Wang Ping looks like a dog's leg.

"However, that money..."

"Don't worry~

I'll give it to you tomorrow morning when my boss wakes up!"

With a big wave of his hand, Liu Hong said very boldly: "When our big event is completed, we will still have some awards!

50 million, all of them will be divided by us by then!"

"That's great, Brother Liu!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


In this way, the truth that is about to be revealed soon has been drawn to an end.

However, Liu Kun has no interest in it at all.

Because with his strength, no matter what the enemy knows, he can kill it!

It was just dawn, and he went straight out the door, ready to collect herbs.

He was going to go get the medicine first.

Then, when he came back, let the mad grass pray.

In this way, it can be regarded as "cooling" completed.

This trip.

He didn't bring Su Xi, but Xiang Mo.

After the last hug, the relationship between the two has grown by leaps and bounds.

Now, the last layer of window paper has not been pierced.

Su Xi also acquiesced in the relationship between the two.

In fact, she had already acquiesced in the relationship between the two.

Not only that, she even acquiesced in the relationship between Liu Kun and the other two women.

After all, this is the world of polygamy.

As long as you have money and power, it's not a big deal to find two more.


"Hee hee hee~"

As soon as Xiang Mo went out, he immediately put his arms around Liu Kun, shaking his arms and saying with a smile.

"I haven't been out with you for a long time!

You too, only take Su Xi with you, and you don't know how to go out with me!"

"I'm not thinking about everyone's food~"

Liu Kun smiled, "Think about it, if you go out, how will everyone eat?"

"I can't get hungry no matter what!"

Xiang Mo stuck out his tongue and said indifferently: "Anyway, everyone can cook~

Who does it or not~"

"You're wrong~"

Liu Kun shook his head, "Most of the game is very fishy.

If handled well, it is delicious, but if handled badly, it is really unbearable.

So, cooking in the wild is still very important."


I do not care!"

Xiang Mo shook Liu Kun's arm vigorously, "How about we play outside for two more days this time?"

"not so good!"

Liu Kun rolled her eyes for her, "After we go out, won't we play whatever we want?"


Xiang Mo sighed involuntarily.

"To be honest, I still miss life outside!"

"That's for sure!

We've all been here for five months."

Liu Kun sighed, "If it weren't for the lack of materials, I could build a small city here.

A city with everything!

Unfortunately, there are so few things.

Many can't be done.

A clever woman doesn't cook without rice!"


"My God! My God!

Friends, I don't know if you have found something?!

The island owner seems to be with Xiang Mo too!

The island owner's wife +1?"

"What a fuss!

Isn't the island owner's wife always four?"

"Ha ha ha ha!

Don't these fools still think that the island owner is an honest person?"

"Amazing! It's really awesome!

I just found out about this!"

"As expected of the island owner!

It's just different!"


When everyone in the live broadcast room was crazy and full of emotion.

Zhao Han is also constantly sighing.

"I'm really struggling!"

Zhao Han sighed silently.

Not long ago, he found a contestant, and he wanted to observe it to see if he had any companions.

I want to put these people together.

As a result, it turns out that this person seems to be a single person.

So, he didn't wait any longer, and went straight to deal with this person.

The result was very bad.

Although he eliminated the enemy.

But because the person asked for help too early, and the staff of the program team came too timely, so in the end, the person did not die.

So, Zhao Han once again embarked on the road of finding new opponents.

However, it took a long time to find it.

He never saw anyone.

This made him very helpless.

"There are 78 more...

Sure enough, in the later stage, people are hard to find!"

Zhao Han sighed and drank silently.

He thought of the three people not long ago.

Those three people, the two of them managed to escape using the golden cicada escape plan.

One is to hide in an unknown place, relying on Gou to escape.

All three managed to escape from his clutches in the end.

It left him very unfulfilled.

"What a shame!


what is this?"

Zhao Han, who was constantly sighing, suddenly found a "roll of paper" on the ground, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Because those things were impossible to manufacture on a desert island, they were very conspicuous, and he just saw those things at a glance.

So, he walked over quickly and picked it up.

"There are actually two?"

As soon as he picked up the first one, he immediately found the second one, so he picked up the second one as well.

After that, I opened it and looked at it.

"Youmeng Island is about 300 miles away from the landing point at 2 o'clock.

There are two enemies, very weak."

"Youmeng Island is about 250 miles away from the landing point at 8 o'clock.

There are three enemies, very weak."


Zhao Han was immediately startled.

He thought about what had happened not long ago.

"It's not...

That event?!


It really takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere!"

Zhao Han was very excited, but after the excitement, a new problem appeared in front of him.

"However, this 2 o'clock direction, where is the 2 o'clock direction drawn?"

Zhao Han scratched his head, feeling very depressed.

This feeling is like picking up a treasure mountain in vain, but can't get in at all!

"Forget it, just focus on where I am now!"


"This is?!"

At the same time, a figure also appeared not far from Zhao Han...

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