A Supporting Character's Love Story

Chapter 54 - First Term Is Over.

Ch 54

POV Shinji Makoto

"Can we take a break now?"


"But we've been studying from a whole hour now."

"That may be true but look at the progress you've made. You have barely solved 3 questions."

"But I am tired."

"No means no. And weren't you the one who wanted me to teach you in the first place?"

"I didn't know it'd be spartan training." She mumbled under her breath but I was able to catch it.



"It's about drive, it's about power."

"umm… right."

Currently me and Akari were at a family restaurant preparing for the exam that was a week away. This past week we had spent everyday the same way, studying together after school.

Although she complained every so often she did diligently put in the effort like I told her to which was really surprising for me. I had really thought she would give up after a few days. And the results were also evident. With this level of preparation, I was at least confident that she wouldn't fail.

"Oh Akari, hi." Just then a surprised voice called Akari.

Both of us turned to look at where it came from and what came into view was Suzuki kun and Tsukumo san holding hands.

When he saw us Suzuki kun suddenly blushed and left Tsukumo san's hand. It was the classic embarrassment reaction.

Soon they both were sitting on the same table as us and had their books in front of them.

"You guys are also here to study?" I asked them in surprise.

The one who responded however was not one of them but Akari, "Hinata is not much better than me in academics just so you know."

Tsukumo san who clearly thought otherwise instantly protested, "What a joke, at least I don't almost fail my tests. Imagine just passing the tests."

They continued to argue to five minutes or so before me and Suzuki kun made them stop and make them concentrate on the notebook in front of them.

An hour later me and Suzuki kun were checking the questions solve by Akari and Tsukumo san.

"I don't understand how did you two manage to enter this high school with this level of academics." I sighed as I crossed out an answer.

"It was all thanks to Shizuo's efforts in teaching us."

I shed a silent tear to the effort Hiwari san put into so that these two managed to get into this school.

"Although a lot of questions are wrong I think it is enough to at least pass the tests." Suzuki kun said as he put down his pen.

At that statement excitement was apparent on the two people's faces in front of me.


"We're done for today then."

Before we could say anything, they both got up and ran out.

"That is why sometimes you should just lie instead of telling the truth." I said with a wry smile to Suzuki kun.

"I understand that now."




And so the days passed one by one. Each one inching us closer to the exams.

Unexpectedly, both Akari and Tsukumo san did put in some effort even after that event, although it was only the minimal amount required and that was also after me and Suzuki kun hounded them to do so.

I got to know this later but even Nishikawa got in a few days in studying together with Hiwari san and Shimabukuro in the library. But with both of them present I didn't know how much of actual studying was going on in there.

With the students cramming all the knowledge they could on just the day before the exam day finally arrived.




"Time's up. Stop writing."

It's over. I stretched my arms and cracked my fingers.

The paper was not that hard but it wasn't easy either. From what I could see in Akari's face when she got the paper she didn't seem very nervous, so I was expecting that it went good for her as well.

I picked up my bag and was going to go home and enjoy when Akari suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Since the exams are over let's go enjoy today."

That is exactly what I planned to do alone. Is what I thought but instead what came out of my mouth was "Where do you want to go?"

"How about we visit the beach?"

My mind couldn't compute what she meant.

"You want to make an hour long trip after a tiring exam?"

"If we hurry we might even catch the sunset."

I wasn't really in the mood to party with others right now. My mind was exhausted.

Just then Nakamura's voice called out my name, "Hey Makoto, Nakano san you want to join us? We are going to the mall."

Another invitation. I usually did go with him to places after schools which I hadn't done in quite some time and since Akari also wanted to do something fun I was going to accept his invitation but before I could open my mouth Akari responded.

"Makoto and I are busy and won't be able to come." She even released her suppression as she said that which didn't leave any room for persuading us to join. Seeing the situation Nakamura just smiled, "I see. That's fine as well."

"Why did you reject him?" I asked in a low voice to Nakano. Wasn't she the one who wanted to go have a party?

"Didn't I say you were coming with me to the beach?"

"Wait. You mean only us two?"

"Obviously, who else."

I had thought she wanted to go there with Tsukumo and Hiwari san, and if those two would come then Nishikawa, Shimabukuro and Suzuki would also not be left out. Basically, it would be the whole group. That was also the main reason I didn't want to go. But if it were only us two…

"Let's go." My hand was pulled by Akari.




The sound of the sea, the smell of the seawater, the waves lapping our feet. It was after a long time I had visited the beach. It took us a full hour to get here by train, and I was tired, but for some reason I didn't mind as long as my hand was being held by someone.

We were standing in the wet sand and the waves were periodically wetting our ankles and retreating. A soft breeze was blowing which made Akari's hair dance in the wind as if it were some sort of anime.

We could see the sun slowly sinking below the horizon. This was one of the few times my heart was truly moved from seeing a scene. I had seen too many sunsets in my life but it was this one that moved me. The only thing that was special about this one was the person standing beside me.


"Yes" I said as I turned towards her.

"I have never said this properly so I thought I had to say it. Don't laugh okay."

What does she want to say? I was very confused and curious as well. I mean she made me come all the way here, it was probably for this right? But whatever possibilities were in my mind none of them were even close to what the answer was.

She took a deep breath before saying, "I love you."

That was a surprise attack. My heart started beating like a sledgehammer the moment those words came out of her mouth.



I stared at her beautiful eyes just as she stared into mine before,

"pfft. hahaha" I couldn't hold it anymore.

"You said you wouldn't laugh." Akari grabbed my collar in anger as she pouted cutely.

"I did. But when you said to not laugh I- hahaha."

So she bought me all the way, created a romantic atmosphere, only to confess to me? Akari you are too cute. I wanted to hug her but seeing me laugh must have pissed her off because when I tried to do that she pushed me away.

The sudden push made me lose balance and by reflex I held Akari's waist which made her fall down on top of me.

Suddenly our faces were barely an inch away from each other's which made us both top speaking.

"I love you too Akari."

I pulled her head closer as I whispered that and the next seconds our lips were in contact.

We spent five minutes like that lying in the sand, kissing before we broke up. Although we stopped kissing we were still lying like that. It was weirdly comfortable to lie in the sand and not care about the world around us.

"What if somebody saw us acting this shamelessly in public?" Akari asked after a few moments passed in silence

"Don't worry. There are no people around and it is also dark now. It is not likely anyone will even notice us." I replied to her lying in my arms.

With that small exchange silence fell again. We stayed in that position until my arms started to become sore with Akari's weight.

"The back of my shirt is wet." I complained to Akari who was dusting the sand off her clothes.

"You were the one who fell down with that light push."

"I just recovered from cold. What if I fall sick again?"

"Serves you right for laughing at me then."

"So heartless!"

"Is that something you just found out?" She asked with the most devilish but cute grin.

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