"It's a very interesting statement, and it feels more like it's true. The elixir of life is actually a machine. With the technology of ancient times, it is impossible to make such a thing, could it be a masterpiece created by an alien? "

Zhu Xingxing's brain went wild, but people could not help but laugh.

Zhou Laomao also laughed, "Mr. Gao's idea is really interesting, but I don't think it has anything to do with the aliens. Everyone should know that other than the world of ordinary people, there was also the world of cultivators. For something that ordinary people are unable to accomplish, cultivators are able to do so. However, cultivators have their own rules. They would not casually spread the things in that world into the world of ordinary people. "

Everyone understood what he meant. That machine that could make a person live forever was actually created by a cultivator, and was not something an ordinary person could do.

"We don't need to talk about this topic anymore."

Zhou Laomao coughed once, and said respectfully: "This kind of elixir of life, does not only contain one, but there are twelve of them, and the number is not even this high yet. So each person will have one, and the rest, in the future, I will convert them into money, and everyone will have at least several hundred million."

Everyone felt that several hundred million was not a small amount. It was enough for them to live a carefree life.

As for whether Zhou Laomao would keep the elixirs or sell them for money, that was his own problem, so there was no need to worry about it.

If they were able to live forever and also possess several hundred million in funds, with their abilities, how could they still be afraid of not having enough money to spend in the future?

The elixir of life, this machine that could allow the body to be full of vitality, did it really exist!?

Regarding this, Zhu Xingxing held a very doubtful attitude.

Zhu Xingxing had experienced a lot, there were special existences that had a strong life force that was close to being immortal, and Xiao Yao, King Liu Tie, was one such existence.

As for the beautiful alien women, they weren't ordinary humans either; their bodies were very hard to kill.

However, those were not machines. They were in a different state of life!

In the natural world, there were many creatures with great longevity and recovery abilities. However, a machine that could make people live and die had never appeared before, and no one had even heard of it.

Compared to the Life Extinguishing Medicine, Zhu Xingxing believed that Zhou Laomao had other motives and used the Life Extinguishing Medicine as a cover to confuse the crowd.

"Where is the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang?" the man who had shot the tall guard asked.

"This is a secret, I can't tell you." Zhou Laomao slowly and forcefully shook his head: "This is the main point of the secret, if you guys knew the specific location, then you might be able to find the place, the painstaking effort that I had spent so many years for is easily wasted."

"If you agree to participate in this matter, I will give you 20 million as the deposit. No matter if it succeeds or not, this money will belong to you. It will be sufficient for you and your family to live without worries for the rest of your life."

Zhou Laomao took a sip of tea: "If it's someone that you don't want to participate in, it's fine too. Someone around me can remove this portion of your memories, but can still obtain the two million for your hard work."

"Now, I'll give everyone ten minutes to think it over. Ten minutes later, I'll get the result."

Zhou Laomao walked out of the office. Everyone looked at each other, no one had any intention of leaving.

Zhu Xingxing sat there silently, after thinking for a while, he knew that this place had monitors, so he had to be extremely cautious.

Suddenly, a wave of yang energy appeared beneath his feet. The bald man, who was sitting with his legs crossed, fell to the ground. The person beside him also fell to the ground after bumping into him.

Zhu Xingxing quickly reached out to support the bald man, and quickly placed his hand on his bald head. With the help of his body and table, he quickly read the bald man's memories while at the same time hypnotizing him.

The baldy stood up and rubbed his leg. "Damn it, what lousy chair is this? It almost killed me."

The fatty that he knocked down was his friend. He didn't say anything and only smiled bitterly.

After Zhu Xingxing finished hypnotizing the baldy, he sat there and analyzed the baldy's memories. He realized that this fellow was not simple at all.

Baldy was a firearms expert. He could use many different kinds of rare materials to make firearms, such as ivory, jade, ox bones, agate, and so on.

The firearms he produced were not only beautiful, but they were also practical. Many rich and powerful people thought well of them.

The baldy's items were all sold very expensive and he had a high production rate. Logically speaking, he should be very rich, but he was very gambling and always lost, all the money he earned was used to gamble and exchange his debts. Otherwise, a proud person like him would not come to Zhou Laomao's place to mess around.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Laomao walked in and asked: "Who wants to leave?"

"I'm leaving."

Zhu Xingxing said as he looked at Zhou Laomao blandly, "But I want to know how I can remove these memories."

