it is good!"

"I feel fine~

There must be no problem with the way the elder brother pointed out."

"that is!"

After hearing Xiu Yiyi's words, Zhuang Yu and the others nodded.

They are now in the enemy's territory, and they may be exposed at any time, but they are hunted down.

Therefore, if they can save time, they are naturally very willing.

Moreover, in their opinion, it is very reasonable to arrange some traps around the resource point.

However, no matter how many traps you set up, you still have to come over to pick these resources.

If there are traps all around, it is obviously unscientific.

After all, you can't always fill in your own traps every time you come to pick, and then go to pick?

Therefore, it is very reasonable and convenient to take such a "small road".

"Okay, let's hurry up~"

Xiu Yi smiled and nodded, then walked towards the breadfruit tree first.

"We're really running out of time now.

After all, the enemy really may find us at any time and follow us."


The other three nodded and quickly followed.


Just as Xiu-11 and the four people withdrew the tent and were about to leave.

Mad grass has already obtained information from Xiao Hui.

After hearing such a piece of information, although he was very happy, he was not overly happy.

So, he took Liu Deli and Hu Xin directly and started to track down Xiu Yi.

At this moment, they have come to the vicinity of the breadfruit tree, and they are observing this side with telescopes in the dense forest in the distance!

"Old horse~

Are we attacking now?"

Liu Deli touched his head, where some hair had grown, his eyes were full of coldness.

He is the most hated person who wants to destroy other people's resource points.

"These bastards must want to pick some of our breadfruit and destroy our breadfruit tree!"

"That's right!"

Hu Xin nodded again and again, "These four bastards have absolutely no good intentions!

The way you look at them!

This is definitely a bad idea!"

"No hurry~"

Madecao shook his head, with an odd smile on his face, he pointed to the path they were about to walk.

"They don't know our agency.

Under the premise of not opening the organ, if you go there rashly, it will really be finished~

However, before that, I need to do some preparation~"


Hearing this, Liu and Hu looked at Mad Cao with some doubts.

Then, seeing Mad Cao folded his hands together, showing a very pious expression, he began to pray.

"O great goddess of fate!

Your darling, Ma Decao, especially hope that my trap can be successfully triggered!

Please bless your pet!

Let this well-placed trap work!"

After that, he put his hand back where he was, turned his head to look at Liu and Hu, and smiled wickedly.

"Get it done!

They will understand that time cannot be saved, such a truth!"

"Old Ma, you can do it."

Liu Hu and both gave thumbs up at the same time.


Just when Mad grass started to pray.

Near the breadfruit tree, Xiuyi and the other four also began to approach the breadfruit tree.

Because the traps they found were only the outermost circle of traps.

Therefore, through such a circle of traps, only the outermost path can be seen.

It is impossible to enter the core range of the breadfruit tree just by knowing such a little way.

Therefore, if they want to reach the core area of ​​the breadfruit tree through such a small road, they need to explore this small road while exploring around the small road to find other traps.

In this way, it is possible to truly explore this path.

And now, Xiu Yi-4 is doing just that.


This road is really wide~”

Yang Ziming said with a smile: "It feels like two people can walk side by side.

That is, the outermost opening is relatively narrow~”

"That's for sure!"

Zhuang Yu rolled his eyes, and then said angrily: "The opening at the outermost is small, to prevent the enemy from finding this way.

Later, it is wider, because it is convenient for their own people to pick resources.

So, this arrangement is very reasonable.

If I were to design this road, I would be here too."


I found something rather special!"

Suddenly, Lu Ling, who was at the back, said, "There is a small mark on the ground here.

Very inconspicuous.

If I hadn't ripped off the thick layer of floating soil on top, I would never have found it!"


Zhuang Yu turned his head and looked over with some doubts, only to see two very small marks.

The mark was right next to the two traps next to the path.

As if to say that there is a path here.


I see!

It must be their own insider's mark.

As long as you see such a sign, it means that the trail is near here!

It looks like we didn't go wrong!"


It must be like this~"

Yang Ziming smiled and nodded, probably because things went smoothly and the enemy didn't follow him.

So he was more excited at the moment.

"Let's hurry up~

Pick these breadfruit early, then cut down the tree and hurry up!

After all, we don't have enough time~"

"Yeah yeah~"

Lu Ling nodded again and again, "To be honest, I haven't eaten breadfruit yet!

Heard it was delicious!

After baking, it tastes like bread!

This time, I must try it!"

"Yeah yeah!

Brother, hurry up!

We are running out of time!

Don't let the enemy find out!"

"I know, I know!"

Xiu Yi rolled his eyes, "Hurry up, shouldn't I also slowly investigate these traps?"

After saying that, he didn't say anything more, but continued to move forward slowly.

Not long after, the four had completely entered the trap circle.

In the end, Lu Ling was more than 2 meters away from the outermost trap.

However, at this time.

Everyone suddenly heard a "boom", and then...

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