Zhu Xingxing smelled an extremely charming fragrance, which was emitted by a woman's body.

The fragrance is sweet and fresh, which is fresh only for girls.

He still closed his eyes. There's a girl around.

The fresh and sweet taste comes from her body.

Suddenly, his towel was lifted. His smooth body got into his arms.

Zhu Xingxing was stunned. It was so unexpected. There are girls throwing themselves into arms. What's the situation? Does anyone want to play immortal dance?

He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful little face. Her face is still very young. In fact, she is not a girl, or a Lori.

She closed her eyes. His face flushed as if he were drunk. But definitely not drunk, because she doesn't have any alcohol smell.

Little Lori is wearing a pink bikini swimsuit and has a slender figure. The skin is unusually snow tender. It's like the best snow porcelain. It is smooth and moist, and even emits the halo of pearl.

Zhu Xingxing gently touched her upturned ass. She began to tremble and whispered, "No."

"You got into my bed. Why didn't you let me touch it? Did someone chase you?" Zhu Xingxing said, "you shouldn't be a girl in ordinary people. I don't think this kind of thing will happen to you."

"No one chased me. But someone pestered me. Uncle, I can touch you, but you can't really touch me."

Little Lori's body was burning, and her face was red like a ripe big apple, emitting a very attractive aroma.

Little Lori had a faint fragrance and said in a trembling voice, "uncle, I let you take advantage of it. Can you play my boyfriend?"

Zhu Xingxing put his hand on her back and wondered, "you are so beautiful that countless men are willing to be your shield. Why do you choose me? I'm a bad old man."

"You look like my father." little Lori squeezed herself into his arms and whispered, "I like the smell of you. I think you are a trustworthy person. I don't trust others!"

"Do I look alike?" asked Zhu Xingxing.

"What as like as two peas, Lolita's as like as two peas," said little lolly, with a long, raised eyelash shaking: "why do you look exactly like my father? Are you my father's twin brother?"

"Don't you think it's hard for you to let your uncle or uncle like this?" Zhu Xingxing kissed her little mouth and untied her swimsuit.

A few minutes later, a scarlet flower bloomed on the snow-white bath towel.

The beautiful girl with long hair and the beautiful girl with short hair saw Zhu Xingxing's situation. They were so ashamed that they were hot. They completely underestimated Zhu Xingxing's courage and combat effectiveness.

More than two hours later, little Lori woke up from a faint, her body trembled like leaves in the wind, and her swimming trunks were about to be bitten to pieces.

After a while, she took off her swimming trunks, bit her lips and looked at Zhu Xingxing angrily: "is it interesting to bully a little girl?"

"You're a little girl, but you're not an ordinary little girl. Do you think I don't know you're playing routine with me?"

Pop pop.

Zhu Xingxing beat her ass twice and said, "chick, you're still too young to play with me. Do you know what it's called? This is stealing chicken can't eat rice. If you lose your wife, you'll lose your soldiers."

Her body immediately sent out an extremely charming smell and said in a greasy voice: "bad guy, I know to bully people. I'm not as big as your daughter. You can do this to me."

"Sorry, I don't even have a daughter-in-law, let alone a daughter." Zhu Xingxing picked up his cell phone and looked at it: "it's late. Are you going to sleep with me at night?"

"Well," said little Lori, "my name is Su Li. You don't even ask my name. Do you want to wipe it dry and pick up your pants and leave without admitting?"

"Su Li." Zhu Xingxing nodded, "it's a very nice name and people are very cute."

"Is it just cute?" Suli murmured discontentedly.

"It's very cute. It's already a very high evaluation." Zhu Xingxing hugged her more tightly in her arms: "my name is Zhu Xingxing. I'm an old bachelor in my thirties. My pocket is cleaner than my face. I'm afraid there's only that thing I can give you."

"I didn't want to get money from you. It's such an old man. It's still a child's name."

Su Li looked at him curiously with big beautiful and dreamy eyes: "what do you do? You can't be a personal dealer?"

"You guessed right, I'm a personal trafficker." Zhu Xingxing put her on the body and rode. Her face immediately turned red again. She was tired of scolding a big villain, so she bit her lips and tossed.

The beautiful girl with long hair and the beautiful girl with short hair watched a live action movie all night. They didn't stop there until more than five o'clock in the morning.

