Zhu Xingxing said solemnly, "I'm not kidding you. I'm seriously telling you. Do you still want to follow me in the future? If you want, don't take the vocational high school. Let your father get you into No. 5 middle school, which is next to No. 3 middle school. Although the school atmosphere is worse, it's also the so-called thing. I'll make up lessons for you. I'll take an examination of a key university in the future."


Guo Xiaolong asked his boss to open two machines for him. He pressed a hundred at the front desk. After they sat down, he said with a bitter smile, "brother Xingxing. I'm all like this. How can I be admitted to a key university?"

"I let you go to a key university. I just hope you can manage your business well in the future." Zhu Xingxing said: "three years in high school. I will do business. If you are good, I will give you shares, and you will learn well in the future. Come to be an executive. Do you know what an executive is?"

"I've seen it on TV. But it's all Hong Kong TV. We don't have many big companies here. I heard that they are all listed, huh. They have stocks."

Guo Xiaolong said, "brother Xingxing, are you serious?"

"Of course, do you think I have time to talk nonsense with you?" Zhu Xingxing turned on the computer. Beating the keyboard quickly made Guo Xiaolong look stupid. It was the first time he saw someone playing computer like this. He couldn't see what Zhu Xingxing was doing.

"Brother Xingxing, can you still use a computer?" although Guo Xiaolong can't understand it, he knows that Zhu Xingxing is definitely not bullshit. It's a concrete manifestation of his real ability to use a computer.

"Well, a little." Zhu Xingxing took a sip of the cigarette he handed him and said: "Bruce Lee, you must have beaten me before. I beat the bastard in the next class, which made you a little convinced. But when I really convinced you, it was when I played billiards. What does this mean? It shows that people with real skills can win real respect, not only those who can fight bravely and ruthlessly. Am I right?"

Guo Xiaolong thought carefully and nodded: "Yes, no matter how fierce the fight is, it won't make much difference. Unless you can become the world Sanda champion or boxing champion, it's meaningless. I like fighting, but I don't look down on these people, just idle and boring. Brother Xingxing, you are really capable. I looked away before. Now I find that you are the best in our class and even in our school Your billiards and computer can't be compared with others. "

"Brother Xingxing, I'll hang out with you later. I'll go to No. 5 middle school instead of vocational high school. In fact, my parents hope I can go to high school entrance examination and university. Who doesn't want their children to be a little promising?"

Guo Xiaolong sighed, "but my head hurts when I read a book. I'm not born with that material."

"If you are wrong or the method is wrong, I will make you like learning. You should not only enter the University, but also become the leader in key universities and super Xueba!"

Zhu Xingxing said, "OK, I'll be busy for a while. Just play by yourself."

Guo Xiaolong nodded and went to the store next door to buy two bottles of drinks. When he came back, he found that Zhu Xingxing's speed was faster and his fingers were crackling on the keyboard. The bosses were silly and the people next to the Internet were watching the excitement. They were stunned and awed.

Zhu Xingxing stopped to have a drink. The owner of the Internet cafe said, "I'll go. Are you programming, little brother?"

"Well, write a software." Zhu Xingxing smiled faintly, nodded at him and continued to work.

"Lying slot, this hand speed is really too fast. The computer department of our school has the fastest typing. They are not as fast as others. They can't see what they are typing. They see the screen flashing and flashing. This is the real computer master."

"Well, at first I thought it was a blind press, but now I find that NIMA's blind press can't do it so fast. It's too strong!"

Everyone whispered and admired and even feared Zhu Xingxing.

After a while, the crowd dispersed. Zhu Xingxing continued to work as if there were no one else. He wanted to write the software before noon and put it on the software store on the network for charging download.

The software store is the official website of Yanguo. It is fair and open. Uploading software is free, but a service fee of 5% will be charged.

This is more reasonable, although the charge of 5% is not low!

Nanyuan No. 1 middle school had a lunch break at 11:30. Zhu Xingxing uploaded the written communication software to the software store at 11:20 for online charging and downloading service.

The registration procedure is very simple. It took a few minutes to complete. The upload took less than a minute, and then it was OK. The design of this online store is very reasonable and awesome!

Guo Xiaolong arranged a place to eat. Zhu Xingxing blocked Yan Xiaona at the door and dragged her to the real red dog restaurant. This is the business of Guo Xiaolong's relatives.

Guo Xiaolong said hello to his relatives and left. They were arranged to stay in a single room in the backyard. They soon served a table of dishes, which are the best delicacies in the store.