"I also want to know how exactly to erase memories." A somewhat old looking man said, "I also want to withdraw."

"I'm just using hypnotism to erase my memories. Follow me now."

Zhou Laomao smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I won't do anything else to you guys. Removing memories is removing memories, just a part of the memories that came here."

The two of them followed him out. The others had different expressions on their faces. They were basically wondering how they were going to hypnotize the two of them.

Zhu Xingxing and the old man went outside to the dome shaped dimension and entered a room. An old man with a white beard sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, giving off a mysterious feeling.

"Master, these two gentlemen need to erase their memories." Zhou Laomao was extremely respectful to the old man.

The old man nodded slightly, and Zhou Laomao quietly left.

The door closed, leaving only three people in the empty room. There was no sound at all, and the atmosphere was tense.

The old man looked at Zhu Xingxing: "Mr. Gao, do you still remember that we met each other before?"

Zhu Xingxing believed that Gao Dazhi should have not seen the old man before. At the very least, he did not have any information about this man in his memories.

"I'm sorry, I really can't remember where I met you." Zhu Xingxing said apologetically: "Perhaps, it was my memories that had a problem? In any case, I don't have any information regarding you in my memories. "

"Oh, it's fine. It's like this a lot of the time. I remember you. You don't have any impression of me." The old man looked at the old man. "Old man, when are you going to erase our memories? We all have things to do. "

"You have nothing to do, you're just a little impatient."

The old man sighed, "This gentleman is younger than you, but his mental state is much better than yours. "Since you want to be faster, I'll hypnotize you first."

Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes. His eyes were not white at all. They were pitch black, like two bottomless pools or two black holes that could devour anything!

The old man stopped moving and stared at the old man.

He was actually hypnotized all of a sudden. The old man's hypnosis skills were simply unimaginable.

The old man started chanting and Zhu Xingxing understood that it was a spell in Sanskrit!

Zhu Xingxing suddenly thought of a sect called the Brahma Church in Tian Zhu.

The Vermillion Bird Sect was a cult. They cultivated a very cruel and inhuman art called the Great Art of the Vermillion Bird.

When the Great Suo Cultivation Technique reached a certain level, one's eyes would turn pitch black, and the moment one saw it, they would be controlled.

After controlling a person, there was also another kind of Curse: Curse that had a strange power. It could cause a person to never be able to wake up and turn into a puppet, always being controlled by the person who cast the Curse!


Zhu Xingxing suddenly pierced a silver needle between the old man's eyebrows, at the same time slapping the back of his head.

His movements were too fast, the old man didn't even have a chance to react before he fell to the ground.

The old man's memories were extremely complicated, it took Zhu Xingxing a long time to finish reading them!

This old man hadn't done too many bad things, and didn't cause too many serious consequences, so Zhu Xingxing only controlled him and didn't kill him.

Zhu Xingxing then read the memories of the old man. Although this guy looked like an honest man, he was actually just human dregs.

Zhu Xingxing could not be bothered with whether he lived or died, and closed his eyes.

The old man called for the two beauties and left the room with Zhu Xingxing.

After he left, the old man continued to hypnotize the old man, using him as a cultivation cauldron.

An hour later, Zhu Xingxing's car was driven to the parking lot of the Beijing Station. After the two of them left, he lit up a cigarette, took a few puffs, then drove to his car and took out his phone to call Cui Family's Little Uncle.

"Uncle, did you manage to get the item?" Zhu Xingxing asked.

"Got it. Where are you right now? Is it safe?" Cui Family's uncle asked with deep concern.

"It's safe now. I'll be at the main station. If anything happens to my uncle, I'll get on the bus back to Sanjiang. I have to settle the things over there tonight."

Zhu Xingxing was always worried about the explosion at Three River Shopping Center. If he didn't handle this thing, it would feel like he was sitting on top of an explosive package, and there would be a world-shaking explosion at any time.

"I'm fine now. Be careful when you go back. If you can't deal with it, you'd rather give up that place than play around with your life."

The Cui Family's Little Uncle laughed: "That place seems to be private. You can talk to the other party and take the risk to clear the mine. If it really was blown up, then that loss would not be a small one! "

Zhu Xingxing couldn't help but laugh: "Little uncle, I'll come back in two days and show you and Little Aunt to you. I'll call you in advance when the time comes."

"You really have to make a phone call in advance, or else you won't be able to eat brine intestines anymore. You have to make preparations in advance, otherwise the taste will be unauthentic and unsatisfying."

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