Boss, the meteor shower is coming!"

Mad grass slept lightly, and woke up at the first moment of the "meteor shower".

Then, he quickly reminded Liu Kun.

Let Liu Kun pay attention to the arrival of "Meteor Fire Shower".

However, what Ma Decao doesn't know is that Liu Kun woke up earlier than Ma Decao!

Liu Kun has super physical fitness.

Therefore, at the moment when these planes approached, he had already heard some strange sounds.

And woke up straight from sleep.

However, no action was taken.

Instead, he just lay there and watched silently.

"I know~"

Liu Kun smiled and waved his hand, "Old horse!

Don't be in a hurry~

We have to be calm.

Also, our shelter is pretty safe, so don't worry about anything."


I won't worry about anything~"

Mad Cao laughed immediately after hearing this.

"I just want to ask you if you want to get up and look at these fireworks, so as to calculate where the closest enemy to us is."

"This is totally unnecessary."

Hearing this, Liu Kun smiled and shook his head, "Our place is very suitable for observation.

Did you not find out?

Lately, every time we go to bed, I've made the shelter very observational.

Such a shelter can not only resist the attack of the meteor shower.

It also allows us to better find the trail of the enemy.

It's a very nice shelter.”


Ma Decao was stunned when he heard the words, so, boss, you already expected today's scene!?"


Liu Kun smiled and nodded, "The program team has to increase the difficulty every time.

From increasing power, to increasing density, to increasing accuracy.

The increase so far has been surprising.

Through these, what patterns can you discover?"


Mad Cao was stunned when he heard the words, "The rule is not...

Does it get stronger every time?"


Liu Kun shook his head when he heard the words, "The power does increase every time.

However, there are times that need to be taken care of.

That is, the funding issue of the program group.

At the beginning, increasing the power and density is normal.

Generally speaking.

They will also focus on increasing their power and density in the future.

However, they did not do so.

Instead, they chose to increase precision, so what does that mean?"

"They are underfunded!"

“Not bad~”

Liu Kun smiled and nodded, "It's just the lack of funds.

This is normal.

After all, the program group also wants to make a profit.

What should they do if they want to increase the difficulty when the funds are insufficient?"

"If that's the case, then it can only be a surprise attack."

Ma Decao showed an expression of sudden realization on his face, "I say that because you guessed such a situation.

So, is it arranged like this?"

"Of course~"

Liu Kun smiled and nodded, "It's actually quite simple!"


Mad Cao's eyes were full of admiration, "So, how will they increase the difficulty next time?"_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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