Shen Chengjing put the bag aside, turned to look at Pan Ru, and forcefully grabbed her: "Pain? What's so painful? When you want to hurt me, don't you think I will hurt more?"

   "I, I didn't want to hurt you." Pan Ru gasped constantly, but Chen Chengjing reached out and pinched her neck tightly, pulling her up.

  Pan Ru's breathing became panting as a result, and she stretched out her hand to pat her constantly, but Chen Chengjing's strength was greater than her, and with a hard pinch, her eyes turned white and her breathing became more and more difficult.

  When she almost died, Chen Chengjing slammed her to the sofa.

   "Cough, cough." Pan Ru looked at her in horror, never thinking that Shen Chengjing would be so terrible.

  She completely seemed to have become a killer, cold and ruthless, even the eyes were so cold, completely different from before.

   "Pop." Shen Chengjing opened her bag and took out a contract and pen in front of her.

   "If you don't want to make matters worse, just sign it. Otherwise, after I walk out of this gate, you Ms. Pan will be ruined, then I don't care." She warned and looked at her, believing that Pan Ru also knows how powerful it is.

  Pan Ru was silent, shaking his hands and picking up the pen, wanted to sign, but hesitated.

"Want to wait for Shen Zhicai to come back? If this is a big deal, you can only go out of the house by his means. You only need to authorize the shares to me. Then, I will help you keep the matter secret. , You can still be your Madam Shen openly and enjoy the glory and wealth. No one will ever know about this." Shen Chengjing had a showdown with her. Today, she knew that Shen Zhicai was not there before she came to grasp Pan Ru’s weakness. .

  Today she promised to win, no matter what, she forced Pan Ru to sign.

   "You!" Pan Ru was itchy with hatred. His eyelids have been twitching today, but Chen Chengjing actually returned.

   "I'm very busy. If you don't sign, then I can't help it." She looked at the time with her mobile phone, looking very impatient.

Pan Ru took the pen and signed, Shen Chengjing was very smart. She turned on the photography mode. When Pan Ru was signing, she was photographed the whole process. If it is time, she will regret it, if there is an emergency At that time, she still had evidence.

  No matter what, it’s always good to keep an eye on it.

  "You can go now." After Pan Ru bookmarked the authorization, he handed the contract to her with hatred. After Shen Chengjing confirmed it, he put it away.

   "Thanks, remember, don't mention this to anyone." Shen Chengjing still did not forget to exhort, after all, she would not let Shen Zhicai notice it.

  She wants to get it back bit by bit, and when that happens, Shen Zhicai has nowhere to go.

  At this time, there was the sound of footsteps outside, and I heard a little panic, like the sound of trotting, and then I heard the noise outside, getting louder and louder.

   "Bang" At this moment, someone broke in and reached out and slammed the door shut.

  Shen Ziqian and Shen Linlin came back at the same time, still carrying something in their hands.

  When I was in the hospital, I was harassed by the reporters. He even went to a toilet and was broken in. Today's mental state is better. Shen Linlin happened to be in the hospital. With her help, she escaped, unexpectedly being chased back to Shen's house by reporters.

   "Miss Shen, please explain, what happened to those scandals?"

  "Ms. Shen, do you mind those one-night stands?"

   "Miss Shen, can you answer, are you now married or divorced?"

  These reporters, who cares about her, just want to write headlines, it is even more curious. After this incident, Shen Ziqian is Miss Shen, or is it still Shao Mo?

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