"Yes, I'm really good at this. By the way, Xing Xing, take your things to the capital. If you think the price is good, you can sell them directly. It's meaningless to keep them all the time."

Zhang's father stopped eating and immediately went to the cupboard to take out some things. It's all real old things, what emerald cigarette bag mouth. The finger of lanolin jade. There are rare old money, mahogany ceramics and ancient paintings. There is no fake. It seems that the value is not low.

"I didn't know how much these things were worth before, but I knew last year that these things seemed to be worth some money. If I had known that these things were worth money, I wouldn't stay here at all. I would have moved to Anyuan or the provincial capital long ago, and Yingying wouldn't give them to Liu Erba."

Zhang's father looked at his daughter apologetically and said, "fortunately, Xingxing saved Yingying. I don't dislike her having been with Liu er. If it's like this all my life, I can't close my eyes until I die."

"I'm Yingying's first man. She's just my woman. Why should I dislike her?" Zhu Xingxing said seriously: "besides, even if it's not the case, I'm ready when I want her. I just didn't expect that she gave me an unexpected surprise. Uncle, don't worry. I'll always be good to her!"

Zhang's father looked at his eldest daughter in shock. Some couldn't believe this fact.

Zhang's mother, Zhang Mengmeng, Lin Xiaoyu and Zhu Xingna couldn't believe it. How could it happen?

Zhang Yingming has been married to Liu er for several years. Although she has no children, how can she let Liu Er go?

Is it because Liu Er is ill?

"It's true. Liu Er is a eunuch. Besides, I didn't let him touch me. He threatened me at first, but I also said that if he dared to touch me, I would kill his family and commit suicide."

Zhang Yingying said: "he had a woman outside, so he gave up later, but he still let me stay at his house as a facade. In addition, he also thought about Mengmeng."

Everyone had to believe it. She had admitted it.

Father Zhang sighed and said with red eyes: "Then I'm more relieved. I finally got a heart attack. Stars, let's sell all these things. I'll give you all the money. I know you're a big man, but you can't do big things without money. With this money, you can do big things. Uncle's generation is hopeless. I hope you young people can make some achievements."

Zhu Xingxing nodded: "I'll ask about the price and sell it if it's appropriate, but I won't want it. I'll treat people this time. If I can cure it, I can get at least 10 million. If I sell these things, I'll invest in the name of Nana and Mengmeng. How much money do I earn? They share it by themselves, and I'll give my uncle and aunt living expenses. I'm not bad, not bad now, and even more in the future No, we can't break up over money. "

"What? Ten million?" mother Zhu said in surprise, "star, can you cure?"

"Yes, I will. I cured the person who helped us in the oilfield hospital we went to. This time, I have to return her to the capital and treat the patient at the same time. There should be no big problem. 10 million or 100 million depends on how she wants to give it."

Zhu Xingxing said seriously, "OK, let's get ready to go. In addition, I have to pick up two people in Sanhe county. By the way, I have something to do. I have to finish it."

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Li Wuzi, awakened his memory with code words, and ordered him to go home and divorce his wife.

Li Wuzi immediately promised to come down. After less than an hour, LV Yan called and said excitedly, "star, you're a cow. I'm divorced. Cluck, I love you so much. You're really my good husband. When you come, I'll take good care of you."

"Little fool, is this still a matter?" Zhu Xingxing spoiled and said, "OK, I have something to go to the capital. You go together. Take the bullet train and I'll have someone pick you up over there."

"Little husband, I can't go. I have to go to work. I can't take leave now." Lv Yan said, "let Yan'er and Ning'er go. Anyway, Yan'er is almost fine now. Do you want to stay there for a while?"

"Well, you may not come back until the autumn harvest. Come by plane during your holiday. I'll reimburse you, okay, baby."

"Well, I'll go to you on vacation, little husband. Bye, Bo!"

LV Yan hung up the phone. Zhu Xingxing saw that everyone looked at him with speechless eyes. He sighed: "there's no way. My luck has burst recently. I can't stop it. Change your clothes quickly. I don't need anything else. I'll buy it for you there."

The beauties had no choice but to change their clothes. Then they simply brought something, got in his car and left.

Zhang Fu stood at the door and looked at the far away SUV. He sighed gently. He had a feeling that the people on the car seemed to have left his world at once!

Zhu Xingxing drove past nangangzitun, stopped at Zhu Guibin's house, walked into the house and said to Zhu Guibin who was playing Mahjong: "Nana doesn't have to make up classes. I'll take them to the capital for a walk. I'll tell you, no one is lost, don't look for it."