Early in the morning, Zhu Xingxing and Su Li put on their clothes and came to the parking lot. Su Li said, "you're going to play an artist later. You're an artist who comes back from overseas. By the way, you're an abstract painter. This kind of painter is always independent and eccentric. No one should doubt you. What we want to see is my sister-in-law and the person she introduced."

"I just let the other party give up and let them believe that you are my woman. Is that what I mean?" asked Zhu Xingxing.

"Well, that's what I mean. Can you play well?" Su Li didn't quite believe in his strength. After all, he was a rural man. Although he was calm now, he was afraid that he would fall off the chain at the critical moment.

"Do you have any other choice?"

Zhu Xingxing got on the bus with her and said, "when will we meet? If you're not in a hurry to meet, find a place to have breakfast."

"Your psychological quality is very good." Su Li rolled her eyes: "I don't know if you really have good psychological quality, or heartless."

"Heartless." Zhu Xingxing pinched her face: "don't talk nonsense. I'll tremble all over if I don't eat. Don't you want me to tremble all over to see your sister-in-law?"

"Well, let's have breakfast. What would you like?" Su Li said helplessly.

"Fried liver." Zhu Xingxing pointed diagonally opposite: "there is. What time does your aunt want to meet?"

"Ten o'clock. It's seven thirty. There are two and a half hours left."

Su Li said nervously, "my sister-in-law doesn't like others to be late. We must make preparations in advance."

"Why are you so afraid of your sister-in-law? What a great person is your sister-in-law?" Zhu Xingxing got out of the car and pulled Su Li across the road. He was puzzled: "or do you have something in her hand?"

"None." Su Li thought for a moment and said, "maybe it's just a habit formed since childhood. My sister-in-law is very strong in the family. Even my father is afraid of her."

"Your father is afraid of her, so you have to be afraid of her?" Zhu Xingxing lit a cigarette and took a sip. "You don't have to be afraid of her. Even if things don't work today, you can leave the family and I can support you. You still go to school now, and I'll bear your tuition and living expenses!"

"Really?" Su Li looked at him in surprise. "But you have nothing. How can you bear my tuition and living expenses? My tuition will be more than 100000 next semester. The living expenses can be saved. 10000 a month is enough."

"What school did you study in?" Zhu Xingxing and she went into the porridge shop and sat in a corner near the window. They were safe and hidden. They asked for something and began to eat.

"I'm in Tianyi international foreign language school, noble school." Su Li explained: "the tuition fees there are the most expensive in China, but to tell the truth, I can't learn anything. I'm just qualified to study abroad in the future."

"Do you want to study abroad?" asked Zhu Xingxing.

"I don't want to. Traveling abroad is a little interesting. What's the meaning of studying abroad? I haven't learned anything at home. It's funny to learn something abroad."

Su Li shrugged helplessly: "but there's no way. It's all arranged by my sister-in-law. My parents don't agree. There's no way. The old lady and the old man listen to my sister-in-law."

"As soon as you say that, I know your sister-in-law won't have a good character. Her son will certainly enter the family and want to inherit your Su family's estate in the future."

Zhu Xingxing took two bites of fried liver, looked out of the window and said: "I've seen a lot of such women, but I'm used to them. Today we're going to be an hour late to meet, and she'll disappear in a hurry. You're my woman, and I'll take care of you. If she pretends to die, you'll leave the family. I'll teach you painting, music and writing at home. In the future, you can be a painter, musician or writer, or just have sex. I know you like it What else do you like better? "

"God, how do you know I like these? I didn't tell you." Su Li was very surprised and a little happy.

"I value you, so I will analyze you. Do you have anything you like better, especially the dream you want to realize?"

Zhu Xingxing said positively, "I will help you achieve it!"

"Well, what I like most is eating. I want to be a gourmet." Su Li said with some embarrassment, "but it doesn't seem to be a job?"

"Of course, and it will be very powerful if you do it well." Zhu Xingxing rubbed her hair and spoiled her "This is even simpler. If you want to be a gourmet, you must first understand the taste of delicious food. To be honest, this requires a certain talent. If your taste buds are not very sensitive to taste, it is actually a very difficult thing to become a gourmet. But I know your taste buds are very developed and must have such a talent."

"Bad guy." Su Li's face turned red, and she remembered some scenes that were not suitable for children.

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