woohoo woo..."


A series of strange voices kept ringing around Huang Haoran and the three of them.

Make them stand upside down.

"This...is this a ghost!?

It must be a ghost!"

Zhi Guangming's voice trembled a little.

He was very frightened when he heard these voices.

"What kind of sound is that!"

"To shut up!"

Gu Ximing glared at Zhi Guangming coldly.

Originally, he wasn't so scared yet, but after being told by Zhi Guangming, he was also a little scared.

"Let's find it quickly!

Look for another hour, if you can't find it, we will withdraw!

Also, we're in enemy territory now, so be careful!

and also!

Don't forget to observe our enemies by the way, so that we can attack them in the future!"

"Yes, boss!"

The two should be at the same time, and then continue to walk forward.

The cold wind around them kept blowing, making them feel very cold.

Coupled with a burst of strange noises, it also made them feel very strange.

"Is there something strange around here?"

Zhi Guangming hugged him tightly.

"I feel like there must be something around!"

"do not talk!"

Gu Ximing glared at him again, "Let's go quickly!

Let's go faster, and we can find Pharaoh earlier!"

"All right!"


Just as the three of them were constantly searching for the trace of Wang Yuhang in the forest.

Liu Kun and Ma Decao were hiding in the shadows, watching them quietly.

"It's really interesting~

Old Ma, how do you pray like this?"


What I'm praying this time is that the boss at the head will suddenly be afraid of ghosts!

And, I still pray silently~”

Mad grass smiled very strangely.

"This time it should be successful!

I'm already feeling the signs of success!"

“Very good~”

Liu Kun smiled and nodded.

They are still experimenting this time.

Test the ability of mad grass to pray silently.

During the day, I did a small experiment with a few people, and the effect was ok.

However, only one set of data is not enough.

A few more sets of data are needed.

So, there is this test.

"I hope they can enjoy it~"

Liu Kun looked at the three people not far away.

I also felt a little strange in my heart.

Because they didn't do any tricks at all.

The voices in front of you, as well as the ghost-like situations, all appeared unexpectedly!


"Why do I still feel like a ghost!"

Zhi Guangming couldn't hold back and spoke again.

As a result, when he said this, Gu Ximing suddenly became angry.


Then try it again!

Believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

Gu Ximing was so angry that Huang Haoran and Zhi Guangming were stunned.

They never thought that their boss would be completely angry because of such a trivial matter.


"What’s wrong with you!?"

The two looked at Gu Ximing cautiously.

In the end, Gu Ximing turned his head and strode forward because of embarrassment.

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Maybe I'm too annoying?"

Zhi Guangming and Huang Haoran did not follow in time, but looked at each other.

However, just when they wanted to quickly follow.

Gu Ximing, who was not far away, suddenly exclaimed, and then stepped back suddenly.

"Mom! Ghost!"

In just an instant, he retreated to Zhi Guangming and Huang Haoran.

He kept backing away and kept shouting.

That expression, that action, was even worse than Zhi Guangming just now.



Zhi Guangming and Huang Haoran showed a little embarrassment on their faces.


Have you ever met someone who is afraid of ghosts!?"

Gu Ximing completely abandoned himself because of the exposure of his embarrassing incident.

Turning his head to face the two of them, he cursed angrily, and then strode forward abruptly.

However, before he could go far, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at Zhi Guangming.

An embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

"You two don't take what happened just now...

I'm in a bad mood today because of Pharaoh's accident."

"No no~

We didn't care at all!"

"Yes sir!

In fact, I am more afraid than you!"

Zhi Guangming and Huang Haoran hurriedly waved their hands and shook their heads.

"Then let's go back to sleep after exploring here..."

An embarrassed and kind smile appeared on Gu Ximing's face.

Then turn around and leave.

However, there are always some very scared movements and expressions on his face from time to time.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Zhi Guangming glanced at Huang Haoran in surprise, "I remember, the boss used to be not afraid of ghosts..."

"Who knows?"

Huang Haoran shook his head, "Maybe I'm in a bad mood today~

What's with him, let's hurry up and keep up!"



Gu Ximing is really funny!

It's just trying to cover up!"


However, I remember when he used to act alone at night, he was not so afraid of ghosts, did he?"

"I have some impressions too!"

"I guess it's too eerie and terrifying over there today, isn't it?

Moreover, there is a tiger Master Kong in ambush over there!

So, are they afraid?"

"It should be!

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so afraid!"


Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was talking about it.

Liu Kun and Madicao nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that your silent wish is really powerful!"

Liu Kun patted Ma Decao on the shoulder, "This time, let's try something bigger!

For example, let this person who is afraid of ghosts fall into a trap!"


Mad grass responded with a sound, and then began to pray silently in his heart.

After a while, he opened his eyes and nodded to Liu Kun with a smile.

"Become a boss!

I have a vague feeling that this time it is stable!"

"it is good!

Let's go, let's follow!"


Just when Liu Kun and Madicao kept doing experiments and tests.

The junction of grassland and tropical rainforest.

However, a fierce conflict broke out again between Li Junrong and Wei Hua.

"I've had enough!

You are so ruthless, cruel and unreasonable!"

"Where am I ruthless, where is ruthless, where am I making trouble unreasonably!?"

Wei Hua stared at Li Junrong.

His eyes were full of grief.

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