A confident look appeared on Liu Kun's face.

"This kind of thing, for me, is not a problem.

Although the heavy rain will indeed wash away the traces of many enemies.

However, since people have passed through here, they will definitely leave traces.

Leaving traces that cannot be washed away temporarily by heavy rain!"


Ma Decao was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Liu Kun very curiously, "Boss, what kind of traces are there?"

"Of course it was unintentional to leave some damage on the plant~"

Liu Kun smiled and patted Ma Decao's shoulder, "Also, old horse~

Don't we still have you?

With you around, most of the time, no traces are needed at all.

Just use your ability to find it, is there any problem with your ability?"


When Mad Cao heard the words, he suddenly stopped talking.


Seeing this, Liu Kun frowned, "Is there really something wrong?

Shouldn't it be?

What's the matter, old horse?"


Mad Cao immediately smiled bitterly and said, "This time the situation is special, I was disturbed!"



Mad Cao heard the words and nodded, "When we just came here, I used my ability to search for it.

It turned out that there were enemies in three places around!

In other words, I thought that there were a lot of enemies around, and the information I provided was not too accurate, so there was interference, so that I couldn't find a single enemy!"


Liu Kun was not surprised but delighted, "This is a very good thing~

old horse!

Don't panic~

The more enemies around, the more we gain in a while.

As for this enemy~

I can do it alone~"

Liu Kun smiled and waved his hand, not minding that at all.

With madgrass, it is very convenient to do everything, but if there is no madgrass, he can't become a muggle.

"Still great boss!"

Mad grass immediately patted the rainbow fart with a smile.

"Even if I don't have a role for a while, the boss can deal with all crises!"

"Don't say that~"

Liu Kun heard the words and shook his head with a smile.

"You are still very good, old man!

Without you, it would be very inconvenient for me to do a lot of things.

Okay, let's rest first~

No more tracking tonight."


Mad grass responded with a sound, and then began to prepare firewood.

The two found a good place to set up camp near here and began to rest.


The night passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the next day.

Liu Kun and Ma Decao got up very early.

After eating something casually, I set off to continue tracking.

"Boss, there are no clues everywhere, how should we track it?"

Madecao searched the ground for a long time, but never found any clues.

Couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

After all, this range is actually quite large.

Because you don't know where the enemy is going, you need to search in all directions.

At the same time, there are no footprints to look for, so we can only look for the damage of the plants on the ground little by little.


It turned out to be very hard to find.

After searching for a long time, but never found any clues, so Mad Cao became a little anxious.

After all, if you find a clue every night, the enemy will have a better chance of escaping.

"What's the panic~"

Hearing this, Liu Kun smiled and shook his head, then pointed somewhere, and said with a smile, "Go, I found a clue!"


Ma Decao was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, and then asked with some doubts: "Boss, how did you find the trace of the enemy?"

"It's easy~"

Liu Kun said with a smile: "Just follow the enemy's inner thoughts and push back.

The enemy left here, it must be because they saw that they were very close to us, so they didn't want to conflict with us, so they left directly.

So, if we want to find the whereabouts of these enemies, we can look for directions away from us."

"So it is!"

When Ma Decao heard the words, he slapped his head, and his face showed a sudden realization, "The boss is really the strongest!"

"Okay, let's go~

After waiting for a while, you will still need your ability.”


The two of them didn't talk too much, so they chased in that direction.

While chasing, I also came down from time to time to see the traces on the ground.

This prevents you from chasing the wrong place.

In this way, the two of them soon chased the place where Ye Xiaoxiao and the three took shelter from the rain not long ago.

At the same time, they also discovered the orangutan footprints specially left by Ye Xiaoxiao and the three of them.


Are we chasing in the wrong place!?"

Mad grass pointed to the orangutan footprints on the ground with some trepidation, "Will the scarred plants we see be caused by these orangutans?"

Madecao was a little uneasy in her heart, because many times, the traces of orangutans walking out are actually somewhat similar to those of humans.

"Of course not possible~"

Liu Kun took a close look at the footprints and immediately laughed, "Not only is it impossible, we've also chased the right place~

old horse~

It is this direction.

The enemy is good at playing this time.

Just got a shoe cover and gloves.

When escaping, transform into a gorilla to confuse us in this way.

It's quite a talent~"


Mad Cao looked at the traces on the ground with some doubts, "Boss, is this made by the enemy?

Why don't I look like that?"


Liu Kun shook his head, "Humans and orangutans are completely different.

Although these people are imitating orangutans, they will still leave some flaws.

For example, this way of walking.

Although they are trying their best to imitate their limbs to walk together, there are still many mistakes~

How can an imitation be exactly the same as the real thing?

If you look closely, you can see the flaws!"



"The island owner is the island owner, and he is really strong!"

"How am I supposed to see these traces the same as those of a gorilla?"

"I really don't know how the island owner can see the difference, it's really amazing!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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