We are a day behind.

I don't know what to expect if I chase after..."

Yin Hong said silently, "Could that bastard have already killed the enemy by the lake?"

"I can't tell you~"

Li Junrong shook her head, "That bastard is very powerful.

However, it is now late in the show.

Everyone is not weak.

Look, there are just two less people!

It has to be said that the speed of these people being eliminated is really too fast.

And, where we can't see it, the competition is too fierce!

Therefore, the most important thing for us now is to improve our own strength, and then protect ourselves!"


Yin Hong nodded in agreement.

at first.

In fact, she didn't really want to act with Li Junrong.

But now, she has completely fallen in love with the feeling of acting with Li Junrong.

This woman is very decisive and brave.

like a man.

Gives a very comfortable feeling.

"Let's go.

Let's hurry up!

It's better to see them both lost!"


Li Junrong smiled heartily when she heard the words, "I hope too!

Let's go!"


"Two less people..."

Shi Hongyang is in the house at the bottom of the lake, quietly owning the bracelet.

At this moment, he was a little nervous in his heart.

"Boss, should we move the land now?"

Wally said a little hesitantly: "Last night.

There was a huge meteor shower.

I always feel that our whereabouts at that time may have been exposed.

If anyone comes, maybe we are finished!"

"Yes sir!"

Long Sirui continued: "I also feel very uneasy.

I always feel that there may be enemies coming.

Don't forget, the two women and the man hadn't left for a long time last time!

If they were fighting and walking on the road, they really wouldn't have gone too far.

In this way, they are very likely to find that there are still people here.

resulting in suspicion.

Then come and see.

After that, we'll be discovered!"


Yin Haipeng also nodded, "It's very reasonable.

I also think so.

Boss, let's hide in another place first!"


No use!"

When Shi Hongyang heard the words, he snorted angrily.

"We don't need it at all!

With our layout, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to discover our hiding place.

So, we don't have to worry.

Even, if we go out, it will reveal our whereabouts.

Let's face danger!

So, we don't want to go out recently.

That's a great way to really reduce the crisis!"

"All right......"

After hearing his boss's words, everyone fell silent for a while.

Then they started doing their own thing.

Only Shi Hongyang was alone, standing there quietly, watching everything outside silently.

He was actually very anxious.

Because it is really easy to find here.

However, he had one thing to say.

That is, if you go out, it will be easier to expose!

Here is a dilemma!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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