White Deer Frost sneered, "Remember, the matter between the two of us won't end like this!"

"Between the two of us?"

Zhu Xingxing was puzzled: "What did I do to you? Are you pregnant and want me to be responsible for you? "You can consider this. If I really made you pregnant, as a very responsible man, I will definitely take responsibility for you to the end!"


Several people on the table burst out into laughter. There was no helping it, they really couldn't help it.

Just as he was about to explode with anger, he was stopped by West King, "Lord Cave Lord, although in terms of status, you and Zhu Longtou are on equal footing, in terms of seniority, you are two times higher than him. If the elder cannot compare with the junior, then you have lost."

"Kid, on account of the West King, I'll let you off this time. If you dare to spout nonsense again, be careful that I'm not going to be polite with you."

White Deer Frost snorted coldly and glared fiercely. He received the wine cup handed to him by King of the North and gulped down a mouthful.

Zhu Xingxing smiled, "Master, you really scared me to the point of peeing! Your son tried to take advantage of my woman, and I was so paralyzed that I spilled wine all over his face and didn't kill him. Guanyin had hit him twice and his eyeballs had exploded. Who the hell would know what was going on? "You seem like you're going to blame us right now. How embarrassing."

West King sighed, "Zhu Longtou, today is my son's wedding day, do you have to fight? It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong. If you really want to solve this problem, after today, you can use it as a fighting arena anywhere in the West King Palace. What do you think? "

"Alright, I won't say anymore."

Zhu Xingxing raised his wine cup and said, "Today is the wedding day of His Highness West King's eldest son. Let's all toast.

Everyone raised their cups in agreement. Only White Deer Frost ignored him and continued to drink.

After drinking this cup, Zhu Xingxing put down the cup and poured wine for everyone: "Your Highness West King, your eldest son has gotten married. When is Second Young Master going to get married to Third Young Master?"

"I don't know about that either. Children nowadays are all free lovers. As for what level they have reached, it's hard to say whether they are adults or not."

The West King sighed: "No matter what your identity is, you can't change this matter. My elder brother is a blind date, so the timing is a bit easier to control, so it shouldn't be too complicated. "

The new person came out to toast. Di Linuozha had a calm smile on his face, and looked more beautiful than ever.

She wore a scarlet qipao, outlining her tall and sexy figure in an extremely alluring and captivating manner. The two sides of the qipao revealed her extremely tender and slender long legs, while the Qian Qianqian wore a red satin ladle on her feet.

It was so beautiful, so alluring. This kind of woman was the best explanation for the word 'heavenly'!

The people on the table, regardless of whether they were men or women, all felt their hearts palpitating the moment they saw Di Linuozha.

not everyone. Zhu Xingxing didn't have much of a feeling, at most he just felt that it was breathtaking.

Di Linuozha's body had a faint and enchanting fragrance, it was intoxicating and her voice was exceptionally sweet and tender, as though she was the most delicious, sweetest, and most alcohol in the entire world. There was no need to drink it.

"This is the Dragon Gate's Zhu Xingxing, Zhu Longtou." West King made an introduction.

"Zhu Longtou, after you."

Di Linuozha handed the full cup of wine to Zhu Xingxing and Zhu Xingxing took the cup and smiled: "First Young Master and Miss Naza are a perfect couple, a match made in heaven. I wish the two of you are similar in age, and the same in love with each other. You will always be in love with each other, and everything will go smoothly.

"Thank you." Seeing that Zhu Xingxing had finished drinking, Di Linuozha passed him another cup. "Actually, I have long known of Boss Zhu, but did not know that you still have such an illustrious identity. I am your little sister, and also the leader of the support group. You are my idol, I hope you can drink another two cups! "

Everyone drank one cup. Zhu Xingxing seemed to always be able to stand out from the masses with three cups.

Zhu Xingxing was startled, then laughed: "Alright then, I must drink this wine. I've already said my best wishes, so let's just make peace. "

"Boss Zhu, to be honest, I'm also your mistook."

"I like your books, your movies, and your songs very much. As a fan and wife of a fan, we sincerely hope that you can give us a special birthday present. For example, sing us a song, a song of blessings!"

The few youngsters on the table were all jeering, while the West King s were silently laughing while watching the show. The White Deer Cave Lord's expression was gloomy, his smile sinister, looking somewhat frightening.

Zhu Xingxing drank a cup of wine, then picked up the third cup and brought the cup over to the stage. The pianist who was playing stopped and stood up to give him a seat.

