Besides, she should still be a beautiful woman.

Lifting the heavy curtain, Zhu Xingxing saw the northwest king. Indeed, as he thought, he is a great beauty, a super top beauty!

"Mr. Zhu. How do you know I'm a woman? Do you know I just gave birth soon?" Wang Meili's eyes looked at Zhu Xingxing curiously.

"The smell in the room is too strong to cover the smell of blood." Zhu Xingxing sat by the bed. Reached out and took her little hand. She obediently let him pulse.

"I've heard that Mr. Zhu has amazing medical skills. It seems to be true. At first glance, this posture is not an ordinary quack."

The northwest king was dressed in white silk pajamas. Lying on a beautiful couch with a quilt, the skin color was very white. Now it looks particularly white.

She has a faint smell. And a faint smell of blood.

"Lord, your body is too cold. You have lost too much blood, and now the lochia hasn't come down. There's more blood."

Zhu Xingxing said: "I'm going to give you acupuncture and massage treatment. You can't wear clothes during this process. I will touch the private parts of your body and have intimate contact. In this way, the treatment will have an immediate effect. If it doesn't work, you can kill me directly. There are more conventional methods. It will take at least seven days to see some effect, but your physique is different from ordinary people. At that time The weather may not be able to hold up. "

He let go of the northwest King's little hand. He opened the quilt and held her little foot. His fingers were inserted into the toes of her Qianqian snow feet. Suddenly, he let her shout, and her face was red.

Zhu Xingxing's big hands are warm and hot, which makes the northwest King feel electrified. She even has an impulse to hiss.

God, how could this happen?

The northwest King's unusually pale face turned red and said shyly, "I'm sorry. I feel so strange."

"Very comfortable, isn't it?" Zhu Xingxing smiled faintly: "My technique can stimulate your needs. The lochia in your body will be discharged when you continue to peak, and then I will help you stop bleeding. Next, I will touch all parts of your body, and there may be similar aggressive actions. I hope you don't get me wrong. I'm a doctor. Don't avoid doctors. There is no difference between men and women in my eyes."

"I feel like you've forgotten my identity. Just think I'm a woman."

Northwest Wang's beautiful big eyes were filled with curious light: "how did you do it? Why do you seem to care about my identity?"

"Lord, even if you are a goddess, you are still a woman. In my eyes, women are the same and weak."

Zhu Xingxing suddenly thought of Gong Hanqiu and Qin Botian and said with a bitter smile, "forget it, I take back this sentence. I don't suffer less from women."


The northwest King laughed and suddenly screamed again. He suddenly pressed the center of her feet. He was numb and twitched continuously. It took him a while to return to normal.

"Bleeding." the northwest king said shyly.

"It's not bleeding." Zhu Xingxing smiled warmly: "it seems that you have no experience. Is this child a test tube baby?"

"It's not a test tube baby, but it's almost the same." Wang zhengse said, "the child is my own and has nothing to do with others."

Zhu Xingxing was surprised: "is it similar to cloning technology?"

"Well, it's similar." Wang youyou sighed in the northwest. "Because of this way of inheritance, our life expectancy is generally not long, which is generally in our twenties."

"No wonder I think you're only 17 or 18 years old. It doesn't seem to be my illusion." Zhu Xingxing looked at her body with burning eyes and said, "I understand what's the matter with you. Your body has caused great damage after giving birth to a child. This damage can't be repaired, which will make your life extremely short."

"It is rumored that all the kings of Northwest China have a long and long life span. In fact, this is not the case. You may all look very similar, so you look like a person, and you don't go out all year round, and no one can know this."

Zhu Xingxing pondered for a moment: "moreover, you may have a certain way of memory inheritance, which can make the same memory between the two generations, and there will be no memory fault, right?"

"Mr. Zhu, how can you even think of this?"

The northwest king was so shocked that Zhu Xingxing's intelligence exceeded her imagination.

"Very normal, blind, ha ha."

Zhu Xingxing began to massage his lower legs, step by step, and the northwest King shyly closed his eyes.

More than three hours later, Zhu Xingxing took a bath with her in the bathroom. After drying her body, she wrapped a big bath towel and carried her back to the bed instead of on the couch.

"In the afternoon, I'll build a floor Kang for you. In the future, you'll live on the floor Kang. Don't live in this wet and cold environment. In addition, you should bask in more sunshine, which is good for your health."

