Boom boom boom!"

One after another fireworks bombs kept falling from the sky.

It hit Liu Kun's villa and made a loud noise.

He immediately woke up Su Xi and his party who were sleeping in the villa.

"Meteor shower?"

Su Xi frowned and looked outside, then stopped worrying about it.

"I really didn't expect that the program team would attack us with a meteor shower at such a time.

It's quite surprising!

But it's not a big problem."

On this villa, large shields of various defenses have already been installed.

Therefore, they are not afraid of the attack of these fireworks at all.

Even if they kept attacking with these fireworks, it would not have any effect on them.

As for the crops outside, they have already taken protective measures.

So don't worry at all.

"It's really nothing new.


Su Xi turned over and went back to sleep.

The other people in the villa are also like Su Xi.

Although it will be more surprising when awakened.

But after being surprised, they all started to sleep.

For them, this "meteor shower" is really just a small problem!

At most, it will be noticed by some caring people about their location.

But even if it does reveal the location.

They also have the confidence to hold on for a while!


Except for Liu Kun and his party, and Shi Hongyang and his party are more relaxed.

There is a group of people who are more relaxed.

That is the sisters Sun Lingxing and Sun Lingyue.

Since they removed the positioning device in the bracelet.

Their whereabouts cannot be controlled by the program team at all.

Because they don't know their specific locations, every "meteor shower" is aimed at some suspicious places to attack.

Thus, the task is completed.

Unfortunately, the previous attacks by the program group did not play any role.

Didn't even find the right place.

So, this time the program team also learned to be smart.

They directly gave up the attack on the sisters Sun Lingxing and Sun Lingyue.

Then save the fireworks for attacking others!

It is because of the existence of such a situation.

Therefore, the sisters Sun Lingxing and Sun Lingyue will still sleep very sweetly tonight.

This is a different kind of weirdness.

After all, for them, stability is the most important thing.

Therefore, the factors that may be exposed will be continuously reduced.

And Liu Kun also has the ability to remove the positioning device.

But it never did.

Mainly because of...

Liu Kun doesn't need that.

At the same time, he also needs these positioning devices to help the enemy, so that those ambitious enemies can quickly find him.

In this way, he can also easily and quickly kill these "delivered" enemies.


When these people are very relaxed.

There are some people who are not easy, but very happy.

That is Li Junrong and Yin Hong.

After they got rid of Zhao Han's tracking, they fled the place directly.

Unfortunately, because they were too tired, they couldn't run too far at all.

So that, not long after I left, I started to sleep..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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