
As soon as Hou Lei arrived here, he felt a trace of unusual aura.

"Why do I always feel a very strange smell around here?"

Hou Lei smelled the smell of burning gunpowder.

Although it feels very strange, but I don't care too much.

Because the two people he tracked were playing with gunpowder.

Therefore, it is not surprising that I smelled the smell of burning gunpowder on the way of tracking.


It's not right!"

Suddenly, Hou Lei noticed a strange trace.

There are many footprints near a tree, those footprints are very strange.

"Could it be that they went to the toilet here?"

Hou Lei felt a little doubt, so he walked towards that place.

However, just as he approached, he suddenly heard a very strange sound.

That sound was like...

"The leads are burning!?"

Hou Lei's eyes widened instantly, he saw the bomb under the cover of the plant!

Moreover, the lead wire of that bomb is about to burn out!

"not good!"


Just as Hou Lei retreated sharply, trying to leave the explosion area.

The bomb exploded suddenly.

The terrifying air wave blew Hou Lei directly to the ground.

The plants near the bomb, as well as the stones and the bamboo shell outside the bomb, also began to shoot in Hou Lei's direction because of the bomb's explosion.

"damn it!"

Hou Lei gritted his teeth and hurriedly looked for something to hide from.

However, because he was too close to the bomb, the dodging this time was of little use.

In just a moment, he was injured by a lot of stone debris.

Plus the initial bomb blast.

It made him unable to stand up for a while.


Hou Lei spat out a small mouthful of blood, and then began to gasp for breath.

He felt like he was dying.


Am I here to stop?"

Hou Lei closed his eyes in despair.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and pressed the distress button.

He was seriously injured because he was too close to the bomb!

He finally chose to give up.

It is precisely because this bomb is considered a soil bomb, so his injuries are not too serious.

But even if the injury is not too serious, he can't continue to play.

"Oh~ I'm still weak!"



Pan Xue and they actually succeeded!"


It's all bloody!

Isn't that too fierce!?"

"I originally thought that the power of this earth bomb would be very general, but I didn't expect..."

"Scary terrible!"


When there is a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Pan Xue and Liu De have always been paying attention to the bracelet.

When they found out that the number on the bracelet had changed from 60 to 59, the two immediately laughed.


We should be successful!"


It's really nice!"

"Come on, Lao Liu, let's take a look~"

The two of them climbed up the tree as they spoke.

Because they didn't know whether their bombs could kill the enemy, they did not observe on the spot, but continued to walk towards the distance.

After seeing the number change of the bracelet at this moment, they basically determined that the enemy had been eliminated.

So I took out the binoculars and looked over there.

"It's done!

I saw!"

Liu De was the first to find Hou Lei's location.

When he saw that the other party had been carried away by the staff of the show team, he laughed directly.


very nice.

Lao Liu, let's hurry up and pick up things!"

The two quickly got down from the tree and walked towards the ambush.

"Murdering and picking up equipment" is something that all contestants like!


However, what they don't know is.

Just as they were walking towards the explosion point.

A group of people also heard the voice and walked towards them...

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