It was getting dark.

When another wave of noise ended, Li Junrong and Yin Hong quickly plugged their ears and started to sleep.

At the same time, Zhao Han was also sleeping.

in his calculations.

It also needs to continue to harass these people a few times before taking action.

However, in the house under the artificial lake.

Shi Hongyang and his party did not sleep!


After a long wait, I finally got today!"

Shi Hongyang looked at the situation outside and kept laughing, "This time, God really helped me!

I didn't expect that our luck would be so good.

These two girls are actually sleeping!

He also blocked his ears.

This is really a good thing!"

Shi Hongyang laughed and turned to look at his younger brothers.


It's time to turn around and get rid of these annoying scumbags!

Let's pack up and head off right away!"


The crowd shouted excitedly.

Wally followed suit.

Although he has always had some dissatisfaction with the team.

However, in the big picture, he still has some.

So, everyone quickly put away the things, and then rushed outside.

They quietly, quietly approached those people.

Seeing that those people are close at hand, they can act immediately.

However, at this time, there was a sudden burst of the roar of the plane that was very familiar to them!


How can a meteor shower appear at this time!?"

"Oh shit!

It's over, our plans are all gone!"

"Boss, what are we doing now?

Looking for a place to hide?

Or go home first?"

"Hide from your sister!"

When Shi Hongyang heard the words, he immediately kicked Huali, and then quickly ran towards the house.

"Let's hurry back and rest now!

At this time, don't be brave!

It just so happens that the enemy has not found us yet, and it is also helpful for us to avoid!

As for the enemy, maybe they will be killed directly by these fireworks in their sleep!"



Boss is right!"

"So many fireworks came down together and these two were still sleeping.

It must be killed!

Is this a surprise?"


Let's go back quickly!"

While talking, the group quickly retreated back.

Although Hua Li was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he did not show it.

"You all pay attention to my footprints!

Don't leave footprints!"



Everyone should be.

Then he returned home cautiously.

Shi Hongyang was the last to enter.

It's not like a big brother.

But he was afraid that these fools would leave footprints outside.

If these enemies find out that they are living at the bottom of the lake, then their ending will be very tragic.

At that time, it will really become the turtle in the urn!


very nice!"

After a while, Shi Hongyang finished dealing with all the traces and strode back home.

A group of people began to lie on the observation mirror and look at the situation outside.


The sound of the plane is getting louder and louder.

But Li Junrong and Yin Hong were still sleeping.

Because their ears were blocked, they couldn't hear any sound at all.

"Meteor shower... here it is!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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