Why are you following us?"

Xiang Mo turned his head to look at the tiger.

asked suspiciously.

After they had breakfast, they walked towards the shelter again.

As a result, the tiger actually followed behind them and seemed to want to go back with them.

This made Xiang Mo feel a little out of touch.

After all, this silly tiger just jumped at her!


The tiger stopped stupidly, tilted his head and glanced at Xiang Mo, as if he didn't understand what the other party meant.

"I said, why are you following us?"

Xiang Mo hurriedly told the tiger again and again.

Then Tiger seemed to understand what Xiang Mo meant, nodded again and again, and continued to follow them.

Xiang Mo: "..."

"Is this tiger a fool!?"

"I look like~"

Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

He has always followed Tiger's side, mainly because he doesn't fully trust him.

"I feel that this tiger is really stupid.

It's completely incomparable to the clever treasure-giving tiger we met once!"


What a fool!"


Tiger didn't know what was going on, but suddenly nodded excitedly.

Seems to "understand" Liu Kun Xiangmo's words, admitting that he is a fool.



I suddenly really feel that this tiger is so cute!

Why do you suddenly want to touch this tiger?"

"Don't look at this tiger's strength, but he is really stupid!

Ha ha ha ha!"

"I feel that the tigers we have seen now are very strange!

You see, one is a fool who eats grilled meat and grilled worms.

One is a fool with developed limbs but a stupid head.

All in all, they're all idiots!"

"No way!

I want to go to the zoo to see it!

I really want to touch the tiger all of a sudden!"

"I'm going to see the tiger in the live broadcast room of Qian Duoduo!

I feel like a tiger eating barbecue is more adorable!"



While Liu Kun was talking about tigers in the live room.

Tiger Dameng also suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit the barbecue in front of him.

It recently learned a whole new way to play!

That is......

Let someone feed it meat!

It's a whole new experience, and it makes it very happy.


Beside Tiger Dameng, the little lion was also happy at the moment.

Because it has also learned such a new way of eating!


Qian Duoduo served the tiger Dameng in front of him, and he felt so tired.

He is obviously a person, but he feels that he is not as good as a dog.

"I'm really having a hard time!

Why, why does this broken tiger like such a way of eating?

It's amazing!"


Mei Jinxin also let out a long sigh.

But after looking at the numbers on the wristband, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But fortunately, we don't have to hold on for too long!

Now, there are only 72 people left.

We'll be home in about two months!


I don't know if we can make it into the top ten!"

"top ten?"

Lin Chu glared at Mei Jinxin, "Brother!

You really dare to think!"

After that, he hurriedly fed the roasted worms in his hand to the warthogs and meerkats in front of him.

"That's the top ten!

What about us?

We are scumbags!

I feel like it's pretty amazing that we can make it to the top 50."


Not always!"

Mei Jinxin shook his head, "Xiao Lin, you don't know, our luck is very good.

Maybe, we can enter the top ten very smoothly~

If you don't believe me, let's go and see~"


"Really, if there were two more dishes, the three of them wouldn't drink like this!"

"Get out!

My urine is yellow! Let me wake them up!"

"Ha ha ha ha!

Sanzhen is still so confident!

I don't know if it's because they eat too many bananas!"

"I feel it!

Must be too tired, right?

You have to feed the four divine beasts every day, just like a slave, so stupid?"

"However, this tiger is really cute!

It feels better than the island owner's tiger!"

"Do not!

I feel that the tiger on the island owner's side is cuter and better!"

"Do not!

It's the tiger here!"

"Do not!

It's there!"

"To tell the truth, I really want to touch the tiger's belly!"

"No way, friends.

I'm on my way to the zoo now.

Today, I must touch these tigers!"


On the Internet, there was a sudden rise of tiger fever.

Countless people want to touch the tiger, which is a very strange phenomenon.

However, this is not a big deal for Liu Kun.

Because they suddenly discovered that it would be a good thing to have such a tiger by their side!

"Hurry up and work!"

Liu Kun smiled and said to the tiger not far away.

Right now, that tiger is pulling the cart!

Yes, it's the pull!

Liu Kun didn't leave when he saw the other party, and he had to guard against it all the time. It was very troublesome and troublesome, so he tied a rope directly to its body and let it pull the car for them.

Let's not say anything else, if this pulls the car, the tiger is really good.

Fast and steady.

The key is......

This tiger is rather stupid, but he actually likes it more and more!

It's really weird!

"This guy really has a husky personality~"

Liu Kun sighed silently, then turned to look at Xiang Mo, "You are a perfect match!"

"What is the perfect match!?"

When Xiang Mo heard the words, he immediately became angry.

Eyes widened, he said, "Are you saying that I look like a husky!?


You wait!"

"Is not it?"


Xiang Mo glared at Liu Kun again, "So, wait, wait for me to kill you!"

"Hahaha! Okay~

We'll be here tonight!"

"whispering sound!"

Xiang Mo rolled his eyes and ignored Liu Kun.


Time passed slowly, and it was night in the blink of an eye.

The "Desert Island Survival" program started as scheduled.

After a very old-fashioned opening remarks, the host Cao Bin finally entered the topic.

"As our show goes on and on.

There are also many problems before us.

Today, I'm going to talk about a very serious question!"

Cao Bin's expression became unusually serious.

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