"God, it's a waste to order so many dishes." Yan Xiaona blushed and said angrily, "I know you have no money and are so extravagant. It's not easy for your parents to make money."

"I made more than 3000 in the morning," Zhu Xingxing said. "I won in billiards. The other party said I had professional standards and asked me to play professional games, but I couldn't bear you."

He couldn't help but take away Yan Xiaona's first kiss and ate a lot of tofu, just short of the last base.

Yan Xiaona is still a little girl. She is in love for the first time. Laurie at this age doesn't have much resistance at all. She can easily be captured. If there is a bed here, she must be taken down.

Zhu Xingxing hugged her and fed her soup and food. She was dizzy and immersed in a strange but fresh and beautiful mood.

Now it's daylight saving time. It takes two hours for lunch and 40 minutes for dinner. After removing the table, the shopkeeper asked them to sleep in the room. It's only for their own people and won't be open to the outside world!

Zhu Xingxing took a nap with Yan Xiaona and woke up to make love for a while. Yan Xiaona was used to his *, but she was still shy.

Between classes in the afternoon, Zhu Xingxing and Yan Xiaona returned to school and reviewed their lessons all afternoon, which made Yan Xiaona feel very beautiful. They thought he was reliable and filled her with a sense of security.

After school, Zhu Xingxing got on Yan Xiaona's bike. Although he was thin, he still carried the tall Yan Xiaona out of the campus, walked south along the Boulevard, crossed the river bridge, and came to the oil field courtyard in Jiangnan. Yan Xiaona's home is here.

Yan Xiaona's family all work in the oil field, her grandparents are retired, and her parents work in other places. They all hold leadership positions.

She also has a brother who has studied abroad for two years. It is said that she will come back after graduation.

Not bad money, but Yan's family are workaholics and career maniacs. Unless they retire, they will certainly take learning and work as the focus of life!

Zhu Xingxing bought some things at the door of the community and walked into the door with Yan Xiaona. Yan Xiaona blushed and introduced him. He believed that the old man and the old lady must suspect that they were in the same place.

"Grandpa and grandma, my name is Zhu Xingxing. I'm Nana's back desk. The college entrance examination is coming soon. Our two lessons complement each other in subjects. Let her help me talk about what I don't understand, and I help her talk about what she doesn't understand."

Zhu Xingxing asked politely, "Grandpa and grandma, if it's inconvenient for you two, I won't disturb you."

He looks very reliable, his eyes are deep and calm, and he always has a warm smile around his mouth, giving people a wonderful feeling like a spring breeze.

The two old people had a very good first impression of Zhu Xingxing. If they were another boy, they really wouldn't let him in, but Zhu Xingxing could make an exception. They could observe for one day. If they could come tomorrow, they would have no problem observing for a few days, so they could come all the time before the high school entrance examination.

The high school entrance examination is coming soon. Nothing is important. If two people can really complement each other, it is really a great good thing.

As for puppy love, the old people are also young. Even when they get married, they are only thirteen or four, but after so many years, their feelings are still as good as ever!

Love is love. It has nothing to do with sooner or later. As long as it is a sincere feeling, the old couple think it is worth respecting!

After greeting Zhu Xingxing to come in, the old couple found that Zhu Xingxing sold something that was not cheap, and it was their favorite taste. The tonic was bought properly.

I'm careful.

This is not a gift, but a matter of mind.

Zhu Xingxing sat in the living room and chatted with the two old people for a while. Yan Xiaona went back to her room and changed into comfortable pajamas after taking a shower. They came to the study and began to study.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhu Xingxing didn't let Yan Xiaona close the door and studied inside with the door open.

Yan Xiaona thought he was going to play * but she was wrong. Zhu Xingxing seriously did exercises with her to review his previous knowledge. He was very smart. He was completely different from the fool in her impression. It was like a different person.

She blushed and thought, maybe this is the so-called power of love?

The old couple saw that they were studying hard. Zhu Xingxing also deliberately opened the door of the study. On the contrary, they were embarrassed and felt that they had misunderstood other people's children.

After delivering a fruit dish, the old couple cooked dinner for them. After dinner and washing, they called downstairs to play mahjong. Zhu Xingxing and Yan Xiaona were left at home.

When there were no outsiders at home, Yan Xiaona's heart began to accelerate. Sure enough, he showed her true face.

In the evening, Yan Xiaona changed from a girl to a little woman and had a wonderful night.

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