Zhu Xingxing was rude to the fat manager, but he was generous to the security guard. He bought several boxes of good cigarettes and threw them away. They were very happy and thought the young master was very particular.

After the stall was set up, Zhu Xingxing began to toss the ingredients from the wholesale store next to the black-and-white iron.

Half an hour later. The roast duck was roasted and the big string was roasted.

Zhu Xingxing made a phone call. All the beauties upstairs are down. When they found him baking kebabs, they were very confused and didn't understand what he was doing.

"I made my own stall." Zhu Xingxing smiled. "There's no barbecue nearby. I'll fill in the gap and sell some roast duck and pancake fruit by the way."

The beauties are a little embarrassed, and he doesn't need money. Why are you doing this? How much money you can make.

however. Now that he has a stall, they all help him.

A large batch of them was baked quickly, and Zhu Xingxing put the folding tables and chairs away. The family will taste it first.

"Husband, you make it delicious. I think the business will be very *" said Zhang Yingying.

"Yes, it's delicious. It's the first time for me to eat such a delicious barbecue. It's better than the craftsmanship of the master of the resort." Qin Xue nodded coldly.

"Husband, I'll run this stall with you." Zhang Yingying said, "when I get started, you should be busy. Don't worry about this stall."

"I'll help you," Lin Xiaoyu said immediately.

Zhang Yingying nodded. Lin Xiaoyu has quick hands and feet. There must be no problem helping.

Mother Zhang said, "I can help too. How can we all get busy."

"Boss, do you still have pancakes and fruits? Give me five." said a beautiful woman with super white skin, super hot body and long legs wearing hot pants suspenders and flip flops.

The faint fragrance came, and Zhu Xingxing had a feeling of palpitation.

"Yes, wait a minute."

Zhu Xingxing went to the stall and asked, "sister, do you have any requirements?"

"No, it's just a heavy mouth. By the way, add two ham intestines." the beauty has a hot body, but her temperament is cold and gorgeous. The more this is, the more it gives people an extremely charming feeling.

Her age should be a little more than 20. Hot pants suspenders and flip flops look very casual. In fact, they are all big brands. The earrings on her ears are diamond, and they are still color diamonds. The workmanship is extremely exquisite and the price is not cheap.

Beauty has no makeup, and her plain face is bubbling, no worse than beauty around Zhu Xingxing.

Zhu Xingxing immediately began to get busy, because the iron plate was hot, and the oil painting began to spread. However, in three minutes, all five pancakes and fruits were finished.

"How much?" asked the beauty.

"Thirty," said Zhu Xingxing.

The beauty directly took out a hundred and handed them to him. She glanced at the big roasted string: "bake me fifty strings, match them, ten fat and thin."

Zhu Xingxing nodded and said, "sister, go back first, otherwise the pancake fruit won't taste good. You live nearby. I'll send it to you when I'm ready."

"OK, I live in the opposite community, on the top floor of Building 1. Any door can be opened." the beauty said, "how much is it?"

"Five yuan each, and there are seventy or eighteen left." Zhu Xingxing said, "the roast duck is better. It's crispy and not greasy. I won't find it after fifty-one or twenty. Can I give you one?"

"OK." the beauty took out another two hundred and handed it to Zhu Xingxing. She moved, twisted her small waist and left with all kinds of manners.

She didn't mean to show off her amorous feelings, but she was born with that amorous feelings.

"You look so beautiful." Qin Xuebing whispered, "little husband, are you moved?"

"Why do you care? You look much better than her. I just think she is a big customer and lays a good foundation." Zhu Xingxing said positively: "Bingbing, don't look at the small stall, but it's very easy to earn $800 a night. Your resort is tens of millions a year?"

"Well, that's ten or twenty million, more than one million a month, thirty or forty thousand a day." Ai dingdong said, "how can you make more money than the resort?"

"I can't do it for the time being, but it shouldn't be a problem in the future." Zhu Xingxing said: "I will also launch the brine hanging stove series. Those consumption levels are higher. It's certainly not enough to eat two or three hundred at a time."

"I hope you can succeed." Ai dingdong kissed him and went to help put on the string.

More than ten minutes later, everything was ready and the roast duck came out.

Zhu Xingxing immediately finished with the prepared packing box and baked another batch of strings for Lin Xiaoyu to watch. He quickly crossed the road and came to the door of the opposite community, but was stopped by the security guard. When he heard him say the exact address of delivery, he put him in.

A few minutes later, Zhu Xingxing knocked on the door in the middle of the three doors on the top floor. The door opened. A beautiful woman in a nightdress looked at him curiously: "who are you looking for?"

