Zhao Han smiled "handily" and took out some strange things.

It was what looked like clumps of hay.

After he took these things out, he threw them directly into the burning fire not far away.

Immediately after, thick smoke came out from the fire.

This thick smoke exudes a very choking smell, making people want to cough when they smell it.

At the same time, it can also cause sore eyes.

This is also a method he specially made to deal with Li Junrong.

Of course, he didn't think that such a little thing could eliminate Li Junrong.

The purpose of his visit this time was just to disgust Li Junrong.


This time, see if I don't smoke you into tears?"

Zhao Han thought very proudly.

However, it didn't take long before he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because it has been a long time since he set the fire.

However, in the shelter not far away, no one came out!

"what's going on!?

Why don't they come out?

Is it...

Killed by me?"

Zhao Han thought of such a possibility, but in the end he smiled and shook his head, denying his own idea.

"No, it's impossible~

Her strength is very strong, it is impossible for me to kill her with such a blow~

definitely is......

It must be authentic!"

Zhao Han's pupils shrank immediately, and then he didn't wait around for Li Junrong to come out, but ran directly into the distance.

He wants to expand the range to find the enemy's underground passage exit!

"I am so silly!

I never thought she would have such a means!

Really are......

It's really careless!"

At this moment, he was quite sure that the enemy had an underground passage.

After all, absolutely no one can endure such a terrifying thick smoke.


After a while, Zhao Han finally found the exit of the underground passage.

Looking at the exit that has been completely destroyed, he is not too sad in his heart.

Because he has completely regarded this enemy as an opponent of the same level as his own level!


It's not too bad either...

At the very least, I have destroyed an important enemy base!"

Zhao Han's face once again showed a "hanhan" smile.


Unexpectedly, I could meet an opponent no weaker than Liu Kun here!

It's really rare!"


"This Liu Kun is actually quite strong, it's really good!"

At the same time, Li Junrong was also sighing.

"No wonder, no wonder he can be named and praised, he really has a hand~"


At the same time, Liu Kun, who has been compared with them, is still sleeping...

The night passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was a brand new morning.

Liu Kun Xiangmo took the tiger Master Kong and quickly rushed towards his old nest.

Because of the help of Tiger Master Kong, their forward speed is also much faster.

So that after 5 days in a row, they were very close to their shelter.

"It's really a lot faster!"

Liu Kun looked at the distant scenery and couldn't help but sighed deeply.

If he had known that the tiger was so useful, he would have gone to train the tiger.

"It worked~

Master Kang~"

Liu Kun patted Master Kong on the head and threw an egg at it.

I don't know why, but recently Master Kong suddenly fell in love with bird eggs.

Fortunately, Liu Kun dug a lot of eggs last time, otherwise it would not have been enough for Master Kong to eat.

"Although it's easy to use, it's a bit expensive~"

Liu Kun sighed silently, and then went hunting with Master Kong.

"It is estimated that there are still 2 days before you can go home!

I don't know, how is the situation at home now?"


Just when Liu Kun was thinking about the situation at home.

The people in his family are also thinking about him.


When are you coming back!"

Ma Decao stood in the post room and sighed silently.

"I was wrong!

I shouldn't have prayed indiscriminately!"

Mad grass feels like he is really shooting himself in the foot.

Nothing to do for yourself!

Because in Liu Kun's territory, all kinds of crops have grown out of production, and there is a sufficient supply of bananas.

Not far away, there are breadfruit and other products, and the days are very good.

Therefore, everyone's daily work is actually too boring.

The same is true for madgrass.

After he felt very bored, he once quietly made a wish.

That is to want your ordinary life to become more interesting!


As a result, the enemy appeared!

This made him very depressed.

"O great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Ma Decao, doesn't want enemies!

Your darling, Ma Decao, just wants to have some fun!"

Mad grass felt very helpless.

But there is no other way, you can't really scold the great goddess of fate, right?

So, he could only make a wish again.

"O great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Ma Decao, has been bullied by the enemy and can't do it anymore.

Do your best, and help me drive these enemies out!"

Mad grass folded his hands together and kept praying.

He wants the goddess of fate to help him decide.


Not far from Liu Kun's camp.

There are two small tents standing in the woods at the moment.

This is exactly the enemy in Madcao's mouth!

"I didn't expect the enemy's house to be so luxurious!"

Xiu Yi looked at the house not far away and sighed silently.

That expression, that tone, was exactly the same as all the people who came here.


Not only is there such a big house, you look at the landscape plants in the yard...

Also, the farmland out here!

There is still a circle of fences outside the farmland, and there is actually a layer of fences outside the fence.

It's just too scary, isn't it!?

How much manpower do they have to waste!"

Yang Ziming was dumbfounded and looked at everything not far away, also in a daze.

"The team in this place either has a lot of people or has a strong strength."

Zhuang Yu nodded and said solemnly, "This is simply incredible."


Are we going to continue attacking them?"

The youngest Lu Ling suddenly asked, "I feel like we can't beat Yazi..."

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