A Supporting Character's Love Story

Chapter 34 - Shimabukuro True Form

Ch 34

POV Shinji Makoto

"Aimai san senchi sorya pur…"

Wake up! Stop the alarm. That was my first instinct as a weeb as soon as I heard that tone.

This is my self-developed secret technique of waking yourself up in less than 5 seconds. By setting the alarm tone to a cringy anime song you lay a trap for yourself. If you don't wake up and shut down the alarm as soon as it starts ringing, everyone will know the kind of trashy songs you like. Just imagine your parents hearing the lucky star opening go off and wonder where they went wrong with raising you.

Anyways, the reason I did this today was that I had to wake up early. Today I was definitely not going to forget to talk to Nakano. That is why I even wanted to go to school early and wait for her to arrive.

Unsurprisingly, I was one of the first ones to arrive to class.

"Haah" I sighed as I sat down in my seat. Now I only had to wait.

The things that happened yesterday flashed through my mind. I wonder how Shimabukuro is right now. I hope she took note of the things I told her. Just as I was thinking of her, yesterday's main culprit entered the class. It seems he had already noticed I was there. As soon as we made eye contact he bent his head down and walked straight to his seat. I saw his hands shivering as well.

Unlike every day, he didn't go to his friend circle to chat. It seems like he really is scared of me now. Obviously, I don't mind this. All I hope is that he doesn't turn this fear he has towards me into anger towards Shimabukuro. This won't do. I need to make him scared from Shimabukuro itself instead of me.

Right then my own target arrived with Hiwari and Tsukumo san behind her. Now I only need a chance to talk to her alone.

"Good morning Nakano." I greeted her casually.

"Good morning"

After looking at me for a moment she turned her head back and continued talking to Hiwari and Tsukumo.


Although she replied back, I'd rather she didn't. At least then I'd know she was angry. Right now, it felt like our relationship had been reset. She was back to being the Nakano I knew at the start of the year. No, unlike back then she wasn't using her ice-cold attitude. What she radiated right now was indifference. She didn't reply in a monotone or anything, but it just felt detached. Ah. Could it be that she used her inborn superiority trait? That would explain the reason for the weird feeling I got while talking to her. But why did she have to use it on me? Doesn't she know that those sort of traits have only a limited effect on me?

Let me explain. A suppressive trait like inborn superiority is more effective when the opposite party doesn't realize it is being used. With my absolute perception trait, I could obviously understand what she was trying to do. Even if she doesn't know the exact use of my trait, she should still know that it is related to observation right? Just then a depressing line of thought crossed my mind. What if she wanted me to know what she did? What if she was indirectly telling me her intentions of cutting off her relations with me?

That exchange really took a hit at my confidence. After that I couldn't even muster the courage to talk to her. Soon the teacher came and started the class. During the break just like yesterday there were again many people around me and Shimabukuro asking us if we were dating each other. In lunch break I ran up to the roof before those idiots could start interrogating me again. Also, I figured out why so many people were this curious about Shimabukuro. Apparently, she had one of the biggest fanclubs in the school. When I heard about it I couldn't believe it. This piece of information did however come from Nakamoto, so it was a rather trustworthy source. Still, for a transfer student to have such popularity was kind of unexpected. But thinking about it further it did make sense. Her looks were A+, body A, and her personality another A, at least that was what they thought. On top of that yesterday's events had only increased her popularity.

The empty roof did help me clear my mind a little. Although I couldn't think of a way to restore mine and Nakano's relationship I could see the first few steps. School was a bad place to take action, there were just too many eyes and too many disturbances. I needed a situation where me and Nakano are alone. Just then I remembered the message I received yesterday. That's right Hiwari's birthday is a good chance right? Although I don't know where we will be going I don't think it will be hard to find some privacy. I mean Tsukumo san already knows what's going on, and Hiwari and Nishikawa can just be shipped off somewhere easily.

With the battle plan ready I focused on the second objective for today. Dealing with Tanaka. The thing is I have never dealt with things like this before, and the things I said to Tanaka yesterday were just lies. I was just thinking about what to do when the door opened and two figures entered the roof. They weren't able to see me since I was sitting leaning on the wall in the shade. When I noticed who it was I decided to stay put.

** ** **

POV Kei Shimabukuro

"Tanaka kun come with me for a second."

I had thought about what onii san told me yesterday. He was correct being overly dependent is nothing more than being a burden. The first time it was Ha chan, the second time it was onii san. I had to learn to solve my problems for myself. This is why I was bringing Tanaka to the roof.

"Where are we going?" He asked me nervously.

"To the roof."

"Umm. I'm really sorry about yesterday. Please don't release that video. I beg you."

"I don't have that video anyways, it's with oni- I mean Makoto kun."

Haah. That was close. I have to be careful to not call him onii san in public. I almost made a mistake.

Soon we arrived at the roof. For some reason Tanaka kun was nervously looking around for something.

"Where is Makoto kun?"

"Why would he be here? This is a matter between you and me."

Hearing my words his attitude suddenly changed.

"Haa? It seems you have the wrong idea. I am not scared of you, but your boyfriend Makoto. Right now you don't have the video to blackmail me, nor is that Makoto bastard here to protect you. What made you think that I wouldn't beat the shit out of you right here, right now? Even if Makoto releases the video after I beat you up I won't face much punishment. I didn't harm you in the video yesterday afterall. At most a few weeks of suspension. All those things he said yesterday were mothing more than a bluff."


"How is it? Are you scared now?"

"A piece of shit like you wouldn't have the guts to do that."

Seems like my attitude made him angrier, as he suddenly threw a punch at me. However, before it could connect I sidestepped it and then,


"Shut up!" I shouted as I slapped him again.

I let the anger flow through me as I spoke.

"You gutless piece of shit think you can beat me? You, who can't even stand being made of yourself and you think that you are a match for me?"


Hearing my words Tanaka stopped speaking.

"Why don't you demonstrate it to me? Don't worry I really don't have the video, nor is Makoto kun anywhere near here. Hmm? Come on. How are you going to hit me again?"

I didn't know why but my eyes felt as if they were glowing when I was speaking.

He averted his eyes from my face. "S-sorry. I-"

In anger I grabbed his face and forcefully turned it so that our eyes met. "Where are you looking? I am right here in front of you. What happened? Where did your courage from before go? Hmm?"

When I left him he dropped on the floor. Some liquid started to spread from his body.

"Look at you, crying and pissing yourself. Do you know how old you are? A highschooler pissing himself."

"I'm sor-sorry."

"Tell me, do you still care about who I like?"

"Hiii.. N-no. I'm sorry."

"Sorry-Sorry-Sorry. Is that all you can say? I don't care about your sorrys. You said sorry yesterday as well didn't you, and today you were back to the same behaviour."

"No. I-I am really. I s-swear. Please let me go."

Seeing him grovelling at my feet killed off all the anger I felt at him. After kicking him lightly I let him go.

"Tch. Leave. I have recorded your actions here. If you ever dare to do anything next time…"

"Th-thank you."

Without even looking up at me he ran downstairs.

Haah. I felt empty after taking out all the anger. How could I let a spineless douchebag like this even touch me yesterday?

It was only then I noticed the person peeking from behind the wall.

"O-onii san?"

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