It's finally over!"

Zhao Han looked at the sky and smiled very gratified.

He was so happy, naturally not because of the end of the "meteor shower".

It was because, in this "meteor shower", he not only found Li Junrong and Yin Hong, but also found the location of another enemy!

"This is really a surprise!"

Zhao Han was ecstatic in his heart.

Since Li Junrong and Yin Hong joined forces and injured Zhao Han, Zhao Han has been avoiding these two people.

Because he himself could only play a tie with Li Junrong, and now with Yin Hong, he will definitely lose.

So he could only run away.

As a result, when running, I don't know how the two women caught up.

Not only that, but the two women attacked him from time to time.

Annoying him.

What bothered him even more was that these two women were very good at hiding.

Every time it disappears after the attack is over.

It made him depressed and angry.

It felt as if he was the prey and the two women were hunters.

Making his heart arrogant and arrogant, he was very aggrieved who wanted to kill very much.

But there is no way.

Because he's not as good as anyone.

Therefore, all he thought at the moment was to find a way to avoid these two crazy women.

If you want to avoid these two people, then you first need to know where the two people are.

So, after the "Meteor Fire Shower" appeared, Zhao Han began to carefully observe the surroundings.

Finally, the hard work paid off, he finally found the position of those two crazy women!

And, not only that, he also found the trace of another team of competitors.

This surprised him very much.


This time, I must make you two crazy women look good!"

Zhao Han muttered something silently in his heart, and then started preparations.

If you want to successfully escape from these two women, turn passive into active.

Then you need to do some preparation.

After all, the two men were always able to track him down, which meant that the two women must have some way of tracking them down.

If you want to escape completely and turn into darkness, you must make the abilities of these two women invalid!

In Zhao Han's view, the person who can use such an ability must be Yin Hong!

After all, when he was fighting against Li Junrong, he had never seen Li Junrong use such an ability.

However, after Li Junrong and Yin Hong formed a team, Li Junrong suddenly had such an ability.

So, can't it be explained that this ability has something to do with Yin Hong?

"Humph! It must be the use of animals!"

Zhao Han snorted coldly and continued to arrange.

"That woman seems to know some ways to control animals.

This is really an amazing thing~

This is the only way to get rid of them!"

Zhao Han quickly made all the arrangements, then cut open his arm and let out some blood.

In his opinion, if these animals want to track people, they must look for them by means of blood or smell.

If he left his blood here a little bit, he could mislead those two people to some extent.

In this way, you should be able to avoid these two people!

After making some arrangements, he directly found a place to hide.

Start waiting quietly.

Waiting for the appearance of the two women.


They must think that I am now tracking another enemy not far away?"

Zhao Han sneered coldly in his heart while noticing the situation around him.

"Unfortunately, I did not chase the other enemy, but hid here and waited for you quietly.

I believe that you will definitely show up!"



At the same time, Li Junrong was a little anxious.

"That bastard might be running away!

Our location is exposed!"

"Run, run, run~

Yin Hong didn't care at all.

"Did he not run the whole time during this time?

What are you afraid of, as long as we catch up!

Anyway, no matter how much he runs, he can't get out of our hands."

"That's because you don't know how powerful he is~"

Li Junrong sighed, "This person is very strong, like a loach slippery without leaving his hands.

Otherwise I wouldn't think of him as Liu Kun's.

I don't know how long the two of us have been fighting together.

So, they know each other very well.

He will definitely take this opportunity to completely escape our control.

Moreover, that person will definitely turn passive into active, attack us, or directly attack another team nearby!"

"No way?"

When Yin Hong heard the words, she was stunned, "Is he so crazy?"


Li Junrong sighed and said very distressed: "Of course, I'm not quite sure whether he will attack us or directly attack the other team.

However, one thing is certain, that is, he will definitely attack one!

He's a very fierce and ruthless man!"

"Forget it, let's chase after a while and talk about it!"

Yin Hong shook her head, and then summoned a group of snakes by her own means.

Then she played the flute and controlled the snakes, letting them find Zhao Han for her.

This is her secret method.

And the reason why she can often find Zhao Han's position is because of the help of such a group of snakes.

Without these snakes, with Zhao Han's ability, I'm afraid they would have gotten rid of them long ago!

"Okay, my snakes have been dispatched.

Let's follow quickly."

Yin Hong beckoned to Li Junrong, Li Junrong didn't say much nonsense when she saw this, and quickly followed.

They have come this way and have cooperated so many times.

So, they are very familiar with each other.

Compared with other path-finding animals, snakes are still a kind of "scouts" who are better at hiding themselves and are not discovered by the enemy.

Therefore, the two walked quickly all the way, and soon reached the place where Zhao Han splattered blood.

"not good!"

Before the two of them got close to that place, Li Junrong quickly grabbed Yin Hong and pulled her back toward her.

"There is fraud here!

His target could be us!"


Yin Hong was stunned when she heard the words, "Is he so crazy?

Does he think he is our opponent?"

Just when Yin Hong was a little puzzled.

Suddenly, I felt a faint sound of wind coming from a distance.

When they turned around, they found that a huge basket was smashed towards them not far away!


Yin Hong was shocked when she saw this, and then she didn't care what to say, she immediately started to dodge with Li Junrong.

In just a moment, they successfully escaped such a catastrophe.

However, before they could feel completely relieved, they saw that the basket was actually spinning.

At the same time, a pile of white powder in the basket also flew out and fell toward the two of them!

"not good!

We've hit the jackpot again!

He actually used this kind of powder!

Don't breathe it into your body!"

"it is good!"

Yin Hong has completely lost her backbone at this moment, so she can only follow Li Junrong's advice and start dodging.

However, before the two of them could dodge a few times, they suddenly felt that their feet were empty.

It turned out that they stepped on the trap set by Zhao Han!

Fortunately, both of them responded very quickly.

Plus the two complement each other.

Therefore, at the most dangerous moment, the two completed mutual rescue and successfully escaped from the trap.


Yin Hong sat on the ground, gasping for breath, she was already frightened just now!

Almost, just a little bit, otherwise, she would have fallen into the trap!

"Thank you, Li Junrong."

"You're welcome, we need to be careful now.

He was as cunning as a fox in the jungle.

So, we have to be careful."

"it is good!"

While the two were talking, they heard a strange sound of breaking through the air.

Immediately after, they saw a feather arrow shot towards them.

"not good!"

The two exclaimed in surprise, and then began to avoid the feather arrows shot at them from various places.

"Are these arrows all traps prepared by those people in advance?"

"of course!"

Li Junrong nodded again and again, "I said, he is very fierce.

If we're not careful, we'll be killed by him!"

"it is good!"


In the distance, Zhao Han couldn't help but smile complacently as he watched these two people keep dodging their attacks.

This is a battle that he specially created.

It's also a way to kill these two people.

"This time, you can't escape!

I let you fuck me?

Smelly woman!"

Zhao Han snorted coldly, and then slowly retreated.

The attacks after that are no longer needed.

If it can be successful, then the two of them will die, and he stays purely to find trouble for himself.

If it doesn't work, it's useless for him to stay.

Moreover, if he stayed, he might even hurt himself.

Therefore, he chose to evacuate quickly.

"Hope, you guys still like my gift haha~"

Zhao Han smiled and left here quickly.

But Li Junrong and Yin Hong did not know that the real danger was approaching them!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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