Li Junrong and Yin Hong are similar in strength.

Therefore, at the moment when Li Junrong shouted "not good".

Yin Hong also discovered the problem with these feather arrows.

So, the two of them all closed their breaths very tacitly, then covered their mouths and noses with their clothes, and stepped back abruptly.

In their opinion, this bamboo tube must be poisonous powder.

Generally, poison powders are inhaled.

So they made the most correct decision in an instant.

However, although they made the most correct decision, they did not relax because of it.

Because Liu Kun and Mad grass are still riding a tiger!

This is a huge deterrent for everyone.

For Li Junrong and Yin Hong, it is no exception.

In their opinion, the two of them should have avoided the attacks of these poisonous powders first.

Then take out the weapons to deal with the attacks of these tigers.

And in such a situation, the most dangerous moment should be this time.

When they avoid these poisonous powders, they inevitably need to cover their mouths and noses and hold their breaths.

If the enemy sends tigers to attack at such a time.

They will be very passive.

"It's over!"

Li Junrong was full of panic and fear.

Because she thought of the picture of herself being bitten by a tiger.

At the same time, she secretly regretted it.

Why do you regret throwing away the bracelet?

Now, even if they want to abstain, they cannot abstain.

You can only wait for yourself.

Waiting for the judgment from fate.

This is a very sad story and Yin Hong is very scared at the moment.

She saw that Liu Kun's face was not fake.

But she is not a mindless nympho.

When she found out that Liu Kun wanted to attack her, she had automatically divided Liu Kun into an enemy.

Now that the enemy has come to attack her, there is still some panic and fear.

"It's over! Will I be bitten to death by these tigers?

It's fine if you get bitten to death.

I'm afraid...

Afraid of being bitten and disabled!

At that time, it is impossible to survive, and it is a bit reluctant to seek death.

That would be very embarrassing."

Just when the two women were very panicked.

Something unexpected happened to them!

Liu Kun and Ma Decao did not release the two tigers at all.

They actually just sat on the tiger and watched the movements of the two women quietly.

This situation really surprised the two girls.

However, surprise is surprise.

It's time to dodge and run away, or keep doing it.

clap clap clap...  

A crisp sound rang out, followed by the two women, who saw that the bamboo tubes on the feather arrows shot by countless feather arrows were all shattered!

Immediately afterwards, a burst of powder scattered from those bamboo tubes.

It fell towards them with great precision.

"My God!"

Seeing such a miraculous scene, the two women exclaimed in their hearts at the same time.

They never thought of it.

Liu Kun's ability is so outstanding!

However, it also made their determination to hold their breath stronger.

With wisps of powder falling from the sky.

The hearts of the two women also lifted.

"What will the ending be like?

Since they didn't let the tiger bite, maybe our ending might be better?"__

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