
We still have something to say!"

Wei Di quickly agreed.

They didn't know what Liu Kun was preparing.

Therefore, they are not afraid of the bow and arrow in Liu Kun's hands.

However, they were terrified of Liu Kun and the tiger under Mad Cao.

This is a tiger!

For most of the contestants, they are very afraid of this creature.

Li Shuo and Wei Di are no exception.

They are also very afraid of tigers.

And, if it's just that you meet a tiger on the road.

They were not so afraid.

After all, they still have some strength.

It's totally possible to deal with such a tiger.

However, in such a situation, they were a little scared and apprehensive.

Because if Liu Kun and Mad grass really let the tigers come to bite them.

You can completely use your own body to block in front of the tigers and approach them.

In this case, they have no way to attack with bows and arrows at all.

After all, the program group does not allow contestants to attack each other.

Therefore, they could only watch Liu Kun and Ma Decao approaching them with the tiger.

Finally, when you are very close to them, pull away directly and let the tiger attack.

At such a close distance, they are really not the opponents of the tiger.

Therefore, they are really afraid of Liu Kun and Ma Decao at this moment.

Therefore, they directly used the most stupid and also used trick - drag!

Use all kinds of interests to lure Liu Ma Decao and let them spare themselves.

As long as they are not eliminated, the rest is easy to say.

Like cheating or something.

They have a way to clean up.

"We know a very big, big secret.

If you can know such a secret, you can definitely win the first place!"

Seeing that Liu Kun didn't mean to stop, Li Shuo hurriedly spoke again.

"You will regret it if you don't listen!

I promise."

"I promise, if you're talking nonsense, you'll regret it too~"

Liu Kun said very indifferently, and at the same time, he had already tied the bamboo tube to the feather arrow.

"No no no!

You will really regret it!

Moreover, such a news of ours can not only let you win the championship.

With our news.

You can also make a lot of money!

As long as you listen to us carefully.

We guarantee that you can earn at least 100 million!"

Li Shuo kept talking with very demagogic words.

However, Liu Kun had no interest in his words.

He quickly got the feather arrow ready.

Then, as soon as I caught Master Kong, the whole person rushed towards Li Shuo and Wei Di.

"Ah ah ah!

Don't come here!"


Li Shuo and Wei Di were immediately frightened.

They screamed first, then turned and ran.

In that way, it seems that he hates his parents, why didn't he give birth to some deformities and have two more legs!



Liu Kun snorted coldly, and then without talking nonsense, he shot a feather arrow directly at the two of them..._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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