It seems that our plan this time is half in vain."

Li Shuo sighed deeply.

"However, judging from our luck, it seems that such a result is not unexpected~"

Li Shuo was actually very depressed.

Since I participated in such a game, my luck has never been better.

At this time, he still remembered that at the beginning of the game, he got inside information, saying that there was a coconut crab resource point by the sea.

So, I went over very excitedly, wanting to catch all these coconut crabs in one go.

The results of it?

Was robbed first!

That person, he also inquired about it through his own network.

And then found out that it was a real fierce guy named Liu Kun.


He naturally gave up revenge on this fierce man.

Because he feels that the time is not yet, and he is currently in a state of "Mercury retrograde", which is not suitable for a duel with such a fierce person.

Afterwards, he continued to explore the island based on his excellent intelligence network.

The result was even more depressing.

Because every time the result is not very good.

He always gets nothing.

That feeling is like knowing that the water source in front of you is very good, but the water intake device in your hand is like a bamboo basket.


Wei Di also sighed.

He felt that his companion was right.

Their luck is really too bad!

"I don't know when our Mercury retrograde will pass...

We are so miserable!"



The two sighed at the same time.

They have no way to save the fact that their team is on the verge of collapse.

Originally, they planned to send money to these teams after they got the final bonus.

In the end, he didn't expect that his subordinates had inexplicably performed a divine operation, causing inexplicably many more people in his subordinates.

This suddenly exceeded their original budget, and they couldn't give money in advance.

So the whole team collapsed.

"Are you saying that those show crews will betray us?"

"Don't worry~"

Li Shuo patted his companion on the shoulder, "Don't forget, we are prudent.

So far, who knows who we really are?

So, we don't have to worry.

At most, the staff of these program groups will not be used in the future."

Li Shuo sighed again.

He is now very grateful for his wise decision.

For the sake of confidentiality, he did not tell any staff the identities of the two of them.

The people who know their identities are their hardcore subordinates, so there is no need to worry about these.

And this time they got the news because they still had a line to deliver the news.

The discovered albatross was just a way for them to pass the message.

"Let's go~

We have to continue the adventure.

I hope this Mercury retrograde can pass soon!”

The two sighed again, and then walked slowly towards the distance.

"Ah water retrograde bye~

Ah, bye bye Mercury retrograde~"

Li Shuo suddenly started singing.

Listening to Li Shuo's singing, Wei Di couldn't help but sing along.

"Ah, goodbye Mercury retrograde ~ goodbye ~ goodbye!"

"Whenever people~

Walk through here!

Everyone said what a beautiful flower~"

"Ah water retrograde bye~

Ah, bye bye Mercury retrograde~"

"Ah, goodbye Mercury retrograde ~ goodbye ~ goodbye!"


A blast of thunder sounded, causing both of them to tremble.

The beautiful singing came to an abrupt end.


It will rain when it rains!

Such a fire!"

Li Shuo pointed to the sky and said cursingly, "You are amazing if you are God!"


A flash of lightning struck down, instantly blackening the big tree in front of them and starting to burn.

Li Shuo: "..."

Wei Di: "..."

"God I'm sorry!"

The two bowed to the big tree, and then ran wildly into the distance.

Running and shouting.

"We never want to get out of Mercury retrograde again!"

"Thank God for Mercury retrograde for us!"



A blast of thunder sounded on the grassland, followed by a pouring downpour.

Such a heavy rainfall has restored a trace of vitality to the long-drought grassland.

"elder sister!

It's raining!"

Sun Lingxing rushed out very excitedly, and didn't think the rain was heavy, so he had fun in the rain.

She hasn't seen such heavy rain in a long time!


It's raining so hard!"

Sun Lingxing turned around in circles, "It's much heavier than the rain that fell two days ago~

elder sister!

Do you think it's because the drought is about to pass?"

"Probably not~"

Sun Lingyue frowned and looked at the weather outside.

Of course she won't go out to get in the rain.

As a prudent person, it is impossible for her to put herself in danger - she might catch a cold in the rain!

"It's just entering January, and the rainy season has not yet arrived.

It's raining at this time...

Something's not right."

"What's wrong with this~"

Sun Lingxing didn't care at all, and was still spinning in circles, "Although the dry season is the dry season, it only rains less, not all the rain~

Let's hurry up and get the water!

This is a rare water resource~”


Sun Lingyue glanced at the sky again, then sighed deeply, "I hope I'm worried for nothing..."



Liu Kun suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky, frowning tightly.

"What's the matter~"

Xiang Mo came over a little strangely.

Then along with Liu Kun, they looked into the air, but found nothing.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the rain..."

Liu Kun frowned, "I feel that this rain is not easy.

Something might be wrong..."



Xiang Mo said in surprise.

"How come~"

Liu Kun smiled and shook his head, "With so many trees here, such a situation will not occur.

I'm talking about another possibility.

If it does, it would be a real disaster."

"I wish there was some kind of catastrophe!"

Xiang Mo suddenly became excited, "After all, once a disaster occurs, many players may be eliminated.

That way, we can go back quickly!"

"That's right~"

Liu Kun smiled and nodded.


Xiang Mo suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward.

"Look over there, it's so weird!"

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