Nima egg, Qin Botian, this bitch, must be intentional. It seems that her words can't be taken seriously!

Things have come to this point. Zhu Xingxing doesn't want to find psychological balance by complaining and cursing.

He still has to find a way to make himself strong as soon as possible, and the task has to be completed!

Qin Botian gave him the task of marrying the princess of the northern palace with this body. Gongsun Yan.

Zhu Xingxing is now in the city where Gongsun Yan lives, the largest city in the north of the Chinese Empire. Jiangcheng is also the capital of Sanjiang province.

Sanjiang province is a neighboring province. It is the three northern provinces where Zhu Xingxing made his fortune when he first came to the transition field. Jiangcheng takes a few hours to drive from Beijiang City, which is not close. But it's not far.

The mobile phone rang. Zhu Xingxing picked up the shabby mobile phone and answered, "hello?"

"Zhu Xingxing. When on earth do you call rent?"

A very unhappy voice sounded in the mobile phone: "what do you think? People in their thirties. I'm embarrassed to say you. You can't pay the rent of 300 yuan a month. You lie at home all day dreaming without looking for a job. Do you think pie will fall from the sky?"

The phone call was from the landlord. Although people's words are not good. But this was said when he owed three months' rent. Before, people didn't say anything. This is very particular, not too much.

"Brother Zhang, give me a week. I'll give you the rent for four months and pay it in advance for next month. Do you think it's ok?"

Zhu Xingxing hasn't figured out how to make money, but he believes that living people can't suffocate their urine. Why can't people with hands, feet and brains earn some living expenses?

"Star, I don't want to bury you. You're a good person. You're either lazy or too idealistic."

The landlord sighed: "I'm not a rich man either, otherwise it doesn't matter if you live. Finally, I'll give you two weeks. I don't want four months' rent. You can give me two months' rent and give me what you owe next month. I know you're not in good health, but you know a lot of things. You can earn this little money by looking for any job. You're not like me. You're a natural cripple Waste, the heart has spare strength, and the strength is insufficient. "

"Brother Zhang, you've always taken care of me very much. If you were someone else, you wouldn't let me live for a long time. It's not sure how ugly your speech will be, but you never said anything. Even if you said that just now, you're just telling the truth with good intentions. I understand what you think."

Zhu Xingxing said sincerely, "brother Zhang, just wait for my call. I'll transfer it to you when I get the money."

"OK, you should pay attention to your safety. Hey!"

Brother Zhang hung up and Zhu Xingxing coughed again.

He stretched out his hand and poked several acupoints on his body. The symptoms of cough disappeared immediately, but he was still panting and sweating.

People with tuberculosis have no strength, which is a very typical symptom.

The stomach was muttering. Zhu Xingxing was hungry, very hungry.

He suddenly remembered that he didn't eat yesterday and today. No wonder he was so hungry.

What would you like to eat?

Zhu Xingxing knew that his body was in urgent need of nutrition, but the money in his pocket was not enough. He went to eat a nutritious meal, even a small meal.

He thought about it, put on his only clean clothes, soaked the dirty clothes, bed sheets and pillows in a large basin, sprinkled washing powder, washed his face, combed his hair, and got up to look for food outside.

Out of the rented yard, there is a small street outside. The location of his yard is good. The location near the street is always much better than those in the small hutongs.

The asphalt road of the small street is in disrepair for a long time, with potholes, and there are not many vehicles and pedestrians.

After walking more than 100 meters, we came to a street, which is much more prosperous. There are many shops on the street, operating all kinds of businesses.

Chuncheng street.

If you go south along this street, you can reach the very prosperous Hongxing street, which is one of the five most prosperous streets in Jiangcheng.

Baishui Road, Jiefang Road, Shuangqing Road, Guizhou Road, Hongxing street.

Zhu Xingxing read the memory information left by the master of the Central Plains in his mind and felt that if there were a stall on Hongxing street, he would certainly be able to make money.

The question is, what does the stall sell?


Zhu Xingxing thinks this is the most reliable business. Sanjiang people are delicious. Songjiang people especially love to eat. They even love to the extent of obsession and madness. No matter whether they have money or not, they will spend what they see delicious!

Love to eat, love to wear, love to play.

This is not only the commonness of Sanjiang people, but also the common attribute of people in many northern provinces such as Sanbei people!

When Zhu Xingxing was distracted and thinking about things, there was a sad cry in the high wall not far away. It was the sound of a pig.

Chuncheng meat joint factory is an old factory that has existed for at least decades. Inside the high wall is the slaughterhouse of the meat joint factory, killing pigs.

