The party soon finished their meal. After dinner, Zhu Xingxing was surrounded by beautiful women and came to the body university next door to Beijing University.

The large outdoor gymnasium is overcrowded outside. All the people who came to sign up.

The number of applicants for many projects is very large, especially in football and basketball. The big line has to be lined up.

Football and basketball are both major international projects, with high income and treatment. No wonder so many people want to come in.

Zhu Xingxing believes that many people will be involved in the problem of black box work this time. This kind of hurry to recruit people is the best time for black box work.

There are a lot of people who sign up for many projects, but there are also some projects that no one signs up at all. Not that no one wants to sign up, but those projects are so popular that few people have received such training. Or there is no chance of that contact.

Equestrian. Fencing, boxing.

It is reasonable to say that boxing should be signed up by many people. But the opposite is true. Very few people have really received such training. Therefore, the Han country has never had a boxer who has entered the international vision!

Zhu Xingxing thought for a moment and went directly to hold these three items.

"Classmate, you reported three items directly? Are you good at all?" the old man in charge of boxing registration smiled: "are you a versatile person?"

"Old man, I'm really a versatile person. But there are too many applicants. I'll wait until there are few people. I'll take down these three items first."

Zhu Xingxing asked seriously, "how do I need to take the exam?"

"I'm boxing here. Just know your boxing weight and speed. There's testing equipment over there. Please test it."

After the old man said that, a sexy beauty took Zhu Xingxing to the nearby equipment, put two things on Zhu Xingxing's arm and said, "you hit the target in front of you as fast as you can. What I said is that every fist is like this. See how fast your fist speed is."

Zhu Xingxing nodded, "can we start?"

Sexy beauty nodded: "ready, three, two, one, start!"


Zhu Xingxing waved his fist out in a stormy wind and rain. He didn't stop until the sexy beauty shouted stop.

The sexy beauty looked at the number of the instrument in surprise: "my God, it's too fast! 100 punches per second and 6000 punches per minute. How is this possible?"

The old man also looked at the numbers on the instrument in surprise and said, "my God, there should be such a fast fist. You can shoot too fast. As long as you can hit the other party and don't let the other party hit you, you can win with points. You can test the fist weight again!"


The old man, the sexy beauty, and the people who saw Zhu Xingxing hit the weight measuring equipment were stunned!

800 kilograms!

Shit, this is the fist weight that few of the world's top boxing champions can reach. It's very strong to reach 500 or 600 kilograms normally!


It was the right fist just now. The left fist is even more powerful, 900 kilograms!

"God, this boy doesn't look strong. How can he be so powerful? It's awesome, and his boxing speed is so fast. I think if he goes on stage to fight, the other party will be Ko by him before he reacts!"

"It's awesome, but this is the single data. His arm exhibition is not prominent, which is a great disadvantage, and boxing often depends on his comprehensive strength."

"As long as he has the same strength and such data, it should not be very difficult to beat his opponent."

"Lying in the trough, this boy looks like a little white face. He didn't expect to be so tough. He really responds to that sentence. People can't judge by appearance."

The old man looked at Zhu Xingxing with great excitement and said in a trembling voice: "young man, you don't boast. Register quickly. Our boxing major wants you. From today on, you are my student. I will go out to be your full-time coach!"

"Oh, that's it?" Zhu Xingxing said seriously: "Sir, I have to apply for other majors. Boxing is at most one of my hobbies, not my favorite project."

"What's your favorite project?" the old man asked.

Zhu Xingxing said with a smile, "I'm here to make my social status higher, not because I like these."

The old man frowned and said, "you just want to be famous?"

"Yes, is it because of hobbies?" said Zhu Xingxing. "I really don't believe there will be such people."

"Since you don't believe me, I won't say anything." the old man said, "everyone has his own ideas, as long as you can complete what I ask."

"Sir, I want to know what your requirements are." Zhu Xingxing said, "if your requirements are reasonable, we may cooperate. If not, I don't have to rely on this to become famous anyway."

The old man looked at him and said, "cooperation?"

"What is not cooperation? Do you really think I need you to teach me?" Zhu Xingxing smiled faintly: "Sir, I don't need any training at all, because if I shoot, the other party will be knocked down. If the other party hasn't been knocked down, he won't be a boxer."

