Look over there!"

Liu Kun raised his hand and pointed into the distance.

Mad Cao quickly looked up after hearing the words.

As a result, I just saw a group of birds chirping around the tree!

"The birds?"

Mad Cao glanced at Liu Kun with some doubts, and said in a puzzled manner, "Boss, isn't that just a flock of birds?

Is there anything special about it?

In other words, what kind of special birds are these birds, with some kind of special ability?"

"That's not it~"

Liu Kun frowned and shook his head, "It's just a group of very ordinary birds.

And the reason why they gather there is mainly because there are a few fig vines there.

They eat there."

"But why is a very common bird the most terrifying sight in the forest?"

Mad Cao was even more puzzled after hearing this.

He couldn't associate these very ordinary looking birds with terrifying scenes.

"It's not because these birds are rectal~"

Liu Kun shook his head speechlessly, "Also, there's food all around here.

Birds are eating.

Do you know what that means?"


Mad grass suddenly thought of a very terrifying scene.

So, he said in disbelief, "Could it be... bird droppings rain?!"


Isn't that the scariest scene?"

Liu Kun raised his finger and pointed to the flock of birds not far away, "Look at how many these birds there are.

Such a terrifying amount is still eating.

Do you know what that means?

It means there will be a terrible rain of bird droppings soon!"


Mad Cao also sighed after hearing this.

"This is indeed the most terrifying scene in the rainforest...

Boss, what should we do now?"

"Don't panic, let's wait for a while."

Liu Kun pulled the mad grass and stood there and waited.

"Birds generally excrete after eating.

Also, they don't eat all the time.

So, we can just wait a while.

When they are done eating and pulling, they can pass smoothly."

"Makes sense!"

Mad Cao nodded when he heard the words, and then seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked very curiously: "Boss, why do you think the parent bird eats the poop of its own bird?

I have seen it many times.

The speed at which those little birds digest it is real.

The worm had just eaten it, but it was digested, and a small white ball came out.

Then the parent bird that was waiting on the side.


It's inexplicably disgusting."


What is this?"

Liu Kun smiled and shook his head, "Isn't the baby koala still eating his mother's poop?

There's a reason for this~

For example, a bird's poop contains a lot of undigested things.

So the parent bird will eat it directly.

This is normal, after all, food in nature is very rare.

Every bug requires a parent bird to work hard to catch.

Nature cannot be wasted.

Because if you waste food, you are likely to be killed.

It's like living on a desert island.

If you waste food, you're really going to fail."

"That's it~"

Mad Cao nodded when he heard the words, "But boss, why does a bird eat any color bug and pull out white poop?

Is its digestive power really that powerful?

Can food be digested in an instant?"

"how is this possible?"

Liu Kun immediately laughed when he heard the words, "This is a very strange pattern for birds.

Birds have a very special way of excreting when they are young.

That is, a sac will be generated to wrap the excrement.

The excrement will be expelled only after the package is tightly packed.

It felt like laying eggs.

That way, bird droppings don't fill the nest."

"I didn't expect that birds are quite hygienic!"

Madcao heard the words and said with admiration: "Nature is really amazing!"

"They don't know what hygiene is!"

Liu Kun immediately laughed when he heard the words, "Not only do they not understand hygiene, but other animals don't understand hygiene either.

The so-called understanding of hygiene is made up by human beings themselves.

In many cases, some spirits of animals and plants are also made up by human beings.

In fact, people's animals and plants don't have so many ideas at all.

Everything is for survival.

Just like birds, they will never excrete near their nests.

Not because they like to be clean, but to prevent being attacked by predators!

If you excrete near your lair, isn't that the same as telling the natural enemy all the location of your lair?



That's what it is!"

Mad Cao suddenly realized when he heard the words, "So, those animals that excreted near their nests are for other purposes?"


Liu Kun nodded, "What excretes near his lair are creatures at the top of the food chain.

In doing so, they are deterring other creatures, and at the same time telling their own kind that this is their own territory.

That's all.

How can animals know what is clean or not?"

"All right!"

Hearing this, Mad Cao smiled awkwardly, "Hey! Boss, these birds are starting to pull!


It's really spectacular!"

I saw not far away, a drop of white "raindrops" fell from the sky, like rain, and instantly wet the ground.

Following those birds, they began to chirp and start flying.

Seems to be chatting, or "partying"


While Liu Kun and Madicao were avoiding the "bird shit rain".

In their old lair, some changes have also occurred.

"One Piece" Hai Ziming quickly rushed towards Liu Kun's house with his men.

Walking down this way, he felt that his head was about to explode with shock!

"This...is this still a normal contestant?"

Hai Ziming looked at the huge house not far away, his face was full of shock.


This... this team is too scary!"

Even Xi and the others were shocked.

"Boss, look at the farmland over there, and the crops that have grown...

Have we come to an amazing place!?"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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