
It's finally done!"

Han Shang looked excited.

Because of the large-scale reduction of contestants, many staff members of the program group have become idle.

Even after being expelled from some "inner ghosts", there are still many of these idlers.

Therefore, the leader of the program team sent these relatively idle people to investigate the "cheating case".

"Cheating cases" are not easy to investigate.

They have been investigating such a case these days.

But there was still no big gain.

Apart from catching a bunch of "inner ghosts", there is really no other gain.

However, just when they were a little frustrated and wanted to give up.

Suddenly there was a breakthrough.

Li Sheng, who was once arrested, finally began to explain some things he knew after some interrogation.

For example, who brought him in, how to get in touch with the people who brought him in, etc.

And Han Shang and others, through these clues, finally locked their eyes on a person outside the island.

This person is the one who joined La Li Sheng, and is also the key figure in this major case.

Maybe, after capturing such a person, the final truth can be obtained.


At this moment, Chen Wei suddenly came to Han Shang's office.

However, Chen Wei's expression was not very good at this moment.

"What’s wrong with you?


When Han Shang saw Chen Wei's expression, his heart suddenly felt a "squeak", and then he pretended to be calm and asked, "Didn't I ask you to contact the police?

How about it?"


Something happened~"

Chen Wei said with a dejected expression: "That man ran away!"


As soon as Han Shang slapped the table, he immediately roared.

Then he stood up and began to circle around the office.

"how so!

how so!?"

After walking for a while, he turned to look at Chen Wei, and continued to ask, "What did the police say?"

"It said yes will continue to help us with our investigation.

Nothing else!"


Han Shang sighed, "Then continue to stare first~"


After seeing Chen Wei leave, Han Shang took out a stack of papers from the drawer.

These papers are filled with various names and information, which are the details of the contestants.

Looking at these materials, Han Shang fell into deep thought.

"Who will it be?"





Li Shuo sneezed three times in a row, "Fuck!

Is someone thinking of me?"


Wei Di laughed immediately when he heard the words, "Old Li~

If you think too much, who will miss you~

It's true that someone will scold you~"

"Fuck you~"

Li Shuo glared at Wei Di, "But speaking of it, when will our Mercury retrograde pass!"

"This is really hard to say~"

Thinking of what happened these days, Wei Di felt a burst of distress.

They are still in "Mercury retrograde" these days.

They once saw an elephant that was about to die, so they stayed aside, hoping that after the elephant died, they would go up and pick up a bargain.

As a result, the elephants were waiting to die, but they were not the ones who picked it up, but three leopards!

The leopard that suddenly appeared was really so angry that their livers hurt.

But there is no way, who made them have no confidence to kill these three leopards?

So they went to the enemy's camp while continuing to look for food.

As a result, I came across a coconut grove.

Just as they were very excited to pass by.

But I found that the coconuts in the coconut forest had already been picked!

This made them both angry and speechless.

However, they were not discouraged.

After moving on, they soon arrived at their destination - a contestant camp obtained from the intelligence.

According to the information, this camp is the location of a group of relatively weak enemies.

So, they just came.

The result left them speechless.

Because the contestants in this camp have all run away!

This made them run around in vain, but found nothing.

This made them very helpless.

But there is no way.

"I wonder if our information transmission speed is a little slow?"

Li Shuo and Wei Di turned off the camera, and then began to discuss.

"Look, every time we go to the place of intelligence, we can't always get what we want.

It's really annoying!"

"It shouldn't be a problem with our intelligence..."

Wei Di shook his head, "It should be the reason for our Mercury retrograde.

If it's a matter of intelligence, then it's impossible for us to know the intelligence about the three immortal cultivators and the two worm-eating people."

"That's right~"

Li Shuo nodded. He thought of some information they had obtained a long time ago about "Three Immortal Cultivators" and "Two Brothers Eating Insects".

I know these two teams are relatively weak.

But only there.

Because they don't have a map of Youmeng Island, although they know a lot of information, they can't find the location of the enemy at all.

This is very annoying.

Only when the enemy is constantly walking and passing by some more symbolic "signposts" can their team be able to analyze the enemy's location.

And these two enemies, who are very easy to eliminate, don't move very much, so there is no chance to know the positions of these two teams at all.

As for the Sun Lingyue sisters, who are more capable than these two teams...

Then there is nowhere to be found.

"It's really hard for us!"

Li Shuo sighed, "I feel that we are the most unlucky boss in the world!"


It is similar to Li Shuo's self-confessed unlucky situation.

Zhao Han also felt quite unlucky.

"I feel that my powerful boss is really the most unlucky!"

Zhao Han reluctantly took out a feather arrow stained with poison dart frog venom.

He looked very cautiously at the behemoth not far away.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing...

How depressing!

I really don't have enough poison arrows!"

Zhao Han sighed, and he thought of a person he met not long ago when he was catching poison dart frogs.

"When will my luck be better?


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