A Super Man in the City

C136 Meizong, Daxiangshan

"You're wrong."

Ba Danrenqie gently waved his hand, "There are no good or bad methods, or good or bad religions. There are only good or bad people. "No matter how good a technique is, when it is used for doing bad things, it will become a bad technique. No matter how bad a technique is used for doing good things, it will become a good technique."

"You mean, you're a good person?"

Zhu Xingxing sat on the sofa and pushed Xiao Meng's long legs inside. He picked up the teacup on the table and drank a mouthful: "Sit, you can't beat me, and I can't beat you either. Furthermore, you didn't come looking for me just for the sake of a fight, right? "

Ba Danrenqie laughed and sat on the sofa: "Truly a smart person, I can't hide anything from you. "When I was your age, I still didn't know anything. It seems that you rose up so quickly not because you have control over a large organisation like the Dragon Gate, but because you yourself are very capable!"

"If you want to say something, then go straight to the main point. I don't think there's a need to waste time talking nonsense."

Zhu Xingxing started to boil some water and boil some tea, "I have always been a very straightforward person, as long as it's alright, I won't if it's impossible.

"Alright, then I'll be frank." Ba Danrenqie took the hot tea that Zhu Xingxing had brewed, and poured all of it into his mouth. He nodded and said, "Good tea, only the Central Plains have this kind of good tea."

"You are wrong, these tea leaves are from Miao Jiang." Zhu Xingxing corrected.

Dan Ba Renzi did not reveal an awkward expression. He gave a faint smile. "The same tea leaves taste like this in this place. However, in another place, there is a completely different flavor."

"Speak, business." Zhu Xingxing glanced at the silent Xiao Zhongdao. Obviously, Xiao Zhongdao still had not woken up from the shock that Xiao Meng was a cultivator from a secret sect.

"The Secret Sect has a total of three candidates who will become future successors. I am one of them."

"I am the most orthodox," said Dambach, straightening his back. I know you may think that's ridiculous, but that's the way it is. As for the other two, one of them trained in the Dancing Zen technique and the other trained in the Hundred Ghost Secret Art. The Pleasant Zen technique and my cultivation method are different. I need the pure bodies of many girls in order to achieve it. I also need many top-grade cauldrons to nourish them. The Hundred Ghost Secret Art is to kill people, kill them in a very cruel and evil way, and then use these dead people to cultivate! "

"What do you mean by that?" Zhu Xingxing was a little confused. Could this have something to do with him?

"Once one of these two becomes a living Buddha, with their temperament, they will definitely use the country as their home ground for cultivation."

Ba Danrenqie thought for a while, and continued, "The two of them will soon start a year's worth of training, which will determine which one of us will become the next Sect Master of the Secret Sect. Once they leave this snowy mountain, they will begin to poison all living beings. "

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Zhu Xingxing's expression became serious, his intuition told him that Ba Danrenqie was not lying.

"You are the Sect Leader of the Dragon Gate. In addition to your internal affairs, you are also responsible for protecting this land and the people on it."

Ba Danrenqie said: "Speaking of which, our Big Snow Mountain Secret Sect does not belong to this land, we do not have any sense of belonging to this place either."

"You mean I should kill them before they go down the mountain, right?" Zhu Xingxing drank the hot tea in his cup and asked: "Is that what you mean?"

"That's what it means." Ba Danrenqie said with a stern face: "However, I will not let you do this for the sake of so-called righteousness. If you can help me get rid of them, or cripple them, I will give you a mine overseas. "

"You may not know this, but although I am the dragon head of the dragon gate, I am only a single commander."

Zhu Xingxing lit up a cigarette, took two puffs, and said: "The reason you want the Dragon Gate to do this is actually to let me do this myself. I think this matter definitely requires the risk of my life, right?"

"You're a bare commander?" Dan Ba Renche was shocked. "Is the Dragon Gate already this weak?"

"It's not that the dragon gate is that weak, it's that the dragon gate is still very strong. The problem is that they don't listen to me." Zhu Xingxing laughed bitterly: "So, I am just a commander who can't control any power at all!"

"If that's the case, then I can't let you do this."

"You are no match for them, nor am I. Even if the two of us join forces, we wouldn't be able to fight against one of them, not to mention two of them! "

"Will they be together?" Zhu Xingxing blew out smoke rings softly, watching those smoke rings fly higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger, until they disappeared.

"No, the two of them are enemies." "However, it is impossible for them to kill each other now."

"Since they are enemies, then there must be a way for them to kill each other."

Zhu Xingxing yawned: "Tell me the details on them once, I'll think of a way. "Sometimes, the solution to a problem is not just fighting head on, but fighting with your bare hands."