She is backlit. Under her thin nightdress, she has nothing and unlimited scenery.

But she didn't know.

"I want it." the cold and gorgeous beauty who changed into a nightdress walked to the door with Qianqian snow. It was also against the light. There was nothing in her clothes. It was very attractive.

Zhu Xingxing handed over the barbecue and said seriously, "two sisters, look through the cat's eye before opening the door. In addition, I can see everything against the light. If there aren't many beautiful women around me, I'm sure I can't help rushing in."

When the two women heard the speech, they all screamed and hurriedly closed the door. Zhu Xingxing smiled and turned away.

Zhu Xingxing returned to the stall and found that many customers were buying his newly baked roast duck. There were 51 and 20 roast ducks, leaving only five. They sold too fast.

Pancake fruit is also sold. Zhang Ma is the one who shares pancakes. She is very skilled and faster than Zhu Xingxing. It seems that she should have shared pancakes before.

There are also several customers waiting for the kebabs. Lin Xiaoyu and Zhang Yingying are busy baking the kebabs together. Other beauties are seizing the time to wear the kebabs and are too busy to eat.

Zhu Xingna and Zhang Mengmeng also took out a box of beer from the nearby supermarket, with a box of iced black tea on top of the beer box.

The customers who sat down began to drink, eat kebabs, roast duck, pancake and fruit. Ten tables were soon full, and the business was very *.

However, it seems that the most customers are men, only two or three women.

The male Gu on one table was angry in the passenger flow. Chi Xiangning and LV Yan sent a barbecue. They all hid from them.

Zhu Xingxing went straight over, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Everyone was shocked by Zhu Xingxing's fierce and sharp. This is an absolute expert. No wonder there are so many beautiful women around him at a young age. They are so obedient to him. He is really capable!

The men were lying in the trees of the green belt. No one paid attention to them and no one wanted to call the police.

*No one likes this kind of thing, not even * himself.

Several beautiful young girls dressed in cool clothes came over and sat on the table that had just been vacated. A little girl came to the stall to order something. Suddenly she exclaimed, "my God, Zhu Xingxing, is that you?"

Zhu Xingxing was baking a string. He looked up and said in surprise, "Tongtong, do you live here?"

"Yes, our school is near here. If you have nothing to do in the evening, go out to eat with some roommates and classmates. Is this your stall?"

Luo Aitong chuckled, "aren't you a doctor? Why are you still practicing?"

"My girlfriend's home is right here. She wants to have a barbecue and has no place to buy it. She set up a stall by herself. She has nothing to do at night. She can eat by herself and earn some pocket money."

Zhu Xingxing looked at her cool dress and said with a smile, "you look so beautiful and wear so sexy, which will increase the crime rate. You'd better wear more in the future."

Luo Aitong blushed and explained, "it's too hot to wear like this for the first time. They are all your family?"

"It's all my girlfriends and family." Zhu Xingxing said with a faint smile: "I'm not prepared tonight. They're all temporary guest stars. There won't be so many tomorrow. What would you like to eat? It's my treat."

"It's not your treat. It's my roommate's treat tonight. Don't be polite to her. She's a little rich woman. Giggle." Luo Aitong ordered some things. Another beautiful girl came and settled the account directly, with a deposit of 500 yuan. It seems that she's not the owner of the bad money.

"Tong Tong, do you know him?" back to her seat, the beautiful girl was so strange.

"Yes, it was he who helped me last night. He also treated me, but I didn't see it because I didn't wear clothes for treatment."

Luo Aitong and several roommates are very good girlfriends. They talk about everything, so they don't hide these.

"You said yesterday that I thought he was a * but now I believe he is a capable person. Those beautiful women are no worse than us, or even better looking. He doesn't need to covet your body."

The beautiful girl said, "you've had cramps several times today. It's obviously a little serious. Don't avoid doctors. Now gynecologists are men. It's much more serious than not wearing clothes. Isn't there a female doctor who doesn't treat the disease?"

"Yes, besides, people seem to be about the same age as you, and you don't suffer a loss." a beautiful girl nearby smiled: "if I were you, I would take him directly. At first glance, he is that kind of powerful role."

Several girls began to tease. Each one was shy and reserved. A group was different. They dared to talk about any topic, which was no different from a group of married women.

More than an hour later, Luo Aitong and them finished eating. Zhu Xingxing gave them two roast ducks and only received 200 yuan.

In fact, he didn't want to charge any, but the girls were embarrassed. They had to give money. How much is a meaning.

"Zhu Xingxing is quite generous. He is very good at things."

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