A Supporting Character's Love Story

Chapter 18 - Study For Your Tests. Don't Read This.

Ch 18

POV Shinji Makoto

It seems Tsukumo san also got a boyfriend. To be honest, I wasn't expecting a sports girl like her to fall for a shy guy like Suzuki. However, contrary to my expectations it was Suzuki that confessed to Tsukumo san. I had really thought it would be the other way around. It feels like the birth of another protagonist within the shared universe. Sadly, he seems to be in class 2d, so I don't really have a good way to get closer to him. Well, I should first take care of things that are already on my plate. No need to bite off more than what you can chew. Also, their relationship seems to be going smoothly, so there's no need for me to be involved.

I am more worried about Nishikawa. Although, he has developed some confidence in the past month or so, and likes Hiwari san, she has not shown much feelings of love towards him. I also heard about her assumption of the relationship between me and Nakano. Doesn't that mean she wasn't with Nishikawa all day because she liked him, but wanted to me and Nakano have some private time alone? Things don't look too bright for him if he doesn't do something. After all, there is only so much I can do for him. One can lead a horse to water, but the horse has to drink the water by himself.

The days passed by with nothing much changing. I occasionally had walked home with Nakano from time to time, while talking about silly stuff and teasing her. I also got to know Suzuki in person when we all had lunch together.

Soon it was time for the event most commonly dreaded by students, the tests. Yes, the midterms for the first term were right around the corner. Because of this, I spent some time at the library studying, before going home, every day. Frankly, I dislike midterms more than the term finals. After every term finals we get holidays, but after midterms we have school the next day. Makes you question why you even studied so hard. I say all this, but I am not bad at studying or anything. In fact, I rank in the top 10 in our grade most of the times. It's just that I get bored of things really fast, so when I have to read everything again and again for tests, I get pissed off.

Enough ranting about the test system though. I feel every student can write a whole essay demonizing the education system if they tried. What I need right now is a good rest. I sighed and left the library and went home, just to study more.

On my way home I saw a couple flirting in a café feeding each other while blushing.

Aaaah, what a sight for sore eyes. I feel like my stamina bar is filled to the maximum. Recently, I was missing the sugar I got from watching other people flirt and blush, so this unexpected cute sight really energized me. I think I can even pull off an all-nighter now.


POV Haruto Nishikawa

"Yes, I won't be coming to work for about a week."

"I have exams coming up. So I need time for that."


"I will be back after a week for sure."


"Thank you for understanding."

"Phew." I sighed as I put my phone down from my ear.

I still get slight anxiety talking to people whom I don't know very well. At the very least I don't stutter anymore. While having these thoughts the face of a certain girl floated into my mind.

These past couple of weeks my relationship with Hiwari san had kind of stagnated. Of course we were on good terms and would even greet one another if we passed each other in the hallway, and sometimes even have lunch together, but that was about it. I was nowhere close to becoming her lover. How should I make her fall for me? Should I straight up confess? But I feel that would end in an instant rejection. Should I just give up?

"Smack!" I slapped my face with both my hands.

I have already lost one chance because of my cowardliness. There's no way I am going to let this one slip out of my hands as well. Who knows if I will even be in the same class as her tomorrow? With renewed determination I was ready to give it my all when I realized, this is no time to be thinking about love. I have to study for my tests.

I put on a white headband and continued studying till late into the night.


POV Hinata Tsukumo

"aaah, why are you leaving home now Suzuki kun?" I pouted.

"You should study for the mid-terms as well Tsukumo chan"

"But studying will leave us with less time to hang out with each other."

"If you don't study you may fail."

"Even if I sit down for studying, I will only be thinking of you and won't be able to study. Besides I think I will be able to handle the tests even without studying."


I looked at him with the strongest sad eyes I can make.

"Fine." He sighed, "How about we study for the tests together?"

Wait, that's illegal. No, it might actually be genius.

"Wow, I should have thought about it before."

"Where should we study."

Eh? Is this his way of asking if he can come over to my house? Isn't this progression too fast? B-but if it's Suzuki kun…

"Um… we can g-go to my home. D-don't worry my parents are not-"

"I think we should go to a family restaurant or coffee shop." He cut me off.

Finally, we went to a café close to school.

I ordered an espresso and Suzuki kun ordered only a cup of coffee.

"Is it fine if we order something to eat as well? We can study after eating right?"

He looked at me seriously, and said, "Fine, but try to be fast, okay?"

"Fine" I went ahead and ordered a cheesecake for myself.

Suzuki kun had already opened his books. He felt my gaze and looked up.

"If you fail you will have to do supplementary classes. Won't that be a worse than just studying right now?"

"…" Yeah. He's right. I should seriously study instead of trying to avoid it.

"We can go on dates and stuff after the tests, I promise."

I guess I should SERIOUSLY study now.




"Aaah, I am so tired." I said as I stretched my hands. I was so focused I didn't even eat the cheesecake that arrived.

"Shall we stop for today? It's been almost two hours now."

"Yeah" Just then an idea struck me, "Nee, Suzuki kun?"


"Don't I deserve a reward for studying properly?"

"But didn't I already promise we will go on dates after the tests are over?"

"But that's for doing good on the tests."

"Then what do you want?"

"Feed the cake to me."


POV Mitsuru Suzuki

What did she just say? Feed her in public? My ears turned red just by imagining it.

"Will you not?"

Aaagh. How can I say no when she says that to me with such a cute face?

"I took a piece of the cake with a spoon and took it near her mouth.

"Nom. It's really tasty. You should have some too Suzuki kun"

"…" I couldn't respond in time as I was frozen by the cute face of my girlfriend.

"Suzuki kun?"

Before I could understand what was happening a spoonful of cake was put in my as well mouth. I chewed the cake and gulped it down.

"See. It's tasty, isn't it?" She said with a smirk.

My girlfriend had fed me with the same spoon.

"Y-yeah" I lied. The truth was I couldn't taste anything.

I was blushing so hard that I could swear my face would have passed for a red traffic signal.

Aaaaaaaaaa. My girlfriend is so cute I can't handle her. My heart is beating so fast that I can hear it thumping, I don't think it was built for this sort of load.

Honestly, every time I am with her, I feel like I am going to die from a cuteness overload. Even earlier, refusing her was so hard. It's not that I don't want to spend time with her, I will be fine even if I don't study much, but if she fails her tests because of me, I would feel really guilty.

Finally, I managed to make a few words come out my mouth.

"W-wasn't that an in-indirect kiss?"

"Yes, how was it?"

What do you mean how was it? You almost killed me with a heart attack. Thankfully there were only a few people in the café and we didn't make much of a commotion, so no one noticed.

"Anyway. I got my reward, thank you"

"You're welcome" I replied in a small voice.

"How about we study like this every day?"

Everyday? I don't think my heart will be able to handle it.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea."

"But if we don't study together, I won't be able to concentrate."

"Haah" I give up. There's no way I can refuse her when she says it like that. "Okay, but you have to promise me that you will study properly and not play around."


"Now let's go home."

"But we still have to finish the cake." She opened her mouth as if expecting something.

And so, we spent the next half an hour or so feeding each other, blushing like fools.

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