"Child, I admit your talent is very good, but you are still too confident." the old man patted Zhu Xingxing on the shoulder: "what I need is not a rebellious and self righteous genius, but a professional player who can cooperate with my training and serious development. Well, you'd better go to other places!"

Zhu Xingxing shrugged. He came to the middle-aged man in charge of equestrian registration: "you heard what I just said. I just want to cooperate. I don't need a teacher. The teacher can be my coach, but I don't need regular training."

"I heard you. You're right. If you can, there's really no need to continue to waste your life for some so-called training that doesn't need to waste time."

The middle-aged man said: "But the premise is that you have to prove that you really don't need training. In this way, there will be an equestrian competition in two hours, which is not a big competition. I ask you to replace a player who can't participate due to illness. If you can show me your strength, I will cooperate with you. Only the conditions of cooperation are very simple. I will strive for everything you can strive for, and you will do it for me I'm fighting for everything I deserve. That's how we work together. How about it? "

"OK, that's it." after Zhu Xingxing exchanged contact information with the middle-aged man, he went to fencing.

The test was very simple. The person in charge of enrollment was defeated by Zhu Xingxing, who lost miserably. Zhu Xingxing directly became the student of the middle-aged man, and the two signed a cooperation agreement.

It's cooperation, not anything else.

There were too many people in football and basketball. Zhu Xingxing was too lazy to wait. He went to sign up for tennis. It took him ten minutes to defeat the beautiful teacher in charge of enrollment. The beautiful teacher immediately signed documents with him. Now he is a student of two majors and is directly led by the department head. He not only successfully entered the University, but also doomed to be a cow.

In the afternoon, Zhu Xingxing took part in the equestrian competition.

Equestrian competition is held in the most high-end Racecourse in Beijing. It is an international equestrian Invitational Competition.

The competition is divided into two parts, one is the obstacle race, the other is the time trial.

Obstacle race is the one who scores the highest and wins within the specified time. If the scores of two people are the same, then the one who has the shortest time wins.

Other players, the fastest is to get full marks in 15 minutes, and Zhu Xingxing got full marks in less than 10 minutes.

In the obstacle race, Zhu Xingxing won the first place.

In the time trial, Zhu Xingxing broke the world record in three minutes and nine seconds and became the new world record holder!

Zhu Xingxing won the championship of the international equestrian Invitational Competition without any suspense!

Bonus, five million, plus a villa.

After Zhu Xingxing participated in the race, he had tea with a fat man. He was the owner of Zhu Xingxing's horse, a giant.

"Star, you are the most powerful equestrian master I have ever seen. Yes, they are masters. They are the best, that is, they are masters, but you are a master."

Giant Qi poured Zhu Xingxing a cup of tea and said seriously, "heiyun is a horse I don't think much of, but you chose this horse, won the first place in two races with this horse, broke a world record and became a true champion! Heiyun was going to be abandoned, but now it's worth a hundred times. Star, can you be my daughter's equestrian coach?"


Zhu Xingxing shook his head without hesitation: "Sorry, I don't have time to do this. I have a girlfriend. It's very dangerous for your daughter to learn equestrian with me. If I do anything sorry for her, you'll find something for myself. I'm not a man with strong determination. I have a bottom in my heart, so I don't waste time."

Giant Qi was stunned for a moment and suddenly laughed: "star, if you like, take all my daughters. Now my biggest headache is her marriage. Wait a minute, my daughter will come right away. Here, this is it."

Zhu Xingxing saw a big ball rolling over. To be exact, it was a big snowball.

My God, I'm more than 80 meters tall, fat and round. I'm fat and break through the sky!

"Dad." the big ball stopped in front of Zhu Xingxing, and a wisp of extremely tempting aroma came to her face. Her big eyes were full of worship. Jiao said, "brother Xingxing, you are so powerful that you are my idol. Can you be my equestrian coach?"

Zhu Xingxing didn't expect that the daughter of the giant instrument was such a wonderful flower. Suddenly, she felt stunned.

"Yes," said Zhu Xingxing, "but being my student may be in danger of losing innocence."

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