A Super Man in the City

C157 She should love you very much

She should love you very much

Zhu Xingxing lit up a cigarette and fiercely took two puffs: "Let's go one step at a time, I will help you think of a way, if you can't do it now, you won't be able to do it in the future! If I find a way to solve this problem, I will treat him! "

"Thank you, boss."

Ximen Xue bit his lips: "Letting him be like this is fine too. He can't be like a normal person, where he'll be ignored, and ignore the huge harm that he could do to all living things."

His phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

Very few people knew Zhu Xingxing's cellphone number, and those who called would not be perturbed.

Zhu Xingxing's work numbers were now being managed by someone, and in the past few days, there were many calls that he couldn't make, so he was always busy.

Who called?

Zhu Xingxing hesitated for a moment before answering the phone: "Hello, who is this?"

"Big Brother Xingxing, it's me." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded. It was Guo Shuyu.

"Oh, it's Washing Jade." Zhu Xingxing was surprised, this girl actually took the initiative to call him, the number must have come from Xiao Zhongdao.

Big Brother Xingxing, you still remember my voice. Guo Shuyu was extremely happy, her sweet and charming voice was trembling with excitement.

"Foolish child, not only do I remember your voice, I can also remember every single voice that I've heard before." Zhu Xingxing drank a mouthful of mineral water, "Don't be so agitated, I'm not worth it for you to be so agitated over. Say it, why did you call me? "

The other side was silent for a moment. She probably did not expect Zhu Xingxing to pour a bucket of cold water on her the moment he said that.

"Big Brother Xingxing, am I annoying?" Guo Shuyu started to cry. She should be covering her mouth to not let herself cry, but her cry was still heard clearly by Zhu Xingxing.

Zhu Xingxing sighed: "When did I say you were annoying? How outstanding and outstanding are you yourself, without a shred of self-confidence? "

"What's the use of me being confident?" Guo Shuyu sobbed softly, "Do you hate me or do you hate me?

"A girl like you, any normal man would like her. I'm also a normal man, so I'm no exception."

Zhu Xingxing looked at the scenery flowing outside the window, and explained: "I only feel that you should be a girl that is loved by tens of thousands, and not waste your time on me."

"Is love something that can be measured by reason?"

Guo Shuyu scoffed, but her tone sounded a little better than before, "If it's really sane, then it's not love at all."

"You haven't experienced love before. The most you can do is worship and like me, not love me." Zhu Xingxing opened his car window and lit up a cigarette, "What you saw was an idol, but do you know what I look like in my life? "I would also eat and blab, snoring and farting so that I don't have to go to the toilet. This is the real me, and in your imagination, what is already on the surface is a completely different story."

"I like your talent, and the feeling you gave me. As for what you said, I didn't have such high hopes."

Guo Shuyu sucked in a bit of air with her nose and said softly, "I already have some expectations for your weakness in my heart. Even if you are a person who dislikes domestic violence with your moral character, I can still endure it. "There are many ways for me to do this. For this, I've been studying for a long time, and now I've mastered it!"

"Learn what?" Curious, Zhu Xingxing could not help but ask.

"I've learned how to make you feel exceptionally happy. I know all sorts of poses and methods!"

Guo Shuyu was a little embarrassed, but she still bravely said: "Big Brother Xingxing, I know you have a lot of beauties by your side, but I think that even with so many beauties, I probably won't be the only one. I don't want any status, and I don't need you to support me. I just want to be together with you! This is my only request. "

"Why do you bother?" Zhu Xingxing sighed softly.

"Big Brother Xingxing, you promised me, right? "Haha, that's great, you've agreed to it!"

Guo Shuyu gave a few kisses to the phone, then said excitedly: "Big Brother Xingxing, I will be your personal assistant from now on. I know that you already have a personal assistant, Ou Wu. She's very powerful in the field of computers, and I'm very good in this area as well, and I also have a lot of other things. Especially since I've learned a very good culinary skill, I can make you very delicious food everyday. "

"Alright, it's good that you like it." Zhu Xingxing said helplessly: "Have you thought about it? If you really came to my side, I might be killed by your family out of anger!"

"That's impossible. I'm sure whoever it is will be who it is. This is my own problem, and there is no one in my family who can block my path."

Guo Shuyu said in an incomparably solemn voice, "Big Brother Xingxing, you can rest assured on this point. I will be responsible for your safety. "I have full confidence in this aspect!"

