Wait a minute?"

Hearing this, Zhou Guang immediately cried out in dissatisfaction.

Breathing heavily, he whispered, "Didn't you see?

This person's speed, and this person's ability to process traces!

This is simply not human!

He has such a powerful trace processing ability, which means that we are likely to directly chase down people.

We must ensure that the enemy is always within our line of sight.

Otherwise, we really won't be able to find anyone by then!

You have worked so hard for so long!

So, I suggest we catch up.

I don't believe it anymore.

How strong will that person be?"

"Zhou Guang's words make sense."

Mo Wen nodded slowly, "The enemy's ability to deal with traces is very strong.

If we don't keep up in time, we might really lose track.

So, we have to keep up."


When Zhou Guang saw his boss approved his words, he immediately became excited, "Also, the speed of the enemy is so fast, and there is no ambush on the road.

I thought, this must be a person, right?

And a very lucky one.

Lying all the way up to now, it all depends on luck, and your own strength is very average?"

"This is impossible!"

Lu Menghua shook his head vigorously, "This is absolutely impossible.

Since he can survive alone until now, he must be very capable.

If nothing else, you can see a thing or two by looking at his speed and endurance, as well as his ability to deal with traces.

How can a person with such abilities be a winner!?"


Mo Wen nodded, "I agree with Lu Menghua's suggestion.

He was right.

The enemy must be a very capable person, and we cannot take it lightly.

Maybe, the enemy really has an ambush, and the ambush is not far away!

You know, when a person is very tired, the reaction speed of the brain is very slow.

Also, the ability to observe is also diminished.

Maybe he just wants to lure us into his trap when we get tired!"


So what should we do now!?"

Zhou Guang was a little discouraged immediately, and even the speed was not so fast.

"Can't we really just watch him run away?"


I have a way!"

Shen Qian suddenly smiled and said slowly, "We can try it out.

Although it is a bit risky, it should be relatively safe."

"How to test?"

"That is, let's not chase first, let him run.

If he really has a conspiracy, then he will definitely find a way for us to find his trace, so that we can continue to chase it all the way.

But if he really just ran away, there was no conspiracy.

Then he will be very proud, and then run away without looking back!

This method is relatively stable.

However, there is also a risk point that the enemy may really run away, and we may really be in vain.

So, what do we do?


Mo Wen suddenly gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "However, let's slow down a bit.

If the enemy wants to lure us into the bait, it will definitely slow down.

If the enemy really runs away, run away.

After all, our safety comes first!

This method, relatively speaking, is better than the kind of direct rest and wait!"


Everyone should be.


As for Mo Wen's decision, Huang Feng discovered it immediately.


Enemy slowed down?

Is this trying to test me?

Or are you exhausted?"

A sneer suddenly appeared on Huang Feng's face, "Hehe~

No matter what you really want to do.

I have my own way of coping!"

Thinking like this, he continued to rush forward at the original speed.

At the same time, the traces on the ground are the same as the original ones, and they are very well controlled by him.

The whole person acted as if he was really going to run away.

"The real performance is to deceive yourself.

If you can't deceive yourself, how can you deceive the enemy?"

Huang Feng thought with a smile.


"Boss, he accelerated!"

Zhou Guang's face was full of annoyance.

"It seems that he really has no other thoughts, he just wants to escape!


We just missed it, didn't we?

It's really a shame!"


Shen Qian also had some regrets.

"We are really at a loss!

What do you do now, boss?

He's going to run away!"


Mo Wen gritted his teeth hard, and finally issued such an order.

The other three heard the words and didn't say much.

Instead, keep chasing forward.



Really caught up!"

When Huang Feng saw this, he immediately laughed.

He understands the psychology of the enemy very well.

This is because it is so hard to give up.

In professional terms, the sunk cost is too high.

So don't give up at all!

"If that's the case, then you can just wait for the end~"

Huang Feng's face showed excitement.

Because he is getting closer and closer to the trap!

Finally, he jumped over the trap, and then he didn't stop, but continued to run forward as he had been.

However, his heart was already starting to get excited.



Mo Wen and his party also came to the trap location.

Because they ran all the way without encountering a trap, their vigilance also dropped a lot.

In addition, they ran wildly all the way, the physical consumption was very large, and they were very tired.

Therefore, the reaction speed of the whole person and the ability to think about problems have also become very slow.

So, they didn't think much about it at all, and rushed forward directly.


Just stepped on the trap!



There is a trap!"



"Too insidious!"

"What shall we do!"

The four of them exclaimed at the same time.

Hearing their exclamations, Huang Feng immediately stopped and started running back.

Not far away, Liu Kun and Ma Decao also showed smiles on their faces.

"It's time to go up and harvest.

Let them know, what is the mantis catching the oriole behind!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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