He said hello to several familiar people. Regardless of Zhu Guibin's ugly face, he drove away.

"Paralysis, see how I deal with you in the future." Zhu Guibin dared to put a cruel word when the car left.

"Old three, don't brag. Don't say it's you. It's hard for Liu Er to come back now. Li Da Pao in Xitun pretended to be evil and didn't dare to say a word to your nephew. He had to borrow the steps to leave quickly. Xing Xing is not the child who can be bullied casually in the past. He's dead now!"

"I heard from my girl that he went to Nanyuan to buy more than 20000 clothes for Zhang YingYing and Zhang Mengmeng. The couple of Zhang and Zhang spent thousands, your Nana spent more than 10000, and your daughter-in-law spent thousands. They treat their wife and children much better than you. Ha ha, be careful not to come back in the future."

"Hang, it's all a matter of no score, ha ha ha."

Zhu Guibin became more angry after hearing these words. He stared at several people and frowned. Several people no longer stimulated him, so that he wouldn't play and couldn't find such a wronged head who was willing to give pocket money.

Zhu Xingxing drove to Sanhe county. When he picked up Chi Xiangning and LV Yan, he stayed upstairs for more than an hour before taking them down. LV Yan stood on the balcony with a red face and beautiful eyes, waving his small hand at him. It was inconvenient to go downstairs to see him off.

He waved upstairs and drove away.

Zhu Xingxing introduced each other. The beauty soon became familiar with each other and chatted very speculatively.

He soon got on the highway. When he passed the provincial capital, he called Gong Zixi. She had got on the bullet train and would arrive in the capital in more than five hours. She didn't go there by herself, and a best friend also went for a walk.

Zhu Xingxing was relieved. After chatting with her for a while, he drove on the highway and went straight to the capital.

It takes about ten hours to drive from the provincial capital to the capital, which is far slower than taking the bullet train.

The train goes in a straight line and the car goes in a curve, which itself has a big gap.

"Husband, in fact, we should take the train, so you're too tired." Zhang Yingying said, "both Mengmeng and Ning'er can drive. Let them replace you later when you're tired."

"I just like driving. The more I drive, the more energetic I am." Zhang Mengmeng said, "but I don't have a driver's license. Sister Ning has a driver's license, and no one seems to check the driver's license on the highway."

"No one can check the driver's license, just drive." Chi Xiangning said with a smile: "in fact, Yanyan also has a driver's license, and her driving skills are much better than me, but she doesn't like driving, because she used to drive to make money. In her opinion, driving is a job, just like a cook doesn't like cooking at home."

LV Yanbai glanced at her and said, "I'll replace my husband later. I drive steadily and won't be tired after driving for more than ten hours."

"You are all women's heroes. I'll call you when I'm tired." Zhu Xingxing accelerated the speed and chased a luxury car in front. The car was blowing fast. It must not be affordable for ordinary people.

Zhu Xingxing passed the car and saw that in the open window, she was a very beautiful little girl. She was very beautiful and her skin was very white, but she had one disadvantage: flat chest.

There are no ups and downs at all. It's flat as a stone!

The little girl took a cold look at Zhu Xingxing and stepped on the accelerator. With a swish, the luxury car surpassed Zhu Xingxing's 2020 and rode like a horse.

Zhu Xingxing was too lazy to chase her and continued to move forward at a constant speed. He just accelerated to see who was driving. Such luxury cars are rare in the province.

"That little girl is so beautiful and beautiful. Are you moved, husband? Catch up quickly and I'll help you."

Chi Xiangning said with a smile, "I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll help you make your dream come true. Believe me, that's right. I never say what I can't do!"

All the girls laughed. Zhu Xingxing reached out and pinched her little face and said, "if I want to pick up girls, I'll use you to assist? You're insulting my IQ and ability."

"Husband, you can really boast. Don't think all women are as good as us. Try fooling the little girl. People won't pay attention to you."

Chi Xiangning said with a smile, "if you don't believe it, we'll make a bet. If you win, I'll do what you want me to do tonight."

Her words made all the beauties blush. What about this topic.

"It's a deal."

Zhu Xingxing speeded up and soon caught up with the luxury car. The two cars walked together for more than two hours. At lunch time, the two cars came to the front service area and stopped to eat.

The little girl is over 1.70 meters tall. She is wearing white hot pants and T-shirt. The hem of the T-shirt is very large, covering the short hot pants, revealing two long legs that are soft and straight. It looks like she doesn't wear anything below.

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