Zhu Xingxing's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of what he should sell.

The meat joint factory is a state-owned enterprise. Everyone gets a dead salary, so they don't work very actively, let alone seriously. Anyway, nothing happens.

After the pigs in the slaughterhouse were killed, the water was directly thrown away. He had seen cars of water thrown away more than once.

Some places in Sanjiang province have a hobby of eating pig water, but people in Chuncheng don't seem to be interested in it.

In fact, it's not that I'm not interested, but no one has ever made this kind of thing specially and didn't eat it delicious, so I'm not interested.

If it tastes good, it will be endless!

Zhu Xingxing immediately went back to his yard and rode a tricycle to the back door of the meat factory. A cart of water was pushed out.

"Star, what are you doing here?" old Li Tou and Zhu Xingxing, who fell into the water, are neighbors. They often drink together and have a good relationship.

"Lao Li, I'll get some water to feed a buddy to the dog. Don't pour it down and load it in my car."

Zhu Xingxing then put the washed water on his car. Lao Li said, "if you want, I'll keep it for you. There's a waste carriage in the yard. Wash it and put it there. You can go in and pull it directly. Anyway, you're also familiar here. By the way, wait a minute. I got you some spiced pig head meat. Take it back. Let's have two drinks in the evening."

"OK, I'll get some sorghum to burn back in the evening. You like to drink that. Don't go up." Zhu Xingxing said with a smile: "is ten kilograms enough?"

"That's enough, just the two of us can't drink five Jin a week." Lao Li wheeled back to the yard and handed Zhu Xingxing a convenience bag a few minutes later.

The old guard just smiled when he saw it. He also had a drink with Zhu Xingxing. He was an old friend of Lao Li for many years. He would only help cover for such a thing and would not obstruct or snitch.

This is the custom in the meat factory. Everyone takes it. Anyone who doesn't take it becomes a fool. In order not to be a fool, no one will keep his innocence.

Zhu Xingxing said hello to the two old men, covered the car with tarpaulin, rode the tricycle back to his yard, found two large basins, connected the tap water pipe, and got busy in the corner of the yard.

The pig's heart, liver, lung, kidney and gall bladder were well washed. The gall bladder was stuffed into the bladder, tied tightly and hung in the shade of the barn.

Next, I began to wash my intestines and stomach. This work was troublesome and disgusting. Fortunately, there was a sewer next to me. I rushed out directly, so I didn't leave my nausea to myself.

After washing, knead and rinse with alkaline hot water, and the intestines and stomach will be thoroughly cleaned. The intestines only have a faint smell that is not disgusting. If you don't eat fat intestines, it's meaningless!

After cleaning his intestines and stomach, Zhu Xingxing began the next step and began to boil the water with two big pots in the house.

Cook for a while to remove the blood and odor impurities, and then cook all kinds of cooked food with the seasoning of more than ten yuan just bought.

Sauce pig liver, pig heart, spiced pig lung, pig kidney, stewed large intestine, stewed belly.

It's all done. It's just time for lunch. Zhu Xingxing was almost full when he tasted the taste. Now he cleaned up the tricycle and took several pots of cooked food. The car was covered with a very clean plastic cloth, put on his hat and sunglasses, put the scale used to sell fruit on the car, and tied his small waist bag to his body, Pedal a tricycle and run to Hongxing street.

Eating is different. I don't feel weak anymore, and I've been busy sweating a lot just now. I feel very pressed and comfortable.

Zhu Xingxing's goal is the residential area where Hongxing Street meets Ping'an Avenue. There are all the family areas of Songjiang automobile factory. The efficiency of Songjiang automobile factory is very good and the wages of employees are very high, so the consumption ability is very good. As long as you go there, you will sell very well with his skills!

All the way, more than 30 minutes later, Zhu Xingxing came to the place. He parked his car at the door of the community. There was no security here, only some wandering old men and women, plus some children and women.

There are also some vendors selling peanuts, melon seeds and fruits here. Their business is good.

When Zhu Xingxing came, the vendors stared at him. Seeing that he was selling cooked food, they immediately relaxed and smiled at him.

Those vendors are hawking. Zhu Xingxing doesn't hawk. He just cuts off some of all kinds of cooked food, puts them in clean and elegant dishes, puts them on the car, and puts up a self-made sign with four beautiful characters: free taste.

The smell of cooked food was so strong that people passing by the door could smell it. Soon an old man stopped and tasted it, and his eyes lit up immediately: "how do you sell it, child?"

Zhu Xingxing said with a smile that the price was seven or eight yuan a kilo, one or two yuan cheaper than the deli, but the taste was much better than the deli.

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