In other words, the student council president who has to go there every now and then to give reports is basically half a subordinate to the Federation of Clubs.

But now he is just his tool, even used to take the blame for himself when someone takes the blame...

Because of this unknown inside story, An Luo originally wanted to see how much mischief Miako could do, and his heart was full of caring for rebellious girls. He also thought Miako was quite interesting like this, but now he was reminded that he was serious. Think about it.

If Alice gets to know about this, things will become very troublesome, and quite troublesome.

Although he had not never thought about communicating and confessing to Alice himself, but... no matter how he thought about it, the result of the communication would not be good.

He has touched so many girls, but he has not touched her, which will inevitably lead to Alice's dissatisfaction. However, Alice is only thirteen, and no matter what he says, he does not want to break through his final bottom line. In turn, he will be more dissatisfied with Alice. For Si himself, thirteen is not a problem, so it cannot be regarded as a reason for rejection. The difference in values ​​​​is also very helpless for him.

However, this made him immediately realize that he could not continue to watch Yako play like this with a mentality similar to caring for a rebellious girl.



An Luo organized his thoughts, and finally coughed dryly and said, Ahem, Mizi, I think we can solve this problem in another way.

What? Is President An Luo scared now? That's right. Seeing that An Luo's attitude was finally no longer that calm, Mi Zi had her own understanding of his change in attitude, and said with a cold face: Ai Li Her Highness Alice is indeed a terrifying being. The Federation of Associations should not dare to take the risk of offending the British princess, but... President An Luo really wants to rely on the power of children? And Her Royal Highness Alice knows this, You must also break off the engagement, right?


Senior is probably worried that the engagement will be annulled.


What's going on with this strange misunderstanding?

An Luo was at a loss for a while, but he finally understood the difference between normal people and his own concepts.

For him, who can now control basic particles, the countries on the earth are just formal things, and the existence of countries basically does not pose any deterrent.

No matter how powerful a country is, it can be manipulated and destroyed at will. Just like Barnier can easily tamper with the memories of everyone in the top British circles, he who can also do this naturally does not care about any definition of power, because These are all meaningless things to him now.

It was precisely because of this that he didn't seriously think about what Alice's identity was to the public.

He naturally knew the deterrence power, but deeper in his heart, he didn't think deeply about what kind of impact it could have.

As a British princess who exists like a superpower in this world, which is different from the past world, her status is a great deterrent to normal people, so...wait a minute, if you think about it this way, does it mean that Hayasaka loves them? Are you all waiting for him to annul the engagement?

Could it be that he thinks the power behind him can arm-wrestle with Alice? So you don’t care about Alice’s engagement? It shouldn't be possible, right? Is it impossible from common sense?

After all, everyone knows him differently. Bai Yu basically doesn't understand what he does. He only knows that he is a talented author, and Bai Yingui also knows him...

——President An Luo! What are you thinking! Please don't get distracted during the formal meeting!

Sensing that An Luo was obviously distracted, Mizi frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. She was very dissatisfied that An Luo was immersed in personal thoughts at this time, and patted the table again to pull him back from his thoughts.

An Luo raised his head blankly, gave up thinking about those things for the time being and asked: ...Is this a formal meeting?

Of course! This is a formal trial about your inappropriate dealings with the opposite sex!

Mizi slapped the coffee table again with Bang! to emphasize her seriousness. By the way, she seemed to be planning to use this action to enhance her momentum.

But An Luo looked at her red little hands and couldn't help but shake his head: ...Don't your hands hurt when you keep slapping the coffee table?

No, it doesn't hurt!

I don't believe it, unless you take more shots.

President An Luo! Please don't change the subject! It hurts so much now~~~~!

Although he didn't say anything, he acted as if he wanted to prove himself. Mizi bang! Bang! Bang! He kept slapping the table, and after a while his eyes couldn't help but burst into tears. He gasped and hugged his hand that was already red as he kept slapping the table hard.

You kid really likes to show off in strange places...

An Luo shook his head in a funny way, then stood up and grabbed her red hand, rubbed it gently a few times and quietly used magic to heal her palm to a certain extent, and He asked casually, Why do you want to change your title? You used to call me Senior, but now I'm called President An Luo... I feel a little alienated.

Of course! For someone like President An Luo who does shameless things in public, of course I, as the disciplinary committee member, have to avoid suspicion!

Yako felt that the pain in her hand was greatly subsided when she was being gently massaged. She couldn't help but feel that she liked An Luo in her heart. It was already so strong that it affected the pain. She felt ashamed and ashamed, but also because of being touched. He grabbed his hand and couldn't control his blush. He subconsciously wanted to pull his hand away, but An Luo grabbed it and couldn't pull it out. He couldn't help but said in a panic: Please, please let me go! Don't you know what avoiding suspicion is? Obviously... .Obviously they all have girlfriends!”

But I also like Mizi very much. An Luo said naturally.


Actually, I don't know whether I like you as a girl, a friend, or a sister, but I think you are very cute, and I really hope to get along with you. This is right, so let's make peace, okay? Yako .”

