Wang Yan felt that today was the real misfortune.

First, when I was sleeping, I was directly attacked by someone.

They all burned out a bunch of big holes in the tent, so they had to flee in the rain, really Damn it.

Then I was drenched in the heavy rain, but my heart was not flying at all.

This made her miss the hot milk tea in the city all the time.

After that, she had a very sad fever.

Originally, she was going to force her way to her destination.

In the end, she didn't expect that when she was only halfway through, she really couldn't hold it anymore.

Immediately passed out.

It fell hard to the ground.

Because she was walking on a stone road, she directly smashed her face.

However, it is also a blessing in disguise.

Because of being knocked, she quickly woke up from fainting.

Then, she felt that her head was buzzing, and her ears were constantly ringing in the ears.

Everyone was a little "stupid".

The next moment, she saw the staff of the two show groups rushing towards her from a distance.

Keep asking about her status.

However, she did not hear it very real, and always felt that all this seemed to be in a dream.

All I could see was blood dripping from my face constantly, and the sound in my ears was loud and quiet.

My heart was beating fast and my breathing was heavy.

Fortunately, she heard what the staff kept repeating.

"Are you going to abstain?"


Wang Yan nodded heavily.

She gave up completely.

Because of her face, all her strengths were instantly shattered.


"I haven't come back after such a long time, it seems to be a lot of luck."

Zhou Guodong sighed.

"It's just that I don't know if I was eliminated by that enemy."

"what should we do?"

Tian Liang was shivering at the moment.

He felt very cold, very cold.

"Tian Liang, what's wrong with you?"

Zuo Zhong was the first to find out what was wrong with Tian Liang.

So he walked over quickly and reached out to touch Tian Liang's forehead.


As a result, Zuo Zhong was stunned as soon as he touched it.

"Why is it so hot!?

You have a fever!"


Tian Liang shivered weakly, he felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he felt that he might fall asleep at any time.

"Quick, go get him some medicine!"

Zhou Guodong said quickly, and then leaned over to check on Tian Liang.

"Are you frozen?

Or infected?"

Zhou Guodong frowned.

If it's a cold, it's fine, but if it's an infection, or another disease, it's not a good idea.

After all, when Tian Liang came, he was bitten by countless leeches, so even if he was infected or sick, it was not impossible.

"The wound is a little red and swollen, and it looks like it's infected. Quickly take out the sleeping bag and let him sleep in..."

"It seems that we really can't go..."

Zuo Zhong sighed while holding something.

When Tian Liang was so ill, it was really hard for them to leave.

Unless Tian Liang was left alone, it would be too much trouble to travel with such a patient.


Tian Liang narrowed his eyes and said feebly: "You guys go first~

I can't do it anymore, I'll just stay here to help you procrastinate.

I feel like I'm very sick right now."

"Rest now, don't talk."

Zuo Zhong snorted coldly, then began to cook the medicine.

Zhou Guodong helped Tian Liang get the sleeping bag on.

As Tian Liang began to rest, the camp suddenly became quiet.

All around was the sound of rain falling on the shed and the ground.

"This time it was really bad."

I don't know how long it took before Zhou Guodong sighed slowly, "We lost two people because of such a heavy rain.

I don't know if the enemy has come after him."

"I feel like there shouldn't be..."

Zuo Zhong shook his head, "He shouldn't be chasing in such a heavy rain.

Moreover, even if he really pursued in the rain, he would not dare to bring any metal.

How could he attack us without metal tools?

So, I think, he should be resting, and he will catch up when the rain stops.

It's likely that Xiaoyan was eliminated accidentally because of something she encountered on the road."

"I think the same as yours."

Zhou Guodong nodded, "Since that's the case, let's wait here for a while...

When the rain stops, it is estimated that Tian Liang will be almost there, and then we will leave."

"it is good!"

The two were silent for a while again, and then Zhou Guodong spoke slowly.

"Take something out and rest for a while..."


You rest first, I'm looking at the medicine and I'm just on duty."

Zuo Zhong said slowly, "Also, I'm not sleepy for the time being."


Zhou Guodong nodded, and without any nonsense, he immediately started to rest.

Time passed slowly, but the accident never happened.

This made Zuo Zhong feel relieved.

The sky was getting dark, but the rain did not stop.

The two kept switching defenses while resting separately.

There was nothing wrong.

Soon it was dawn the next day.

Although the rain did not stop, it also became much smaller.

Just when Zhou Guodong was about to wake the other two to leave together, he suddenly noticed a strange sound.

It seemed that some kind of wild beast was approaching, and it seemed that a group of snakes was spitting out letters.

All in all, very weird.

So, he hurriedly woke the two of them up and prepared to discuss countermeasures together.

"Can you hear what that sound is?"

"do not know......"

Zuo Zhong shook his head, and while quickly packing up his things, he carefully searched around.

However, because the sky was so dark, they couldn't see what was around them at all.

"Is there some animal?"

Tian Liang is also much better at this moment, and he is also a little more energetic. He turned his head and looked around, but he didn't see anything.

"It could be a group of monkeys."

Zuo Zhong said slowly: "When I came, I found that this mango forest was destroyed by the monkeys.

So, maybe the monkeys are back."

"It would be fine if it was a group of monkeys."

Zhou Guodong nodded.

Monkeys are very annoying and disgusting, but they are not life-threatening.

Don't force them to give up.

"Let's pack our things first.

If it were a monkey, our stuff might be destroyed."


A few people started to pack up.

However, at this time, an accident happened...

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