"Let's go with you to see what's going on with Sister Xi Xi?"

Hua Ziyi had a very good impression of him, and the two of them even served Zhu Xingxing together a few times. Both of them were comrades in the same war trench, so they had very deep revolutionary friendship.

Zhu Xingxing felt that this was also good. There were some things that a woman wouldn't tell a man, but she would tell a woman.

Cui Xiaoxi's house was in the Sanjiang, so even if sshe did not look at the items in front of Hua Ziyi, he still had to go to Three Rivers.

When they arrived at the highway, Zhu Xingxing started to increase his speed. He sped up until he was almost flying, and those cars that went past were knocked unconscious by the car owners, they all felt that this guy was probably a madman!

Distance from lunatics, it was best to stay away.

Hua Ziyi and Wang Yuchun, on the other hand, did not feel anything.

Sanjiang arrived.

Zhu Xingxing continued to pass the cars and the traffic jam. To him, it was not a problem and he quickly passed through an alley and arrived at Cui Xiaoxi's district.

Cui Xiaoxi's new house was not finished yet. Instead, she came to the old residence beside the Culture Plaza.

The security guards of the residential complex recognized Zhu Xingxing and let him in immediately, before they parked the car downstairs to Cui Xiaoxi's house. Her car was parked on the side, so she should be home.

Cui Xiaoxi was used to driving out, she only had this one car. This car was home, which meant that she was also home.

Zhu Xingxing had a magnetic card, so he opened the door of the unit.

After a long while, Cui Xiaoxi finally opened the door and smiled as she looked at the three of them: "What are you guys doing?"

"I was worried that something would happen to you, so I came over to see what had happened to you."

Zhu Xingxing could tell that Cui Xiaoxi had just put on some light makeup and had covered up some traces of her tears. There were some painful emotions hidden in her eyes, and her smile looked very bright, but it was actually very forced.

Hua Ziyi and Wang Yuchun did not see through these details, and thought that Cui Xiaoxi was fine. After Hua Ziyi introduced Wang Yuchun, Wang Yuchun and Cui Xiaoxi seemed to have gotten along well, as they chatted happily.

Zhu Xingxing did not ask anything. He strolled around the room and returned to the living room, sitting on the balcony and lighting up a cigarette.

A gust of fragrant wind blew over, and Cui Xiaoxi walked onto the balcony.

"What about the two of them?" Zhu Xingxing asked.

"I'm looking at my photo album. There are a lot of overseas photos on it." Cui Xiaoxi sat on the nearby rocking chair, gently rocking, and silently stared at the sky outside the window in a daze.

"Did someone steal your research results?"

Zhu Xingxing suddenly turned and looked at her: "The other party was your very good friend, or a friend that you thought was very good. In the end, the other party betrayed you, which is very painful for you, right?"

Cui Xiaoxi looked at him in shock, not understanding how he would know all this.

"I guessed, other than this possibility, there shouldn't be anything that would make you feel so uncomfortable and conflicted."

"Now, you have two choices. The first is for me to take back the fruits of your work, the second is for you to stop working in this profession, and to first relax by my side for a while, until you discover a new direction of interest, then you can start a new journey."

Cui Xiaoxi was silent for a long time before sighing, "I want to travel around the world. When am I tired?

"You yourself?" Zhu Xingxing asked.

"Mm, myself." Cui Xiaoxi smiled faintly: "Don't think that I am really a child. I have lived to this age and have not lived for nothing. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of myself."

"I respect your choice."

Zhu Xingxing muttered to himself for a moment, and said: "However, my husband hopes that you can help him with something."

"What kind of help?" Cui Xiaoxi asked doubtfully.

"When I was in the prison, a prisoner friend and elder gave me some information about biological agents."

Zhu Xingxing said: "I want to create this medicine called Tian Ji 1. He is very old, his biggest wish is to see his Tian Ji 1 become a popular product on the market, helping countless people to survive the difficult times in their lives."

"Heavencraft One, what type of biological agent is that?"

Cui Xiaoxi revealed an expression of interest. Her love for this industry was already deeply rooted within her life. It was a part she could never part with, and the most important part.

"I haven't seen the file yet. It's in the bank's safe."

Zhu Xingxing thought back to what he said before, and said: "Senior said before, that it is a type of strong life support medicine that can quickly recover the functions of one's body. When one is on the verge of death, this medicine is like gasoline poured into the embers of a bonfire, it will once again ignite the flames that are about to be extinguished!"

"Stimulants?" Cui Xiaoxi was suspicious: "Just like the Heart Strengthening Medicines?"

"The cardiac strengthening drug is only a drug for the heart, while the Tian Ji 1 is a drug for the entire body."