...that, this...

Now, before Yako felt sincerely happy to be told that she liked her, she felt very confused.

She suddenly didn't know whether she should scold An Luo. Her instinctive reaction was to scold him, but she felt that there was no reason to scold him. There seemed to be something wrong with him, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with him?

An Luo took advantage of the fact that she was knocked unconscious by him, and immediately pulled her and asked her to sit next to him, preparing to deal with this cute time bomb.

Mizi, have I always been nice to you? He smiled and touched Mizi's head and asked.

Well, well... President An Luo has always taken good care of me, but sometimes...

Ouch! Don't call me president, why don't you just call me senior as usual?

She didn't need to listen to know that the second half of Mizi's words would not be good, so An Luo interrupted her decisively, and finally took out the small cake from the empty space in a corner where she couldn't see, and handed it directly to her In front of her: Come, this is for you. As long as you call me like before, I will feed it to you?

Huh? This...

If you are worried about violating school rules, I can tell you clearly that this is the student union room, and the student union room is not within the jurisdiction of campus rules, so it doesn't matter even if you eat... By the way! How about I Can I feed you? Come on~ You’re welcome, ah~”

Without giving Mi Zi a chance to think, An Luo enthusiastically took out the fork from the different space and handed the cake to Mi Zi's mouth with a smile.


As a foodie, having her crush feed her is almost a dream scenario for Yako.

So even though the Buddha repeatedly told her not to be led away by An Luo when she came, she still couldn't help opening her mouth.



After taking the first bite of the cake, Iino Yako completely lost the control she had initially wanted to control, and even coaxed and coaxed step by step by An Luo, she gradually settled on An Luo's lap to accept feeding.

As a senior foodie, in addition to liking to eat, Mizi naturally has a large appetite. She also has a physique that does not make her fat no matter how much she eats. Therefore, even though she is petite and cute, she has an amazing appetite and seems to be able to eat no matter how much she eats. It didn't seem like she was satisfied or full. After finishing the cake, An Luo put all the eclairs, macarons and other reserve items into her mouth.

She finally reacted when An Luo finished all the sweets that he didn't reserve too much for her because of their shelf life.

Mizi, whose appetite was fully satisfied, pushed Anluo away suddenly, lay on her side on the sofa, hid her hands between her thighs wrapped in black stockings, and glared at him with a red face and a pouted mouth.

——Senior! You plotted against me again!

Ah~ have you finally discovered it? By the way, you have eaten all my desserts. Your appetite is as amazing as ever.

An Luo, who really enjoyed feeding this foodie girl, not only didn't find the glare scary, but even thought she looked quite cute, couldn't help but take out his phone and take a photo of her while talking.

Why take pictures?!

Of course it's because you look cute like this.


Hmm, Xiaoyazi looks super cute now.

In addition, because the skirt was lifted up a little, the black stockings wrapped in plumpness and sexiness, and the graceful and round slender legs were completely exposed to his sight. This scene was both sexiness and sexiness. The cuteness made him feel quite good, but because there was no third person there, he didn't intend to remind him to avoid causing trouble.

After receiving this unreserved praise, Mizi's face turned redder and redder. Inadvertently, he completely forgot what the Buddha had taught him when he came. He just pretended to be angry and said with shyness and dissatisfaction: ——He's lying again. Man! Senior clearly thinks Hayasaka-senpai! That delinquent is the cutest!

Well... Xiao Ai is really cute when she blushes and is shy, but I didn't lie. You are also very cute now, right?

I, I, I...I'm not cute!

Oh, why are you so humble? Or do you really think you are unlovable? But it doesn't matter. Other people's opinions are more important on this kind of thing. I think you are very cute, so you should also show some confidence, and Mizi is such a serious child. Not only is she cute on the outside, but she is also cute on the inside. And...

An Luo smiled and sat down on the sofa again. After being bombarded with sugar-coated praises, he calmly lowered Mi Zi's raised skirt without her noticing, to avoid misunderstanding her later. Maybe he was messing around, or it would be more troublesome if he didn't remind her.

Yazi, who was praised for being too shy, blushed on the sofa. She couldn't help but squirm under An Luo's skillful stroking of her head, and occasionally let out a little whimper of bewilderment.

This made An Luo feel like he was raising a cute little animal. He couldn't help stroking her hair and combing her brown hair with five fingers.

Yazi wanted to resist at first, or her reason made her want to resist, but the sensibility made her feel very enjoyable. She even shook her head slightly in comfort and squinted her eyes, planning to go to sleep.

Although Iino Yako has grown somewhat under the teachings of the Buddha these days, the saying that nature is easy to change is very applicable to her, so she faced An Luo's uninterrupted and 360-degree praise. , she still completely forgot all the tactics and strategies she had formulated previously.


Before Iino Yako entered the student council room, she was determined to fight to the next level. However, twenty minutes later...she acted as if nothing had happened a week ago and acted as usual.