"Alright, actually, I'm not worrying about how I am. You have to know that I'm currently shouldering the fate and future of many people. In this sort of situation, I can't place myself in danger."

Zhu Xingxing spoke from the bottom of his heart. If it was just him, with such an outstanding girl who loved him so deeply, even if he had to shoulder some risks, he wouldn't disappoint her. He would even make her become the happiest girl in the world!

In this world, there was only good food and love.

"Big Brother Xingxing, I am very happy. I understand what you mean, that's the responsible performance. I like you, also because you have such good points."

Guo Shuyu stopped crying completely and said happily: "Big Brother Xingxing, if you're the kind of man who doesn't move at the first sight of a beauty and wants to get her into bed whenever he has the chance, why would I want to follow you so much? Your performance today made me firmly decide to follow you. Before, I still had a lot of doubts and hesitations, but now, I don't have any more! "Brother, I'm right behind you. Did you see me?"

"Boss, Miss Guo is just behind the car." Ximen Xue timely reminded them.

Zhu Xingxing turned to look, and Guo Shuyu caught up with him. She rolled down the window and smiled at him, her red and swollen eyes still had tears in them, her beautiful face also had some tears on them.

He took out a tissue to quickly wipe away the tears on her face and the corner of her eyes, and waved his hand: "Pay attention to the safety of the car, I'm currently going to the plaza in front of the station, the Hua Tian Mart is Hua Ziyi's business, Hua Ziyi is my woman."

"Brother, I have something to do first, I'll come find you later." Guo Shuyu pursed her lips, her beautiful face red as she ran off like a wisp of smoke.

"This is crazy."

Zhu Xingxing shook his head and sighed, "Are all the girls nowadays this willful? I don't think it's love, it's a whim, it's an impulsive impulse. "

"Boss, I feel that she really loves you." Ximen Xue was extremely serious, he glanced at Zhu Xingxing through the rearview mirror: "Boss, am I saying too much?"

"Ximen, didn't you say that you thought too much?" In my eyes, you are not only a bodyguard, you are also a friend. "

Zhu Xingxing said seriously: "If you don't have anything to say, then chat with me. Actually, there is nothing that you can't talk about. If it's really that kind of thing you can't talk about, I won't let you know about it. You say that, don't you? "

"Well, let me say what I think."

Ximen Xue pondered for a while, organized his words and said: "Boss, my emotional experience is actually not rich, but I feel that it's clear as long as I look at her eyes, I'll see whether a girl really loves you or not. To love you, or not to love you, is definitely not the same kind of gaze, the difference is great! "

"Oh? Then tell me, what is the true love of the eyes, and what is the expression of not loving? " Zhu Xingxing believed that Ximen Xue was definitely a man who told a very story. It was just that he was very low-key, otherwise, he would definitely be more awesome than he was now.

He had the ability and capital. If it were someone else, he might not be able to reach that level!

"I love you, and I stare at your soft and gentle look, full of love and concern. I don't want to let go of you easily when I see you. I don't love you. Just looking at you makes me feel that there's a lot of other things I can't wait to do. I can't wait any longer! "

Ximen Xue's phone rang, he apologetically looked at Zhu Xingxing, and picked up: "Hello, wife, what's wrong?"

"I don't know where my son went, but he's gone missing." His wife's voice was filled with tears as she said in a trembling voice, "Hubby, I've already called the police. The police have used all kinds of trails. Two hours have passed, yet they still haven't found a single trace!"

"I got it. Don't worry, Kang Kang is so smart, nothing will happen to him." Ximen Xue comforted his wife: "I have some matters to take care of right now, when I finish, I will look for you."

Ximen Xue immediately hung up the phone, looking to be deep in thought.

"I'm not going to the square, I'm going to your house." Zhu Xingxing waved his hand, "Let's find the child first. We can talk about other things later."

He immediately called Guo Shuyu and told her that her journey had changed. She didn't go to the square in front of the station and instead went to Puyang Street.

Guo Shuyu was just about to go to the vicinity of Pu Yang Street, and she would go there in a moment.

"Hurry up and go back." Zhu Xingxing patted the back of the chair and urged: "Xi Men Yu, I usually drive at over 200, so right now, it's not downtown, driving fast would not be dangerous to other people's lives!"

Ximen Xue was extremely anxious to start a business, but with his calm personality, the more anxious he became, the more he needed to stay calm and collected.

In less than half an hour, the two of them had already arrived at the east side of Puyang Street, where Ximen Xue's house was located in a small district.

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