Zhu Xingxing shrugged his shoulders, "Wife, I don't know about this either. The information is in the bank's safe. If you'd like to help me, we'll drive over and get it in a bank in Beijing. "

"Really?" Cui Xiaoxi suspected that Zhu Xingxing was making up a story to help her change his mind. He was smart enough to know what she wanted, and even if he made up a story at the last moment, she wouldn't be able to tell whether it was real or fake.

"Absolutely." Zhu Xingxing said solemnly: "If you don't believe me, I will bring you to visit that senior one day. He was once a very famous person, but later on, he went in for some unknown reason. "Yeah, his name is Su Mo, it's ink ink!"

"What?" "Su Mo!"

Cui Xiaoxi sat up all of a sudden, grabbed Zhu Xingxing's arm and said with incomparable excitement: "Hubby, the person you're talking about, is he really called Su Mo?"

"Yeah, just call him Su Mo. I'll call him Old Su." Zhu Xingxing was surprised: "Why are you so agitated? Could it be that he really is a very powerful being? "

"Not very powerful, he's a legend."

Cui Xiaoxi sat in Zhu Xingxing's embrace, hugging his neck and gave him a wild kiss, then said excitedly: "Hubby, you might not know, but he has already won two awards, but he gave her results to someone else, so other than a few industry insiders, no one knows that he is such a powerful person!"


Zhu Xingxing could not believe it, "Is that old man that powerful? Why would he give his work to someone else? "

"Exchange." Cui Xiaoxi's beautiful eyes lit up, and said: "I heard from someone that he has been developing a very mysterious medicine. Once that medicine is developed, it will change the world, and even change the progress of human civilization!"

"Could he be talking about Heavencraft One?"

Zhu Xingxing was too surprised. He did not think that he would suddenly think of this just to keep Cui Xiaoxi here, and that they would actually play along, creating a powerful existence that could change the way of human civilization.

Perhaps, this was the arrangement of the heavens!

"Definitely." Cui Xiaoxi jumped to the ground and anxiously said: "Hubby, let's go get the information right now."

"I can get the information, but I want to see your performance." Zhu Xingxing laughed sinisterly.

Cui Xiaoxi blushed and shyly pulled him into her bedroom. Upstairs, when Hua Ziyi and Wang Yuchun heard the commotion downstairs, their pretty faces blushed and they were a little absent-minded.

After a while, they heard silence downstairs. So soon? It didn't seem right, this was not Zhu Xingxing's style.

The door opened and the two of them immediately covered their eyes in embarrassment. It turned out that the two of them had walked in just like that.

Two hours later, the four of them were on the highway heading to Beijing.

"This is my first time in Beijing." Hua Ziyi said.

"Huh?" Wang Yuchun was shocked, "No way, Sister Zi Yi, you are the boss of such a large corporation, you go overseas often, how can you not have been to Beijing?"

"My business is not in Beijing. I often go to Shang Jing, but never to Beijing."

Hua Ziyi looked at the scenery outside the window that was rapidly flowing by, "I heard that there's nothing interesting in the capital, the most famous places are the Forbidden Palace and Great Wall. But I have a friend who lives in the capital, she said that it doesn't have any meaning, it's just fame. Being famous doesn't mean that it's interesting. "

"I just wanted to join in on the fun. It really wasn't worth it." Wang Yuchun nodded and said, "I stayed there for a long time. At first, it was a little fresh, but afterwards, I became tired of it. Especially since I live by the side of the Second Ring, the air around me is extremely bad. I am simply unable to compare myself to the Baiyun City. The capital is extremely short on water, and there are too few rivers. Occasionally, there would even be a dry and dirty river, which would cause people to collapse. "

"I haven't been there yet."

Zhu Xingxing looked at his phone, "Listening to you all speak like this, my expectations for you all almost turned into negative numbers. Is the capital really that unbearable? "

"I think Beijing is quite fun to play with."

Cui Xiaoxi lazily lied on the front passenger seat, her snow-white legs folded up, revealing two exquisite and cute slender toes, her toenails painted scarlet, giving others a kind of alluring feeling.

"Sanlitun, Wangfujing, and Happy Valley are all quite interesting."

Cui Xiaoxi yawned and closed her eyes, "The best thing about the capital is that the pace of life there is extremely slow, unlike in the depths of Shang Jing City, where the pace of life is extremely fast, and it always gives people a very busy and urgent feeling."

"Alright, I'll sleep for a while. I'll be there in ten hours. I'll get up in place of you, husband."

Cui Xiaoxi closed her beautiful eyes and slowed down the car. She helped her fasten her seat belt and continued to drive off.

The two girls in the backseat also fastened their seatbelts and sat down to sleep. The three girls quickly fell asleep, leaving Zhu Xingxing to drive by himself.

Zhu Xingxing sighed and turned on the music. Xue Ziye's beautiful voice came out faintly from the carriage.

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