Li Junrong was shocked when she saw Zhao Han's smile.

As a retired special forces soldier, her intuition and ability to perceive dangerous things are very powerful.

Therefore, the moment she saw Zhao Han, she knew that this person was definitely not a simple person.

Moreover, this person brought her a very strong sense of threat, and it was the kind of very deadly sense of threat!

Especially the smile of Zhao Han just now.

It made her hair stand upright.

Really scary.

"This person is absolutely dangerous!"

A strong vigilance rose in Li Junrong's heart.

At the same time, observe the other party very cautiously to see if the other party has any signs of preparing to be poisoned in the water.

After realizing that the other party did not intend to poison, she finally took a long breath.

"Who is this person?

Why does it give me such a strong sense of oppression?!"

Li Junrong was very surprised.

She has also seen many contestants, but there is really only one that can give her such a strong sense of oppression.

"Could it be that he is the legendary Liu Kun!?"

Li Junrong couldn't help but think of Liu Kun.

After hearing the announcement about Liu Kun on the radio, she knew that Liu Kun was her real opponent in this competition.

I didn't expect to meet you so soon.

"I really don't know who is cheaper!"

Li Junrong looked at the number on the bracelet, "72 people.

I once thought that the match between the two of us should be the final top 5 or the top 10.

No wonder we met so early!

Really are......

The world is impermanent!"

She sighed silently in her heart, and then Li Junrong looked at Zhao Han and said loudly: "Liu Kun, although I don't think it's a good thing for us to fight so early.

But since we have met, it is also very good to have a peak duel in advance.

I hope you don't disappoint me too much!"

After saying that, she turned around and walked away.

Zhao Han: "???"



Did you see it!?

Zhao Han's face turned black in an instant!"

"Hahahaha! I'm dying of laughter!

I saw!

Really miserable!

Suddenly my face turned black...

However, I think, if it were me, I would probably turn black in an instant, right?"

"It's really embarrassing!

I think Zhao Han must be beeping in his heart now, right?"


really interesting!

However, is Li Junrong really too confident?!

In fact, I feel that the battle between Liu Kun and Zhao Han is the real peak match!"

"Do not!

The battle between the island owner and Sister Yue is the real pinnacle of showdown!"


I really wanted to see that the island owner tried so hard to kill Sister Yue, but she was very embarrassed to find out, Sister Yue's stunned expression when she was reborn again.

It must be very interesting!"


It's coming soon!

I feel like I can see it soon!"


When the live broadcast room was full of excitement, Zhao Han was really stunned.

He was very surprised at the moment, where did the woman in front of him have the confidence to think that the battle between herself and Liu Kun would be the final peak battle?


It seems that my deterrent is still very strong!"

Zhao Han looked at Li Junrong's back and thought silently, "If it wasn't for my strong deterrence, she wouldn't be able to regard me as Liu Kun!"

Zhao Han naturally knew about Liu Kun.

After all, the program group has made announcements.

Not only that, he has long regarded Liu Kun as his own imaginary enemy.

"Since you are wrong, then admit it first~

When you are about to die, I will tell you the truth of everything!"

Zhao Han silently took the water, and then quietly followed Li Junrong.

He plans to kill Li Junrong tonight!


Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was dusk.

At this moment, Liu Kun and Xiang Mo are hiding behind a small tree, quietly watching the beach not far away.

At this moment, on the open-air beach the size of a football field, there are countless Surat pheasants laying eggs!

After a busy day, they finally dug these holes.

The lazy Surat pheasant does not like to hatch eggs by himself.

They like to bury their eggs in the sand and let the eggs hatch by themselves using the heat of the sand.

It can be said that it is convenient for the majority of predators.

"You say, after their eggs hatch, do they come back to see their offspring?"

Xiang Mo asked curiously.

Although she asked such a question, she already had an answer in her heart.

"Of course he won't be back."

Liu Kun shook his head, "Since the eggs have been buried in the sand pit, that is to say.

You are already a mature egg, you have to learn to hatch by yourself, find food by yourself, and grow by yourself~

Just like those turtles~"

"It really is!"

Xiang Mo sighed and started looking around.

She felt that at such a critical moment, some predators should appear to kill birds and eat eggs!


Why haven't the predators been seen?"

"Aren't we~


After Liu Kun made a small joke, he continued: "Because it's still early.

After a while later, when the sky is completely dark, the predators will appear to steal their eggs and eat~"

"That's it!"

Xiang Mo nodded, somewhat understanding what Liu Kun meant.

After all, these Surat pheasants are birds, not slow-crawling sea turtles.

Therefore, it is difficult to catch a few predators when they appear.

It's better to wait for them to lay eggs, come and dig eggs to eat!

As soon as he thought of eggs, Xiang Mo was instantly excited.

"Hey hey hey hey~

It's five times the size of an egg!"

Xiang Mo couldn't help but start to think about how he should be a Sura pheasant egg.

Time passed slowly, and these Surat pheasants also completed the work of laying eggs and began to bury the pits with their claws.

In a short time, the sand pits where the eggs of the Sulla pheasants were buried were all buried.

The Surat pheasants who had completed their missions also began to fly away in pairs.

"The opportunity is here!"

Liu Kun smiled slightly and took out the bow and arrow.

He has entered hunting mode!


At the same time, Zhao Han also muttered something in a low voice.

"The opportunity is here!"

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