After a long silence, Dambach decided to tell her everything about the two men.

He sincerely hoped that Zhu Xingxing could think of a good method that could shake a thousand kilograms!

Through Dan Ba's compassionate explanation, Zhu Xingxing understood a few things.

Alan Duowang was 35 years old and practiced the Art of Joy. He had been practicing this technique since he was seven and had been practicing for 28 years. He was very powerful and was known as the number one disciple in the sect.

Yun Hai Sang was thirty-two years old this year, and he trained in the Hundred Ghost Secret Art. He had been practicing this evil technique since the age of three for twenty-nine.

However, in the secret sect of the snowy mountain, the people who were afraid of Sang Du in the sea of clouds were many times more than the people who were afraid of Lan Duowang!

The hatred between Lan Duowang and Yun Hai Sang were all because of a beauty, her name was Gong Hanqiu.

Hearing the name Gong Hanqiu, Zhu Xingxing was completely shocked!

The world is too small, I never thought that Gong Hanqiu was actually involved in this matter.

Lan Duowang and Yun Hai Sang had seen Gong Hanqiu when they were young. She had an extremely mysterious identity and looked like a beauty that could topple nations. The moment they saw her, both of them fell.

Gong Hanqiu had never liked them, but they never left each other.

The two of them had not formed an enmity because they liked each other, but when Gong Hanqiu was being hunted down, Alan Duo Wang could have saved him, and Yun Hai Sang had even taken the chance to kill him, which resulted in Gong Hanqiu's death.

Thus, the two became irreconcilable enemies. Their hatred was so deep that it could not be resolved!

"This is probably how the hatred between the two of them is." Ba Danrenqie took a sip of tea: "Alan Duo Wang is proficient in fist techniques, his fist is the most terrifying fist technique that I have ever seen. It is omnipresent and extremely powerful, faster than lightning."

"Yun Hai Sang specializes in Soul Search, so once he's hit by it, he won't even need to do it himself. You'll do whatever I tell you to do, and it won't be as simple as losing your life!"

Ba Danrenqie looked at the tea leaves floating deeply in his cup. "The reason why Cloud Sea Sang is so frightening is because of this."

"Do you have pictures of them?"

Zhu Xingxing stood up, walked to the window, and lit up another cigarette: "Perhaps I can think of a way to deal with them, but I just don't know if I have enough time to start setting it up right now."

"There are still two weeks before they leave the snowy mountain. Two weeks should be enough time! "

Ba Danrenqie walked to Zhu Xingxing's side, opened up his phone and handed it over to him: "The bald man is indeed Yun Hai Sang Du.

Zhu Xingxing memorized their appearances after looking at them, then returned the phone to Ba Danrenqie: "Where are you going now?"

"I want to return to the snowy mountain. The moment they left the snowy mountain, I want to start attacking and killing. I won't stop until I die."

Ba Danrenqie glanced at Xiao Meng: "She'll stay here. I know you have a way to make her forget everything from the past. She is not actually my woman, because I am also a woman! "

"I know."

Zhu Xingxing nodded his head: "You can reverse Yin and Yang using a cultivation technique?"

"It's true that I can cultivate it to a certain degree, but I can't do it." Ba Danrenqie sighed: "There's no other way, I'm destined to be a woman, unable to change! Goodbye. "


Ba Danrenqie disappeared and Zhu Xingxing turned to look at him. Xiao Zhongdao seemed to have awakened from a dream and sighed: "Suddenly, I feel that this world is too unfamiliar, I can't understand it."

Xiao Zhongdao glanced at Xiao Meng: "Xing, what do you think we should do with her? "I'll go upstairs and lie down for a while. You'll see what you can do."

He tiredly walked up to the second floor. Zhu Xingxing glanced at Xiao Meng: "Get up. He's already gone. Are you still pretending to be interesting?"

"You know I'm faking it?"

Xiao Meng's beautiful eyes reddened. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling in a daze and grief, "Actually, I knew that such a day would come, I just did not expect it to come so soon."

"This is what happens in this world. The more you are afraid, the more you will do. This is something that cannot be helped."

Zhu Xingxing caressed her snow like long legs. "Do you want me to help you resolve your worries?"

Xiao Meng lightly glanced at him: "Don't you think that taking advantage of the situation is extremely shameful?"

"I think it would be beneficial for your emotional stability if you took the appropriate opportunity to enter." Zhu Xingxing smiled: What do you think, beautiful woman?

"Well, we only have two hours now, and I hope you can fill every second of those two hours."

Xiao Meng's eyes suddenly became like silk, her charm reaching to the extreme!

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