A Sweet Marriage Is Worth Billions: Mysterious Young Master Moh’s Cute and Sweet Wife

Chapter 311: "Shen Orange" was photographed as an alien attack

  Along the way, Mo Wen drove "Shen Orange".

  Mo Yanchen and Shen Cheng sat quietly in the back seat of the car. He reached out to fasten her seat belts. Girl Shen went to sleep when she was full, turned her head and leaned on her shoulder, and soon fell asleep.

  He reached out and took the blanket to cover her body, and then whispered to Mo Wen.

   "Have you taken care of everything?"

   "Well, Brother Chen, don't worry, the director's side, I personally made the phone call, I believe she will not make a big noise, and the lady is so smart, that woman dare not mess around." Mo Wen responded in a low voice.

  The voices of the two were very low, and they were afraid that they would make the sleeping person noisy.

  "How did you investigate the explosion of the LX building?" Mo Yanchen lowered his voice, asked in a low voice, and reached out his hand to pick up the notebook beside the armrest.

  The most indispensable thing about "Chen Orange" is the system electrical appliances.

"The explosion is very strange. The set time, as seen from the video, was the time we happened to be passing by. Moreover, there happened to be a power outage inside, and many people came out! The casualties were not very large. According to the information I found, it has been posted. Sent a copy to your mailbox." Mo asked.

  This incident is too coincidental. The LX project was nominated that year, and the installation and engineering are all top-notch. How could it explode? Inside it is a security check every half an hour.

   "Hmm." Mo Yanchen whispered, reaching out to hold the information, and time passed without knowing it.

  From City A to City C, it is actually a four-hour drive if you take the highway, but Chencheng is a restless child! The speed of the car was surprisingly fast. Due to the explosion incident yesterday, in order to reduce the incident, Mo Yanchen decided to drive back, so he did not go to the airport.

  Shen Orange slept quietly for two hours, and when she woke up, she was full of energy.

   Seeing the Ipad he put aside, she reached out and picked it up, and then covered him with the blanket on her body. Mo Yanchen's eyebrows moved lightly, but she did not open his eyes.

  "Alien flying object?" She watched the news and went in curiously.

  I saw someone photographed a group of things, flying in the air, higher than the building, but it was definitely not an airplane!

  When she zoomed in, her mouth was shocked into an O-shape, and she couldn't believe she was photographed.

  Isn’t this the result of her madness last night? This is clearly the effect of the "Shen Orange" when it set off. As a result, it is now called an "alien object". What's even more funny is that some people say it is a crossing plane.

   "I can blow." She whispered, swiping her fingertips, and ran to read the comments, laughing silly as she watched.

  She swears that she will never dare to fly in the future again. This is too amazing. Now that so many rumors have been created, the government may still make a move and must shoot down this alien flying object.

   "Hey, are you in Jiangdong?" She suddenly raised her head, looking at the river outside and the surrounding scenery, and said with some joy.

   "Like it?" He opened his eyes suddenly and glanced at the scenery outside.

"Well, can you stay for a while? I want to go for a walk." She lay there, looking at the scenery outside. Although it was winter, there were many maple trees beside the "Jiangdong" road. Looking ahead, Huang Cancan Yes, there are also some green leaves, the scenery is really beautiful.

  The river is not far away, the water is clear and the bottom is visible, and the aquamarine green makes people want to carry the rhythm of the SLR.

  "Do not ask, enter the scenic spot." Mo Yanchen whispered, and Mo Wen answered and drove the car into the scenic spot.

  Shen Chengjing didn't stop for a moment. He picked up the SLR and ran to the river. Mo Yanchen took his coat and strode behind him.

  "Run carefully, don't kick the rocks."

   "I see." She gave him a gesture of God and patted wildly.

  Mo Wenyi was by the car, smoking a cigarette, but his eyes looked around vigilantly, worried that bad people might appear.

  PS: Well, the wedding is about to begin. After the wedding, there are still very rough, hey, I'm afraid you say I was too violent.

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