If things like locusts are very powerful, these things are indeed very powerful.

But these things aren't too powerful, if not too powerful."

Cao Bin spoke slowly.

"These locusts are very difficult to eradicate.

After the change became a plague of locusts, even many natural enemies disappeared.

However, these locusts are more afraid of wetness!

Due to various accidents, these locusts finally entered the territory of the tropical rain forest on a large scale.

But that didn't bring too much disaster to the rainforest.

These locusts, after eating a large number of leaves, began to die gradually.

The rain forest is very humid, which is not conducive to the hatching of locust eggs.

In addition, there are many spiders and frogs in the rainforest.

These natural enemies can completely avoid the toxins on them.

Therefore, the locusts in the current rainforest have basically disappeared!"

With a slight smile on his face, Cao Bin continued to speak slowly.

"For this matter, we have already anticipated it for a long time.

However, I didn't expect it to come so soon.

All in all, it is a very good thing that a catastrophe affecting the entire desert island has ended here~

Professor Li Wei, I want to ask, after this locust plague is over, when will the grasslands come back to life?"

Cao Bin turned to look at Li Wei.

Hearing this, Li Wei nodded with a smile, and then continued: "The locust plague has existed in all parts of the world since ancient times.

And it explodes every now and then.

Although this kind of disaster is very terrifying, it is very unbearable.

But in nature, everything is in balance.

Like this locust.

Although they are very edible and very difficult to mess with, they also have to reproduce and survive according to the rules of nature.

So what are the rules of nature?

It's about balance and survival.

Locusts were originally things that lived alone.

The reason why they gathered into a plague and turned into a plague of locusts was mainly because of insufficient food.

If food is plentiful, they won't flood!

The root cause of all this is that these locusts want to survive better.

To survive, they must gather in groups.

The reason why they become poisonous is to keep more companions so that the race can survive.

However, nature is balanced.

It is against the laws of nature for them to reproduce like this.

Therefore, their lifespan will be shortened as a matter of course.

Male locusts die after mating, while female locusts die after laying eggs.

Therefore, rather than saying that the plague of locusts is a locust plague, it is better to say that the plague of locusts is a frantic reproduction activity.

They will eat like crazy.

Crazy spawning.

And then die madly.

Countless locusts are like black clouds, passing everywhere.

Eat the green leaves on the ground and leave behind a pile of eggs and dead insect carcasses.

Some of these eggs hatch into adult worms.

And more parts will be eaten by other creatures as food.

And some of their corpses will be eaten.

The other part will be turned into fertilizer to nourish the earth.

Let the plants grow better next year.

This is the balance of nature.

So, in fact, it won't take long for the grass on the grassland to grow again.

And, it will grow even more lush than before!"

"Nature is truly amazing"

Cao Bin summed up with a smile, "There are countless creatures in nature, and everyone has their own responsibilities.

Together they form a biosphere.

The balance of this biosphere is controlled by nature.

If there is a problem in any link, becoming more or less, it will be silently regulated by nature.

Just like us humans.

when there are many human beings.

Nature will regulate and allow natural disasters such as viruses to attack humans, thereby reducing the number of humans.

When the number of humans is low, nature will again regulate.

Let the weather be good, there will be no disease and no disaster, so that the number of human beings will increase.

All in all, nature is a very magical circle!

Well, now that the locust plague is gone, let's see how the contestants are doing now!

Today, we have less than 60 contestants left.

It can be said that our show has finally come to an end.

However, although it is coming to an end, each of the remaining people has their own special abilities.

It is precisely because they think that they have these abilities that they can live to the present.

So, I believe that the games in the future will be more exciting!

Well, let's take a look at the wonderful performance of these contestants!"


The night was getting darker.

Zhou Chen and others also stopped and started to set up camp, prepare ingredients, eat and sleep.

And those who had been chasing them all stopped and started to set up camp.

In the tropical rain forest, it is best not to act in the wild.

Because there are many ferocious beasts here.

If you don't have a very strong ability, it's better to camp and rest.

However, for Zhao Han.

Night is his best attack time.

"Finally wait till night!"

Zhao Han looked into the distance, with a "handy" smile on his face, "I finally have a chance to fight back.

It's so good!"


After Zhao Han was thinking about how to attack.

Li Junrong and Wei Hua are also thinking.

"Rong Rong.

You say, is that Liu Kun behind us?"

Wei Hua cautiously looked behind him, "Should we go back?

If we don't go back, wouldn't the Tiankeng that we worked so hard to create be in vain?"

"just forget it!"

Li Junrong sighed silently, "The plan can't keep up with the changes, we are now lost.

Even if we wanted to go back, we couldn't go back!

Just wait and see~

Maybe we can think of a better way to attack~”

"You said, will that Liu Kun attack us at night?"

"Definitely will."

A sneer appeared on Li Junrong's face.

The so-called, the person who knows you best must be your enemy, which is the truth.


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