Even because An Luo frankly said he liked her, the relationship seemed to be getting closer.

Mizi, who has been insecure in her family since she was a child and has an extremely longing for recognition and love, even to a degree far beyond ordinary people, was coaxed by An Luo and couldn't help but let go of her shame and worries and start talking to him frankly. Come on.

Senior, senior, can you hug me? If possible, can you come from behind~! Mizi, who was lying on An Luo's lap, raised her head slightly and looked at him expectantly, and said what she said A long-held wish.

...Dogging it from behind?? You act like this right from the start, are you really an M??

Hug has a special meaning in Japanese, and is generally a euphemism for deep communication of mind and body.

Being a latecomer will put the girl in an absolute passive position, so she even has a bit of SM feeling. This made An Luo, who already felt that Mizi had SM tendencies, unconsciously confirm this suspicion that he had in the past.

However... Mizi looked confused: What? Why did you hug M from behind??

...Uh, it's okay...Why are you hugging me? And from behind?

The girl's confused look made me think carefully. Although the hug she said was だく which can easily cause misunderstandings, as long as you don't think wrongly, it just means a hug.

But this sudden request for a hug also made him reflect on himself on things that he had been prone to thinking about lately, and he was still a little curious about Yako's strange request for action.

Although he understands that insecure people would like hugs, no... everyone should be eager to be deeply hugged, because this is a warm expression of love and a warm feeling, and everyone is pursuing such things, But the more insecure you are, the more you like it.

And Miko...

I think I like hugging about five times as much as ordinary people... The girl who reluctantly stood up from his lap, her cheeks flushed with obvious anticipation, turned her back and whispered: What if But I really hope that seniors can come from behind, so that I can feel doubly at ease~

Ha, ha... I think I understand. Your pursuit of identity and security is probably five times that of ordinary people...

.....No wonder he is always so easy to coax. Although he was curious about how the five times was calculated, An Luo still hesitated for a moment before reaching out and hugging the girl with her back to him, satisfying her need which should not be excessive.

It's so comfortable~ I've wanted senior to do this for a long time~ Yako was hugged from behind, and her whole body trembled slightly as if she was electrocuted. Her red cheeks were also full of emotion, not only Then she hugged his hand that was holding her, and even urged with expectation: Senior, can you push harder?


Yeah! It doesn't matter if you hug me so tightly that I can't breathe!

Hey, did you say something strange and dangerous?

Hey, I'm just kidding~ I just wanted to see how senior would react.

Completely different from the shy look in the past, Yazi seemed to have turned on some kind of switch now and relaxed her body with a smile. Her whole body became limp and she leaned against An Luo, tilting her head slightly and rubbing against him.

Uh, is it a joke?

This... is half a joke and half true. Mizi whispered softly: If you are hugged to death by your senior, this must be the happiest way to die. Well... drowning in happiness... ...It must be great~!”

...I feel that compared to happiness, your current thoughts are quite dangerous...

Isn't this going to be dark? No, Miko can be quite strange sometimes. Sure enough, the living environment since childhood has a great influence on a person.

Senior, um...can I, can I sit on your lap?

Uh... everything else is fine, but I don't think this is good.

Why? Could it be that... senior's legs... only girlfriends can do it!

When she suddenly thought of the existence of Hayasaka Ai, the pain in her heart made Yako wake up immediately. She squeezed Anluo's hands hard, looked up at him as if a child was throwing a tantrum and said: ——If we follow the first-come, first-served basis, Calculate! I knew your senior earlier than that woman!

This kind of thing can't be determined according to the order of arrival, right? And it's not for this reason.

In order to avoid uncontrollable body reactions, An Luo, who rejected the proposal, let go of the girl in his arms, put his hands on her shoulders and asked her to turn around, and then looked at her eyes seriously Said: Mizi, I'm not sure what I think about you, so I don't want to make a mistake just yet, and you can't just let your emotions go and think it's okay. After all... you can't regret doing something.

...You can't regret doing certain things...? Yazi was stunned, but a hint of surprise appeared in the corner of her mouth and asked: Is this the experience of seniors?

...No, I personally...don't seem to have any regrets.

For each girl, except for the special case of Sugar, who feels that her sexual desire may be higher than her liking and desire, Anluo feels more emotional. As for not regretting it later...if there was no possibility of hug at that time He will regret it even more later.

But such an answer made Yako unhappy. She puffed up her cheeks and said dissatisfiedly: ...Please regret it!


Because...I...I like senior too! If senior doesn't regret it, how can I get involved! After saying this, Yako paused for a moment. She took a deep breath to gather her courage, and her cheeks She shouted with blood dripping red: I like senior! And I am sure! My love is not the kind of friendship, nor is it the kind of love that seniors and juniors have! It is purely sexual love!!

...Um, Mizi? Don't you think your speech is strange? An Luo was stunned for a long time by his too strange speech, and then he couldn't help but ask: ... Is this a great Buddhist thing?”

Eh, no, no, no, no, no! This, this, this is my own idea!!

...You are so it really the Buddha?

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