He placed his wine cup on the zither lid and spoke into the microphone: "Today is the wedding day of Mr. Xi Long Tian and Miss Di Linuozha, I will give them a love serenade, I hope they will love each other deeply and become one with each other forever."

The beautiful melody started to play. After Zhu Xingxing talked about the beautiful prelude, he started to sing!

Zhu Xingxing used the Western Frontier language, her singing voice was magnetic and soft, exceptionally pleasant to the ears, accompanied by his incomparably enchanting melody, it was simply the voice of heaven.

Everyone's attention was attracted to him. Many of them were trying to guess who this young man wearing black-framed glasses was.

"Big Brother Xingxing, I love you!"

Suddenly, a girl below the stage let out a high-pitched shriek, giving everyone a fright.

Di Linuozha and Xi Long Tian both started laughing. They didn't get angry at the girl's actions, but found her to be more fun.

"Big Brother Xingxing, I love you, I want to give you a child, a football team!"

"Big Brother Xingxing, I want to give you an enhanced company."

"Big Brother Xingxing, I want to build you a fire wagon!"

The shouts came one after another. They were all girls' voices, not a single man.

Many of the guests understood, this man with glasses was actually the famous legendary Zhu Xingxing!

Zhu Xingxing was actually sitting at the main table earlier.

In the hearts of many people, there was such a big question.

When Zhu Xingxing finished singing, thunderous applause and cheers filled the air. Countless well-dressed beauties, beauties, and even beauties ran up to him to take a photo as a memento. Some even secretly kissed him, and some even dared to take advantage of his crotch, causing him to be at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

The wedding banquet of the eldest son of the West King seemed to have become a gathering of Zhu Xingxing's fans.

What was even more interesting was that Di Linuozha and Xi Long Tian even used their digital cameras to take pictures and video recordings.

Returning to his seat, Zhu Xingxing's snow-white shirt was covered with lipstick and his face and neck were covered with it. Nie Guanyin was extremely happy, he took out a wet towel and helped him wipe it before removing the lipstick on his face and neck. There was nothing he could do about it, unless he changed his clothes, otherwise, no one would be able to remove the lipstick on his face and neck.

"Haha, I never thought that Boss Zhu would be so popular. Amongst the many generations of dragon heads, the only one who stands out is you!"

West King said with a smile: "Boss Zhu, with so many fans, even if the disciples of the Dragon Gate did not return to your side, you are still the most charismatic person in the world."

"Attraction and strength are two different things."

Zhu Xingxing sighed: "I'm afraid that this is the most useless head in the history of the Dragon Gate, with less than fifty disciples under his command. Furthermore, they are all of the new generation, with very few elders, and truly powerful disciples.

His phone started to ring, Zhu Xingxing took out his phone to look, it was Ouyang Linlang calling.

He frowned and felt that something was wrong. He immediately picked up the phone. "Darling, what's wrong?"

"Hubby, Dou Dou is missing."

Ouyang Linlang's voice carried a teary tone: "We've already searched for all we can, but we couldn't find any."

"Where did he disappear to?" Zhu Xingxing said very calmly, "Don't be in such a hurry. It's fine, I can find her.

Ouyang Linlang took two deep breaths and explained the entire process.

This morning, after Ouyang Tangdou, Heaven Queen Zhu Longxiang and Long Fengpu came to the kindergarten, she left by himself. The two bodyguards followed his and went to the cinema to watch a movie that had just released.

The two bodyguards sat beside her, but for some reason, they took a nap. When they woke up, they found that she wasn't in her seat.

They immediately started their search and switched to surveillance, but there was no trace of her at all. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air. No one knew where she had gone to!

The audience who were watching the movie, the staff at the cinema, and so on, no one saw the child leave.

In fact, no one had ever walked out of the screening room during the movie!

"I understand. Don't worry, I'll get someone to look for him now." Zhu Xingxing comforted her: "Just stay at home obediently, you can guarantee that nothing will happen to yourself, Dou Dou is ten thousand times smarter than you, there will definitely be no problem. Maybe she was just bored and was playing a little joke on us. Alright, you can just stay here and rest. Don't cause trouble. "

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Xingxing stood up and went to the balcony to make a few calls, he returned to the dining table, and smiled at the people, and continued eating, chatting and laughing.

After the meal, Zhu Xingxing returned to his room and made a few phone calls to inquire about the progress.

There was no progress, and there were still no clues regarding Ouyang Tangdou!

Zhu Xingxing's heart failed and started to beat intensely, the feeling that something was wrong with the table just now became stronger.

At that moment, his cell phone vibrated. An unfamiliar cell phone number had entered his phone!

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