Zhu Xingxing opened her towel and massaged for a while. She was still very shy, but she had relaxed and didn't mind opening her incomparably snow tender and enchanting body to him.

"All right."

Zhu Xingxing helped her cover the quilt and said, "where's the baby?"

"I'm waiting for the nurse." the northwest King wondered, "Mr. Zhu, what's the matter?"

"Let the child follow you and the mother * feed."

Zhu Xingxing reached out and shook her chest twice: "I'll hold the child and suck it for a while. If I haven't been weaned, I have a way."

"Your way, won't you replace the child?" the northwest king said shyly.

Zhu Xingxing was stunned: "no, but you can also do that. You will feel more comfortable. This is instinct and nature. Anyone will feel the same."

"Then you come. Anyway, there's no secret for me." the northwest king gave him a white look: "is that what you do when you treat everyone?"

"Men are similar, and women must be the same. This is still light and greater. They will sacrifice their innocence, but sometimes they can't care about it in order to cure diseases and save lives."

Zhu Xingxing said frankly, "I never force others to treat me. My method is like this. If the other party can accept it, treat it. If not, the most important thing is not to regret it in the future."

"How many women have you treated?" Wang Haoqi said.

"There wasn't much before, but there may be a lot in the future." Zhu Xingxing massaged her shame again and said, "now there is no bleeding, and there will be a normal physiological period next month. You'd better find a husband. The harmony of yin and Yang is good for your body!"

"How long can I live?" the northwest king asked very calmly.

"If you have a man, I will teach you a set of cultivation methods. You will live longer than normal women. Without a man, you will live for three or four years."

Zhu Xingxing wondered, "why don't you find men? Do you all like women?"

"No, our physiological structure is different from that of ordinary women, so we can't do those things at all." Northwest Wang was very shy: "it's a very beautiful thing for ordinary women, and it's a very painful thing for us."

"Hehe, that's a very wrong understanding, but you don't understand."

Zhu Xingxing helped her tidy up her scattered hair and pinched her small nose: "when I treated you just now, you should understand that your body is actually more sensitive than ordinary women. You can only enjoy more beauty and shouldn't feel very painful."

The northwest king thought about it carefully. This is really the case. Did he really make a mistake before?

"OK, I'll bring the child." Zhu Xingxing was about to leave and held her: "I'll let the wet nurse bring it up."

She pressed a button beside the bed, and soon a very beautiful girl came up with her child. Her chest was very spectacular and attractive. It seemed that the child would not be hungry.

Children are very cute. They are carved in powder and jade. Although they have just been born a few days, they look very big. They don't look as wrinkled as ordinary children.

Maybe he was hungry. The baby suddenly cried. He kept kicking. Xuenen's face turned pink.

The beautiful girl quickly lifted her skirt to feed her breast. Suddenly she thought that Zhu Xingxing was still here. She was very embarrassed and blushed.

Zhu Xingxing smiled faintly, walked over and pinched it gently: "you are not naturally pregnant, you are still a little girl. There is no nutrition in the milk. Don't feed it, let her mother feed it."

He picked up the child and flicked it twice, so she didn't feel the pain of rising milk.

It was amazing. The beautiful girl forgot to touch him twice and looked at him in surprise and asked the Lord to feed the child.

The child failed and cried angrily.

Zhu Xingxing immediately replaced the child without hesitation. He succeeded twice. The child ate happily.

The beautiful girl was stunned. She didn't expect the Lord to let him like this. God, who is he? Is it the prince's man?

Zhu Xingxing went to rinse his mouth, waved to the beautiful girl and said, "I'll clean up the rest for you, and there will be no more in the future. Then you can maintain your current size and shape by massaging for a period of time every day according to the technique I teach you later."

"Thank you." the pretty girl lifted her skirt and closed her eyes shyly, but after a while, she had to open her eyes because she had to learn that technique.

At first, she was very shy. Later, she relaxed. Zhu Xingxing was very professional and wouldn't give her a feeling of being taken advantage of.

"Well, massage yourself for a quarter of an hour. In the future, massage for a quarter of an hour every morning, noon and evening. You can stop after three months."

Zhu Xingxing smiled: "but if you want to be bigger, you can continue. I think it's just right now. Men like this figure best."

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